158 research outputs found

    Resilient Blocks for Summarising Distributed Data

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    Summarising distributed data is a central routine for parallel programming, lying at the core of widely used frameworks such as the map/reduce paradigm. In the IoT context it is even more crucial, being a privileged mean to allow long-range interactions: in fact, summarising is needed to avoid data explosion in each computational unit. We introduce a new algorithm for dynamic summarising of distributed data, weighted multi-path, improving over the state-of-the-art multi-path algorithm. We validate the new algorithm in an archetypal scenario, taking into account sources of volatility of many sorts and comparing it to other existing implementations. We thus show that weighted multi-path retains adequate accuracy even in high-variability scenarios where the other algorithms are diverging significantly from the correct values.Comment: In Proceedings ALP4IoT 2017, arXiv:1802.0097

    Gait-Based Diplegia Classification Using LSMT Networks

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    Diplegia is a specific subcategory of the wide spectrum of motion disorders gathered under the name of cerebral palsy. Recent works proposed to use gait analysis for diplegia classification paving the way for automated analysis. A clinically established gait-based classification system divides diplegic patients into 4 main forms, each one associated with a peculiar walking pattern. In this work, we apply two different deep learning techniques, namely, multilayer perceptron and recurrent neural networks, to automatically classify children into the 4 clinical forms. For the analysis, we used a dataset comprising gait data of 174 patients collected by means of an optoelectronic system. The measurements describing walking patterns have been processed to extract 27 angular parameters and then used to train both kinds of neural networks. Classification results are comparable with those provided by experts in 3 out of 4 forms

    Mitochondrial Complex I: Structural and functional aspects

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    AbstractThis review examines two aspects of the structure and function of mitochondrial Complex I (NADH Coenzyme Q oxidoreductase) that have become matter of recent debate. The supramolecular organization of Complex I and its structural relation with the remainder of the respiratory chain are uncertain. Although the random diffusion model [C.R. Hackenbrock, B. Chazotte, S.S. Gupte, The random collision model and a critical assessment of diffusion and collision in mitochondrial electron transport, J. Bioenerg. Biomembranes 18 (1986) 331–368] has been widely accepted, recent evidence suggests the presence of supramolecular aggregates. In particular, evidence for a Complex I–Complex III supercomplex stems from both structural and kinetic studies. Electron transfer in the supercomplex may occur by electron channelling through bound Coenzyme Q in equilibrium with the pool in the membrane lipids. The amount and nature of the lipids modify the aggregation state and there is evidence that lipid peroxidation induces supercomplex disaggregation. Another important aspect in Complex I is its capacity to reduce oxygen with formation of superoxide anion. The site of escape of the single electron is debated and either FMN, iron–sulphur clusters, and ubisemiquinone have been suggested. The finding in our laboratory that two classes of hydrophobic inhibitors have opposite effects on superoxide production favours an iron–sulphur cluster (presumably N2) is the direct oxygen reductant. The implications in human pathology of better knowledge on these aspects of Complex I structure and function are briefly discussed

    Frequency map analysis of resonances in a nonlinear lattice with space charge

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    Abstract In storage rings for heavy ion fusion beam losses must be minimized. During bunch compression high space charge is reached and the reciprocal effects between the collective modes of the beam and the single particle lattice nonlinearities must be considered to understand the problem of resonance crossing and halo formation. We show that the frequency map analysis of particle in core models gives an adequate description of the resonance network and of the chaotic regions where the halo particles can diffuse

    Benzothiazolium-functionalized NU-1000 : a versatile material for carbon dioxide adsorption and cyanide luminescence sensing

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    The benzothiazolium-decorated NU-1000-BzTz MOF is a versatile material for carbon dioxide storage and cyanide luminescence sensing in aqueous solutions

