86 research outputs found

    A Late Phase of Cerebellar Long-Term Depression Requires Activation of CaMKIV and CREB

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    AbstractRecently, it has been shown that cerebellar LTD has a late phase that may be blocked by protein synthesis inhibitors. To understand the mechanisms underlying the late phase, we interfered with the activation of transcription factors that might couple synaptic activation to protein synthesis. Particle-mediated transfection of cultured Purkinje neurons with an expression vector encoding a dominant inhibitory form of CREB resulted in a nearly complete blockade of the late phase. Kinases that activate CREB were inhibited, and LTD was assessed. Inhibition of PKA or the MAPK/RSK cascades were without effect on the late phase, while constructs designed to interfere with CaMKIV function attenuated the late phase. These results indicate that the activation of CaMKIV and CREB are necessary to establish a late phase of cerebellar LTD

    A Neurotrophin Signaling Cascade Coordinates Sympathetic Neuron Development through Differential Control of TrkA Trafficking and Retrograde Signaling

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    AbstractA fundamental question in developmental biology is how a limited number of growth factors and their cognate receptors coordinate the formation of tissues and organs endowed with enormous morphological complexity. We report that the related neurotrophins NGF and NT-3, acting through a common receptor, TrkA, are required for sequential stages of sympathetic axon growth and, thus, innervation of target fields. Yet, while NGF supports TrkA internalization and retrograde signaling from distal axons to cell bodies to promote neuronal survival, NT-3 cannot. Interestingly, final target-derived NGF promotes expression of the p75 neurotrophin receptor, in turn causing a reduction in the sensitivity of axons to intermediate target-derived NT-3. We propose that a hierarchical neurotrophin signaling cascade coordinates sequential stages of sympathetic axon growth, innervation of targets, and survival in a manner dependent on the differential control of TrkA internalization, trafficking, and retrograde axonal signaling

    Defining a spinal microcircuit that gates myelinated afferent input: implications for tactile allodynia

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    Chronic pain presents a major unmet clinical problem. The development of more effective treatments is hindered by our limited understanding of the neuronal circuits underlying sensory perception. Here, we show that parvalbumin (PV)-expressing dorsal horn interneurons modulate the passage of sensory information conveyed by low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs) directly via presynaptic inhibition and also gate the polysynaptic relay of LTMR input to pain circuits by inhibiting lamina II excitatory interneurons whose axons project into lamina I. We show changes in the functional properties of these PV interneurons following peripheral nerve injury and that silencing these cells unmasks a circuit that allows innocuous touch inputs to activate pain circuits by increasing network activity in laminae I–IV. Such changes are likely to result in the development of tactile allodynia and could be targeted for more effective treatment of mechanical pain

    The cellular and synaptic architecture of the mechanosensory dorsal horn

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    The deep dorsal horn is a poorly characterized spinal cord region implicated in processing low-threshold mechanoreceptor (LTMR) information. We report an array of mouse genetic tools for defining neuronal components and functions of the dorsal horn LTMR-recipient zone (LTMR-RZ), a role for LTMR-RZ processing in tactile perception, and the basic logic of LTMR-RZ organization. We found an unexpectedly high degree of neuronal diversity in the LTMR-RZ: seven excitatory and four inhibitory subtypes of interneurons exhibiting unique morphological, physiological, and synaptic properties. Remarkably, LTMRs form synapses on between four and 11 LTMR-RZ interneuron subtypes, while each LTMR-RZ interneuron subtype samples inputs from at least one to three LTMR classes, as well as spinal cord interneurons and corticospinal neurons. Thus, the LTMR-RZ is a somatosensory processing region endowed with a neuronal complexity that rivals the retina and functions to pattern the activity of ascending touch pathways that underlie tactile perception

    Endothelins are vascular-derived axonal guidance cues for developing sympathetic neurons

