104 research outputs found

    Regularized Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Topology Search

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    Designing neural networks for object recognition requires considerable architecture engineering. As a remedy, neuro-evolutionary network architecture search, which automatically searches for optimal network architectures using evolutionary algorithms, has recently become very popular. Although very effective, evolutionary algorithms rely heavily on having a large population of individuals (i.e., network architectures) and is therefore memory expensive. In this work, we propose a Regularized Evolutionary Algorithm with low memory footprint to evolve a dynamic image classifier. In details, we introduce novel custom operators that regularize the evolutionary process of a micro-population of 10 individuals. We conduct experiments on three different digits datasets (MNIST, USPS, SVHN) and show that our evolutionary method obtains competitive results with the current state-of-the-art

    Self-building Neural Networks

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    During the first part of life, the brain develops while it learns through a process called synaptogenesis. The neurons, growing and interacting with each other, create synapses. However, eventually the brain prunes those synapses. While previous work focused on learning and pruning independently, in this work we propose a biologically plausible model that, thanks to a combination of Hebbian learning and pruning, aims to simulate the synaptogenesis process. In this way, while learning how to solve the task, the agent translates its experience into a particular network structure. Namely, the network structure builds itself during the execution of the task. We call this approach Self-building Neural Network (SBNN). We compare our proposed SBNN with traditional neural networks (NNs) over three classical control tasks from OpenAI. The results show that our model performs generally better than traditional NNs. Moreover, we observe that the performance decay while increasing the pruning rate is smaller in our model than with NNs. Finally, we perform a validation test, testing the models over tasks unseen during the learning phase. In this case, the results show that SBNNs can adapt to new tasks better than the traditional NNs, especially when over 80%80\% of the weights are pruned.Comment: To appear in the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '23 Companion) Proceedings, July 15--19, 2023, Lisbon, Portuga

    Evaluating MAP-Elites on Constrained Optimization Problems

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    Constrained optimization problems are often characterized by multiple constraints that, in the practice, must be satisfied with different tolerance levels. While some constraints are hard and as such must be satisfied with zero-tolerance, others may be soft, such that non-zero violations are acceptable. Here, we evaluate the applicability of MAP-Elites to "illuminate" constrained search spaces by mapping them into feature spaces where each feature corresponds to a different constraint. On the one hand, MAP-Elites implicitly preserves diversity, thus allowing a good exploration of the search space. On the other hand, it provides an effective visualization that facilitates a better understanding of how constraint violations correlate with the objective function. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach on a large set of benchmark problems, in various dimensionalities, and with different algorithmic configurations. As expected, numerical results show that a basic version of MAP-Elites cannot compete on all problems (especially those with equality constraints) with state-of-the-art algorithms that use gradient information or advanced constraint handling techniques. Nevertheless, it has a higher potential at finding constraint violations vs. objectives trade-offs and providing new problem information. As such, it could be used in the future as an effective building-block for designing new constrained optimization algorithms

    Improved search methods for assessing Delay-Tolerant Networks vulnerability to colluding strong heterogeneous attacks

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    Increasingly more digital communication is routed among wireless, mobile computers over ad-hoc, unsecured communication channels. In this paper, we design two stochastic search algorithms (a greedy heuristic, and an evolutionary algorithm) which automatically search for strong insider attack methods against a given ad-hoc, delay-tolerant communication protocol, and thus expose its weaknesses. To assess their performance, we apply the two algorithms to two simulated, large-scale mobile scenarios (of different route morphology) with 200 nodes having free range of movement. We investigate a choice of two standard attack strategies (dropping messages and flooding the network), and four delay-tolerant routing protocols: First Contact, Epidemic, Spray and Wait, and MaxProp. We find dramatic drops in performance: replicative protocols (Epidemic, Spray and Wait, MaxProp), formerly deemed resilient, are compromised to different degrees (delivery rates between 24% and 87%), while a forwarding protocol (First Contact) is shown to drop delivery rates to under 5% — in all cases by well-crafted attack strategies and with an attacker group of size less than 10% the total network size. Overall, we show that the two proposed methods combined constitute an effective means to discover (at design-time) and raise awareness about the weaknesses and strengths of existing ad-hoc, delay-tolerant communication protocols against potential malicious cyber-attacks

    Learning with Delayed Synaptic Plasticity

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    The plasticity property of biological neural networks allows them to perform learning and optimize their behavior by changing their configuration. Inspired by biology, plasticity can be modeled in artificial neural networks by using Hebbian learning rules, i.e. rules that update synapses based on the neuron activations and reinforcement signals. However, the distal reward problem arises when the reinforcement signals are not available immediately after each network output to associate the neuron activations that contributed to receiving the reinforcement signal. In this work, we extend Hebbian plasticity rules to allow learning in distal reward cases. We propose the use of neuron activation traces (NATs) to provide additional data storage in each synapse to keep track of the activation of the neurons. Delayed reinforcement signals are provided after each episode relative to the networks' performance during the previous episode. We employ genetic algorithms to evolve delayed synaptic plasticity (DSP) rules and perform synaptic updates based on NATs and delayed reinforcement signals. We compare DSP with an analogous hill climbing algorithm that does not incorporate domain knowledge introduced with the NATs, and show that the synaptic updates performed by the DSP rules demonstrate more effective training performance relative to the HC algorithm.Comment: GECCO201

    Large-scale multi-objective influence maximisation with network downscaling

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    Finding the most influential nodes in a network is a computationally hard problem with several possible applications in various kinds of network-based problems. While several methods have been proposed for tackling the influence maximisation (IM) problem, their runtime typically scales poorly when the network size increases. Here, we propose an original method, based on network downscaling, that allows a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) to solve the IM problem on a reduced scale network, while preserving the relevant properties of the original network. The downscaled solution is then upscaled to the original network, using a mechanism based on centrality metrics such as PageRank. Our results on eight large networks (including two with ∼\sim50k nodes) demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with a more than 10-fold runtime gain compared to the time needed on the original network, and an up to 82%82\% time reduction compared to CELF
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