    440 Assessing cardiac output by echocardiography: is contrast always better?

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    Abstract Aims Contrast echocardiography is very useful in clinical cardiology. It is mainly performed for the assessment of global left ventricular (LV) function, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and stroke volume (SV), thanks to improved visualization of endocardial LV borders. Contrast echocardiography, however, is not always easily available, it is more expensive than an ordinary echocardiography and it can be contraindicated in some situations (e.g. in the presence of egg allergy). This study aimed to compare the estimation of cardiac output during traditional transthoracic echocardiography and after the injection of (Sonovue) contrast. Methods and results Patients who underwent an echocardiography with and without injection of (Sonovue) contrast between April 2019 and September 2021 were enrolled in the study. A complete transthoracic echocardiography was performed and Sonovue contrast was then injected. End-diastolic and end-systolic left ventricular volume in apex 4 and 2 chamber views, biplane LVEF with Simpson's formula, end-diastolic and end-systolic left ventricular diameters in parasternal long axis were measured prior and after injecting contrast. Left ventricular outflow tract diameter (LVOTd) was measured and LV outflow tract velocity time integral was traced in order to calculate LVOT VTI SV, as the product of LVOT cross sectional area (assuming that LVOT is circular) to the LVOT VTI. LVOT VTI SV obtained during traditional echocardiography was compared to LVEF SV, calculated as the difference between end-diastolic and end-systolic volume traced after injecting Sonovue contrast. Seventy-eight patients were enrolled in the study. Forty-two had history of CAD, 22 presented dilatative cardiomyopathy, 2 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HMC), 1 arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia; 16 had atrial fibrillation, 66 arterial hypertension, and 20 diabetes. The main indications for contrast echocardiography were measurement of EF (39 cases) and exclusion of thrombi in LV apex (18 cases). Other indications were suspect of HCM, atrial myxoma or LV non-compaction. LVOT VTI stroke volume was calculated in 64 patients (LVOT diameter was not well visualized in 8 patients and LVOT VTI could not be measured in 14 patients due to poor acoustic windows). In the same patients LVEF Stroke Volume was also calculated. A strong correlation (P-value < 0.0001) between LVOT stroke volume and LVEF Stroke Volume was found (Figure 1). Conclusions Contrast echocardiography is very useful in clinical practice, however, requires trained physicians and its use is not widespread. This study demonstrates that estimating cardiac output through LVOT VTI SV, in patients with suboptimal echo images can be equally accurate as measuring LVEF SV with contrast echocardiography. This could be particularly useful in the acute settings when contrast echocardiography isn't always feasible and knowing cardiac output can be important for therapeutic implications

    Label-free toxicology screening of primary human mesenchymal cells and iPS-derived neurons

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    The high-throughput, label-free Corning Epic assay has applications in drug discovery, pharmacogenomics, cell receptor signaling, cell migration, and viral titration. The utility of Epic technology for biocompatibility testing has not been well established. In manufacturing of medical devices, in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility assessments are mandatory, according to ISO 10993. The new medical device regulation MDR 745/2017 specifies that ex vivo assays that can closely recapitulate in vivo scenarios are needed to better evaluate biomedical devices. We propose herein that Epic technology\u2014which enables detection of variations in cell mass distribution\u2014is suitable for biocompatibility screening of compounds. In this study, we challenged primary human osteoblasts, endothelial cells, and neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells with specific concentrations of methyl methacrylate (MMA). Polymeric MMA has long been applied in cranioplasty, where it makes contact with multiple cell types. Application of Epic technology yielded real-time cytotoxicity profiles for all considered cell types. The results were compared with those from microscopic observation of the same culture plate used in the Epic analyses. The Epic assay should be further examined for its utility for cell biology, genomics, and proteomics companion assays. Our results suggest that Epic technology can be applied to biocompatibility evaluation of human cells in medical device development

