1,251 research outputs found

    Relativistic analysis of stochastic kinematics

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    The relativistic analysis of stochastic kinematics is developed in order to determine the transformation of the effective diffusivity tensor in inertial frames. Poisson-Kac stochastic processes are initially considered. For one-dimensional spatial models, the effective diffusion coefficient DD measured in a frame Σ\Sigma moving with velocity ww with respect to the rest frame of the stochastic process can be expressed as D=D0γ3(w)D= D_0 \, \gamma^{-3}(w). Subsequently, higher dimensional processes are analyzed, and it is shown that the diffusivity tensor in a moving frame becomes non-isotropic with D=D0γ3(w)D_\parallel = D_0 \, \gamma^{-3}(w), and D=D0γ1(w)D_\perp = D_0 \, \gamma^{-1}(w), where DD_\parallel and DD_\perp are the diffusivities parallel and orthogonal to the velocity of the moving frame. The analysis of discrete Space-Time Diffusion processes permits to obtain a general transformation theory of the tensor diffusivity, confirmed by several different simulation experiments. Several implications of the theory are also addressed and discussed

    A general comparison theorem for pp-harmonic maps in homotopy class

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    We prove a general comparison result for homotopic finite pp-energy C1C^{1} pp-harmonic maps u,v:MNu,v:M\to N between Riemannian manifolds, assuming that MM is pp-parabolic and NN is complete and non-positively curved. In particular, we construct a homotopy through constant pp-energy maps, which turn out to be pp-harmonic when NN is compact. Moreover, we obtain uniqueness in the case of negatively curved NN. This generalizes a well known result in the harmonic setting due to R. Schoen and S.T. Yau.Comment: 19 page

    Scalar curvature via local extent

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    We give a metric characterization of the scalar curvature of a smooth Riemannian manifold, analyzing the maximal distance between (n+1)(n+1) points in infinitesimally small neighborhoods of a point. Since this characterization is purely in terms of the distance function, it could be used to approach the problem of defining the scalar curvature on a non-smooth metric space. In the second part we will discuss this issue, focusing in particular on Alexandrov spaces and surfaces with bounded integral curvature.Comment: 22 pages. A new rigidity result has been added (see Proposition 17). Some typos have been correcte

    Lorentzian area measures and the Christoffel problem

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    We introduce a particular class of unbounded closed convex sets of Rd+1\R^{d+1}, called F-convex sets (F stands for future). To define them, we use the Minkowski bilinear form of signature (+,...,+,)(+,...,+,-) instead of the usual scalar product, and we ask the Gauss map to be a surjection onto the hyperbolic space \H^d. Important examples are embeddings of the universal cover of so-called globally hyperbolic maximal flat Lorentzian manifolds. Basic tools are first derived, similarly to the classical study of convex bodies. For example, F-convex sets are determined by their support function, which is defined on \H^d. Then the area measures of order ii, 0id0\leq i\leq d are defined. As in the convex bodies case, they are the coefficients of the polynomial in ϵ\epsilon which is the volume of an ϵ\epsilon approximation of the convex set. Here the area measures are defined with respect to the Lorentzian structure. Then we focus on the area measure of order one. Finding necessary and sufficient conditions for a measure (here on \H^d) to be the first area measure of a F-convex set is the Christoffel Problem. We derive many results about this problem. If we restrict to "Fuchsian" F-convex set (those who are invariant under linear isometries acting cocompactly on \H^d), then the problem is totally solved, analogously to the case of convex bodies. In this case the measure can be given on a compact hyperbolic manifold. Particular attention is given on the smooth and polyhedral cases. In those cases, the Christoffel problem is equivalent to prescribing the mean radius of curvature and the edge lengths respectively

    Stokes' theorem, volume growth and parabolicity

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    We present some new Stokes' type theorems on complete non-compact manifolds that extend, in different directions, previous work by Gaffney and Karp and also the so called Kelvin-Nevanlinna-Royden criterion for (p-)parabolicity. Applications to comparison and uniqueness results involving the p-Laplacian are deduced.Comment: 15 pages. Corrected typos. Accepted for publication in Tohoku Mathematical Journa

    Remarks on LpL^{p}-vanishing results in geometric analysis

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    We survey some LpL^{p}-vanishing results for solutions of Bochner or Simons type equations with refined Kato inequalities, under spectral assumptions on the relevant Schr\"{o}dinger operators. New aspects are included in the picture. In particular, an abstract version of a structure theorem for stable minimal hypersurfaces of finite total curvature is observed. Further geometric applications are discussed.Comment: 18 pages. Some oversights corrected. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Mathematic