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    During development, sympathetic neurons extend axons along a myriad of distinct trajectories, often consisting of arteries, to innervate one of a large variety of distinct final target tissues. Whether or not subsets of neurons within complex sympathetic ganglia are predetermined to innervate select end-organs is unknown. Here we demonstrate in mouse embryos that the endothelin family member Edn3 (ref. 1), acting through the endothelin receptor EdnrA (refs 2, 3), directs extension of axons of a subset of sympathetic neurons from the superior cervical ganglion to a preferred intermediate target, the external carotid artery, which serves as the gateway to select targets, including the salivary glands. These findings establish a previously unknown mechanism of axonal pathfinding involving vascular-derived endothelins, and have broad implications for endothelins as general mediators of axonal growth and guidance in the developing nervous system. Moreover, they suggest a model in which newborn sympathetic neurons distinguish and choose between distinct vascular trajectories to innervate their appropriate end organs.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62906/1/nature06859.pd

    Symptoms of anxiety and depression are related to cardiovascular responses to active, but not passive, coping tasks

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    Objective: Anxiety and depression have been linked to blunted blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) reactions to mental stress tests; however, most studies have not included indices of underlying hemodynamics nor multiple stress tasks. This study sought to examine the relationships of anxiety and depression with hemodynamic responses to acute active and passive coping tasks. Methods: A total of 104 participants completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales and mental arithmetic, speech, and cold pressor tasks while BP, HR, total peripheral resistance, and cardiac output (CO) were assessed. Results: After adjustment for traditional risk factors and baseline cardiovascular activity, depression scores were negatively associated with systolic BP, HR, and CO responses to the mental arithmetic task, while anxiety scores were inversely related to the systolic BP response to mental arithmetic. Conclusion: High anxiety or depression scores appear to be associated with blunted cardiac reactions to mental arithmetic (an active coping task), but not to the cold pressor test or speech tasks. Future research should further examine potential mechanisms and longitudinal pathways relating depression and anxiety to cardiovascular reactivity

    Calretinin-expressing islet cells are a source of pre- and post-synaptic inhibition of non-peptidergic nociceptor input to the mouse spinal cord

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    Unmyelinated non-peptidergic nociceptors (NP afferents) arborise in lamina II of the spinal cord and receive GABAergic axoaxonic synapses, which mediate presynaptic inhibition. However, until now the source of this axoaxonic synaptic input was not known. Here we provide evidence that it originates from a population of inhibitory calretinin-expressing interneurons (iCRs), which correspond to lamina II islet cells. The NP afferents can be assigned to 3 functionally distinct classes (NP1–3). NP1 afferents have been implicated in pathological pain states, while NP2 and NP3 afferents also function as pruritoceptors. Our findings suggest that all 3 of these afferent types innervate iCRs and receive axoaxonic synapses from them, providing feedback inhibition of NP input. The iCRs also form axodendritic synapses, and their targets include cells that are themselves innervated by the NP afferents, thus allowing for feedforward inhibition. The iCRs are therefore ideally placed to control the input from non-peptidergic nociceptors and pruritoceptors to other dorsal horn neurons, and thus represent a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of chronic pain and itch

    Parallel ascending spinal pathways for affective touch and pain

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    The anterolateral pathway consists of ascending spinal tracts that convey pain, temperature and touch information from the spinal cord to the brain1,2,3,4. Projection neurons of the anterolateral pathway are attractive therapeutic targets for pain treatment because nociceptive signals emanating from the periphery are channelled through these spinal projection neurons en route to the brain. However, the organizational logic of the anterolateral pathway remains poorly understood. Here we show that two populations of projection neurons that express the structurally related G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) TACR1 and GPR83 form parallel ascending circuit modules that cooperate to convey thermal, tactile and noxious cutaneous signals from the spinal cord to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the pons. Within this nucleus, axons of spinoparabrachial (SPB) neurons that express Tacr1 or Gpr83 innervate distinct sets of subnuclei, and strong optogenetic stimulation of the axon terminals induces distinct escape behaviours and autonomic responses. Moreover, SPB neurons that express Gpr83 are highly sensitive to cutaneous mechanical stimuli and receive strong synaptic inputs from both high- and low-threshold primary mechanosensory neurons. Notably, the valence associated with activation of SPB neurons that express Gpr83 can be either positive or negative, depending on stimulus intensity. These findings reveal anatomically, physiologically and functionally distinct subdivisions of the SPB tract that underlie affective aspects of touch and pain
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