    Scoring pleurisy in slaughtered pigs using convolutional neural networks

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    Diseases of the respiratory system are known to negatively impact the profitability of the pig industry, worldwide. Considering the relatively short lifespan of pigs, lesions can be still evident at slaughter, where they can be usefully recorded and scored. Therefore, the slaughterhouse represents a key check-point to assess the health status of pigs, providing unique and valuable feedback to the farm, as well as an important source of data for epidemiological studies. Although relevant, scoring lesions in slaughtered pigs represents a very time-consuming and costly activity, thus making difficult their systematic recording. The present study has been carried out to train a convolutional neural network-based system to automatically score pleurisy in slaughtered pigs. The automation of such a process would be extremely helpful to enable a systematic examination of all slaughtered livestock. Overall, our data indicate that the proposed system is well able to differentiate half carcasses affected with pleurisy from healthy ones, with an overall accuracy of 85.5%. The system was better able to recognize severely affected half carcasses as compared with those showing less severe lesions. The training of convolutional neural networks to identify and score pneumonia, on the one hand, and the achievement of trials in large capacity slaughterhouses, on the other, represent the natural pursuance of the present study. As a result, convolutional neural network-based technologies could provide a fast and cheap tool to systematically record lesions in slaughtered pigs, thus supplying an enormous amount of useful data to all stakeholders in the pig industry

    Mutant MYO1F alters the mitochondrial network and induces tumor proliferation in thyroid cancer

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    Familial aggregation is a significant risk factor for the development of thyroid cancer and Familial Non-Medullary Thyroid Cancer (FNMTC) accounts for 5-7% of all NMTC. Whole Exome Sequencing analysis in the family affected by FNMTC with oncocytic features where our group previously identified a predisposing locus on chromosome 19p13.2, revealed a novel heterozygous mutation (c.400G>A, NM_012335; p.Gly134Ser) in exon 5 of MYO1F, mapping to the linkage locus. In the thyroid FRTL-5 cell model stably expressing the mutant MYO1F p.Gly134Ser protein we observed an altered mitochondrial network, with increased mitochondrial mass and a significant increase of both intracellular and extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species, compared to cells expressing the wild-type protein or carrying the empty vector. The mutation conferred a significant advantage in colony formation, invasion and anchorage independent growth. These data were corroborated by in vivo studies in zebrafish, since we demonstrated that the mutant MYO1F p.Gly134Ser, when overexpressed, can induce proliferation in whole vertebrate embryos, compared to the wild-type one. MYO1F screening in additional 192 FNMTC families identified another variant in exon 7, which leads to exon skipping, and is predicted to alter the ATP-binding domain in MYO1F. Our study identified for the first time a role for MYO1F in NMTC. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Engagement of basal amygdala‐nucleus accumbens glutamate neurons in the processing of rewarding or aversive social stimuli

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    Basal amygdala (BA) neurons projecting to nucleus accumbens (NAc) core/shell are primarily glutamatergic and are integral to the circuitry of emotional processing. Several recent mouse studies have addressed whether neurons in this population(s) respond to reward, aversion or both emotional valences. The focus has been on processing of physical emotional stimuli, and here, we extend this to salient social stimuli. In male mice, an iterative study was conducted into engagement of BA‐NAc neurons in response to estrous female (social reward, SR) and/or aggressive‐dominant male (social aversion, SA). In BL/6J mice, SR and SA activated c‐Fos expression in a high and similar number/density of BA‐NAc neurons in the anteroposterior intermediate BA (int‐BA), whereas activation was predominantly by SA in posterior (post‐)BA. In Fos‐TRAP2 mice, compared with SR‐SR or SA‐SA controls, exposure to successive presentation of SR‐SA or SA‐SR, followed by assessment of tdTomato reporter and/or c‐Fos expression, demonstrated that many int‐BA‐NAc neurons were activated by only one of SR and SA; these SR/SA monovalent neurons were similar in number and present in both magnocellular and parvocellular int‐BA subregions. In freely moving BL/6J mice exposed to SR, bulk GCaMP6 fibre photometry provided confirmatory in vivo evidence for engagement of int‐BA‐NAc neurons during social and sexual interactions. Therefore, populations of BA‐NAc glutamate neurons are engaged by salient rewarding and aversive social stimuli in a topographic and valence‐specific manner; this novel evidence is important to the overall understanding of the roles of this pathway in the circuitry of socio‐emotional processing
