246 research outputs found

    Hygrothermomechanical fracture stress criteria for fiber composites with sense-parity

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    Hygrothermomechanical fracture stress criteria are developed and evaluated for unidirectional composites (plies) with sense-parity. These criteria explicity quantify the individual contributions of applied, hygral and thermal stresses as well as couplings among these stresses. The criteria are for maximum stress, maximum strain, internal friction, work-to-fracture and combined-stress fracture. Predicted results obtained indicate that first ply failure will occur at stress levels lower than those predicted using criteria currently available in the literature. Also, the contribution of the various stress couplings (predictable only by fracture criteria with sense-parity) is significant to first ply failure and attendant fracture modes

    ICAN: A versatile code for predicting composite properties

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    The Integrated Composites ANalyzer (ICAN), a stand-alone computer code, incorporates micromechanics equations and laminate theory to analyze/design multilayered fiber composite structures. Procedures for both the implementation of new data in ICAN and the selection of appropriate measured data are summarized for: (1) composite systems subject to severe thermal environments; (2) woven fabric/cloth composites; and (3) the selection of new composite systems including those made from high strain-to-fracture fibers. The comparisons demonstrate the versatility of ICAN as a reliable method for determining composite properties suitable for preliminary design

    Fracture characteristics of angleplied laminates fabricated from overaged graphite/epoxy prepreg

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    A series of angleplied graphite/epoxy laminates was fabricated from overaged prepreg and tested in tension to investigate the effects of overaged or advanced cure material on the degradation of laminate strength. Results, which include fracture stresses, indicate a severe degradation in strength. In addition, the fracture surfaces and microstructural characteristics are distinctly unlike any features observed in previous tests of this prepreg and laminate configuration. Photographs of the surfaces and microstructures reveal flat morphologies consisting of alternate rows of fibers and hackles. These fracture surface characteristics are independent of the laminate configurations. The photomicrographs are presented and compared with data from similar studies to show the unique characteristics produced by the overage prepreg. Analytical studies produced results which agreed with those from the experimental investigations

    Select fiber composites for space applications: A mechanistic assessment

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    Three fiber composites (graphite-fiber epoxy, graphite-fiber aluminum, and graphite-fiber magnesium) are evaluated for their possible use in space applications. Using the composite mechanics theories for thermomechanical behavior embodied in the ICAN (Integrated Composites Analyzer) computer code, select composite thermal and mechanical properties are predicted and also their response to cryogenic temperatures, resembling those which occur in space applications. The predicted results are presented in graphical form as a function of the composite's laminate configuration, fiber volume ratio and the selected use temperature. These results are suitable for preliminary design purposes only and should serve as an aid in selecting controlled experiments for obtaining corresponding measured data

    Progressive fracture of fiber composites

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    Refined models and procedures are described for determining progressive composite fracture in graphite/epoxy angleplied laminates. Lewis Research Center capabilities are utilized including the Real Time Ultrasonic C Scan (RUSCAN) experimental facility and the Composite Durability Structural Analysis (CODSTRAN) computer code. The CODSTRAN computer code is used to predict the fracture progression based on composite mechanics, finite element stress analysis, and fracture criteria modules. The RUSCAN facility, CODSTRAN computer code, and scanning electron microscope are used to determine durability and identify failure mechanisms in graphite/epoxy composites

    Fracture surface characteristics of notched angleplied graphite/epoxy composites

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    Composite fracture surface characteristics and related fracture modes have been investigated through extensive microscopic inspections of the fracture surfaces of notched angleplied graphite/epoxy laminates. The investigation involved 4 ply laminates of the configuration + or - theta (s) where theta = 0 deg, 3 deg, 5 deg, 10 deg, 15 deg, 30 deg, 45 deg, 60 deg, 75 deg, and 90 deg. Two-inch wide tensile specimens with 0.25 in. by 0.05 in. through-slits centered across the width were tested to fracture. The fractured surfaces were then removed and examined using a scanning electron microscope. Evaluation of the photomicrographs combined with analytical results obtained using the CODSTRAN computer code culminated in a unified set of fracture criteria for determining the mode of fracture in notched angleplied graphite/epoxy laminates

    Fundamental aspects of and failure modes in high-temperature composites

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    Fundamental aspects of and attendant failure mechanisms for high temperature composites are summarized. These include: (1) in-situ matrix behavior; (2) load transfer; (3) limits on matrix ductility to survive a given number of cyclic loadings; (4) fundamental parameters which govern thermal stresses; (5) vibration stresses; and (6) impact resistance. The resulting guidelines are presented in terms of simple equations which are suitable for the preliminary assessment of the merits of a particular high temperature composite in a specific application

    Hygrothermomechanical fiber composite fatigue: Computational simulation

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    The technology of advanced composites has matured to the point where these composites are prime contenders for various structural applications. One of the major design considerations for prolonged service of these composites is fatigue due to cyclical hygral (moisture), thermal, and mechanical (hygrothermomechanical) loading conditions. Recent research activities at the NASA Lewis Research Center have led to the development of formal procedures for predicting, using computational simulation, fatigue in fiber composites due to cyclic hygrothermomechanical loading conditions. These formal procedures have subsequently been programmed into a computer module and embedded into the Integrated Composites Analyzer (ICAN) computer code. The objective of this paper is to present and describe results obtained using the augmented ICAN computer code

    Fiber composite structural durability and damage tolerance: Simplified predictive methods

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    Simplified predictive methods and models (theory) to evaluate fiber/polymer-matrix composite material for determining structural durability and damage tolerance are presented and described. This theory includes equations for (1) fatigue and fracture of composites without and with defects, (2) impact resistance and residual strength after impact, (3) thermal fatigue, and (4) combined stress fatigue. Several examples are included to illustrate applications of the theory and to identify significant parameters and sensitivities. Comparisons with limited experimental data are made