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9 research outputs found
International Migration and the Academic Performance of Mexican Adolescents
Arnaut A.
Backoff E.
+36 more
Bentler P.
Bronfenbrenner U.
Bryant Jensen
Cárdenas S.
Durand J.
Eduardo Hernández Padilla
Giorguli S.
Giorguli S.
Giorguli S.
Giorguli S.
Hanson G.
INEE (Instituto Nacional para la Evaluacion de la Educacion)
INEE (Instituto Nacional para la Evaluacion de la Educacion)
INEE (Instituto Nacional para la Evaluacion de la Educacion)
Jensen B.
Jensen B.
Lopez-Cordova E.
Lu Y.
Menjívar C.
Meza L.
Miranda A.
Passel J.
Pérez Martínez M. G.
Reimers F.
Santibañez L.
Sawyer A.
Schmelkes S.
Schmelkes S.
Secretaría de Educación Pública
Silvia Giorguli Saucedo
Solís P.
Stark O.
Treviño E.
Vegas E.
Yabiku S.
Zúñiga V.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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The impact of outmigration of men on fertility and marriage in the migrant-sending states of Mexico, 1995–2000
Bongaarts J.
Castro-Martin T.
+9 more
Giorguli Saucedo S. E.
Joseph E. Potter
Kandel W.
Kari White
Massey D. S.
Parrado E. A.
Pebley A. R.
Quilodrán J.
Woodward M.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Demography's role in sustainable development
Butz W.P.
Castro M.
+21 more
Dasgupta P.
Demeny P.G.
Ehrlich I.
Giorguli S.
Habte D.
Haug W.
Hayes A.
Herrmann M.
Jiang L.
King D.
Kotte D.
Lees M.
Lutz W.
Makinwa-Adebusoye P.K.
Mcgranahan G.
Mishra V.
Montgomery M.R.
Peng X.
Riahi K.
Scherbov S.
Yeoh B.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Education as Part of the Migratory Project of Latin American Migrant Women Traveling to the United States in Undocumented Conditions
Blanca Delia Vázquez Delgado
Canales A. I.
+15 more
El Colef UNICEF OEI, &
Giménez R. C.
Giorguli S. E.
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Leal O.
Lázaro L. M.
Rocio Cardenas-Rodríguez
Roque B. E.
Sen A.
Telles E. E.
Teresa Elizabeth Cueva-Luna
Teresa Terrón-Caro
Terrón-Caro T.
Tinley A.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Indirectly Estimating International Net Migration Flows by Age and Gender
Abel G. J.
Bilsborrow R. E.
+21 more
Brown S. K.
Castles S.
Center for Global Development (CGD)
Giorguli Saucedo S. E.
Leiwen Jiang
Marcelli E. A.
Nawrotzki R. J.
Nowok B.
Ozden C.
Perruchoud R.
Piguet E.
Preston S.
R Core Team
Raphael J. Nawrotzki
Tsai P. L.
United Nations
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
United Nations Population Division (UNPD)
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (UNDESA)
United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD)
Zlotnik H.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
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Gendered Patterns of Remitting and Saving among Mexican Families with U.S. Migration Experience
Abrego Leisy J.
Amuedo-Dorantes Catalina
+19 more
Arias Patricia
Bach Jonathan
Binford Leigh
De Hass Hein
de la Briere Bénédicte
Fundación BBVA Bancomer y Consejo Nacional de Población
Giorguli Silvia E.
Glick Schiller Nina
Grasmuck Sherri
Hernández Cuevas
Jones Richard C.
María Aysa-Lastra
Massey Douglas S.
Mines Richard
Orozco Manuel
Ratha Dilip
Salazar Perreñas Rhacel
Stark Oded
Wiest Raymond. E.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The momentum of transnational social spaces in Mexico-US-migration
A Palloni
A Portes
+38 more
A Wimmer
C Kerr
C Menjívar
C Menjívar
D Jacobson
DS Massey
DS Massey
DS Massey
DS Massey
DS Massey
E Torre
EG Salas
F Besserer
G Vernez
J Durand
L Basch
L Goldring
L Goldring
L Pries
L Pries
LB Lowell
Luis Eduardo Guarnizo
M Ambrosini
MB Aguilera
Michel Beine
MJ Piore
O Stark
O Stark
P Andreas
P Levitt
PB Doeringer
R Alarcón
R Griswold del Castillo
S Castles
S Khagram
SE Giorguli Saucedo
Statistical Yearbook
T Faist
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Is Money Enough?: The Effect of Migrant Remittances on Parental Aspirations and Youth Educational Attainment in Rural Mexico
Adam Sawyer
Andrews A.
+42 more
Banco Nacional de México
Banco Nacional de México
Behrman J.
Borraz F.
Bracho T.
Cabrera B.
Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO)
Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO)
Cornelius W. C.
Cornelius W. C.
Cornelius W. C.
Dreby J.
Durand J.
Fitzgerald D.
Giorguli S.
Glick J.
Hanson G.
INEE (Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación)
INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática)
Jencks C.
Jensen B.
Kandel W.
Kandel W.
Kao G.
LeVine R.
McKenzie D.
Menjivar C.
Miranda A.
Molyneux M.
Orozco M.
Parker S. W.
Passel J.
Passel J.
Ratha D.
Ratha D.
Reimers F.
Santibañez L.
Sawyer A.
Sawyer A.
Sawyer A.
Sewell W.
Terrazas A.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Returning to a New Mexican Labor Market? Regional Variation in the Economic Incorporation of Return Migrants from the U.S. to Mexico
A González-Barrera
A Villarreal
+58 more
AB Trejo Nieto
C Masferrer
C Masferrer
C Masferrer
C Wheatley
Claudia Masferrer
Covadonga Meseguer
D Medina
D París Pombo
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security
DP Lindstrom
DP Lindstrom
DS Massey
DS Massey
E Pacheco
EA Parrado
EA Parrado
ED Vargas Valle
EH Hernández Laos
El Colegio de México
EY Gutiérrez Vázquez
F Mestries
F Riosmena
F Riosmena
G Garza
I Vlase
J Durand
J Glick
J Hagan
J Hagan
J Hagan
J Papail
J van Hook
JP Cassarino
JS Passel
L Meza González
L Quintana Romero
L Rivera Sánchez
M Da Cruz
M Solís Lizama
ME Anguiano-Téllez
ME D’Aubeterre
MS Rendall
MS Rendall
NA Valenzuela Sánchez
Nicole Denier
P Ruiz Nápoles
P Solís
R Becerra Pérez
R Cota Yáñez
R Salas Alfaro
RE De Hoyos
RM Campos-Vazquez
S Eckstein
SE Giorguli-Saucedo
V Zúñiga
VG Reyes de la Cruz
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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