27 research outputs found

    Analysis of Local Labour Market in Jarocin District

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    Badanie dotyczące analizy lokalnych rynków pracy pokazało, że aktywność zawodowa ludności w latach 2006 – 2011, mimo powolnego wzrostu, nie osiągnęła poziomu występującego w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Istnieje duże zróżnicowanie na powiatowych rynkach pracy, spowodowane w dużej mierze uwarunkowaniami historycznymi. Najgorsza sytuacja panuje na obszarach Polski Wschodniej i Północno-Zachodniej. Cechą charakterystyczną polskich przemian gospodarczych jest stopniowy wzrost znaczenia dużych ośrodków regionalnych, z jednoczesnym pozbawieniem znaczenia ośrodków lokalnych. Badania przeprowadzone dla powiatu jarocińskiego potwierdziły istnienie problemu z wejściem na rynek pracy ludzi młodych z wykształceniem wyższym. Wzrosła mobilność przestrzenna ludności powiatu, co oznacza, że zwiększyła się skłonność do poszukiwania pracy nie tylko w miejscu zamieszkania, ale także poza nim.Analysis of the local labour market proves that professional activity of the population in 2006 – 2011, although showing a slow growth, did not approach the level observed in the EU. There are con-siderable disparities between particular districts’ labour markets, due mainly to historical factors. The situation is the worst in the eastern and northwestern Poland. The Polish economic transformation is characterized by a gradual growth of the importance of large cities and a decline of provincial towns. The research conducted for Jarocin district confirms the difficulties which young people with higher education have on the labour market. The spatial mobility of the district’s inhabitants has increased, which means that people are more and more ready to seek employment away from home.Tomasz Buchwald – [email protected]; mgr Michałmichal.ginter@ue. poznan.plmgr Tomasz Buchwald – Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w PoznaniuMichał Ginter – doktorant, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznani

    The first Devonian holocephalian tooth from Poland

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    A recently found "bradyodont" holocephalian tooth from bituminous shales of the Kowala Quarry, south-western Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, dated as the middle Famennian Palmatolepis trachytera conodont Zone, is described. In spite of its resemblance to the forms often attributed to Helodus, the tooth is referred to as Psephodus cf. magnus (Agassiz, 1838), and supposed to represent the anterior part of the dentition, based on a partly articulated specimen of Psephodus from the Carboniferous of Scotland. The analysis of early helodonts and psephodonts, and other Famennián chondrichthyan crushing teeth, shows numerous similarities in tooth-base structure, such as the reduction of lingual basal extension, loss of articulation devices, development of numerous nutritive foramina, and the tendency to fusion between the teeth in a tooth-family. Based on these shared characters, close phylogenetic relationships between the Protacrodontoidea, Hybodontoidea, and the Holocephali are postulated


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    Nowadays public aid  is a very important tool of funding, allowing to happen many different investment plans for SME. Article shows strong dependency between amount of income, costs, profits, expenses on fixed assets and value of given aid but for different categories of SME in various pace. Important occurrence is connected with delay in time of assistance effects. It shows how strong is connection between growth of enterprises and given assistance, on the other side the ability of keeping high place on the market.Pomoc publiczna stanowi dziś bardzo ważne narzędzie finansowe pozwalające na urzeczywistnienie wielu zamierzeń inwestycyjnych MŚP. W artykule wykazano istnienie zależności pomiędzy zmianami wielkości przychodów, kosztów, zysków oraz wydatkami na środki trwałe, a faktem udzielenia pomocy publicznej przedsiębiorstwu. Dodatkowo, ukazano zróżnicowanie w stopniu oddziaływania pomocy publicznej na beneficjentów w zależności od przynależności do określonej grupy wielkości przedsiębiorstw.

    The dentition of a eugeneodontiform shark from the Lower Pennsylvanian of Derbyshire, UK

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    The anterior part of a medium-sized shark surrounded by hundreds of ostracod shells was found at the end of the last century in a dark limestone nodule from the Kinderscoutian (Bashkirian, Pennsylvanian) near Carsington, Derbyshire (England, UK). The shark is a caseodontoid eugeneodontiform, most probably belonging to Campodus agassizianus. Its dentition is of the crushing type, highly heterodont, but the symphyseal tooth whorl, typical of the most of eugeneodontiforms, was not found. The teeth are symmetrical labio-lingually which is unique in this group. The analysis of the available data leads to the conclusion that neither the tooth whorls of “Campodus variabilis” sensu Eastman, nor the mandibular dentition of “Agassizodus variabilis” sensu St. John and Worthen represent the genus Campodus and that these specimens deserve a new, probably common, name

    Lokalny rynek pracy w Polsce

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    The research related to the diversification on the local labour market pointed that professional activity of the society in Poland regardless a slow growth has not approached the level that is to observe in the EU. The diversification occurs especially on the district labour market and is caused by its historical background. The worst situation prevails in the east and northwest Poland. The best situation concerns cities, agglomeration and districts located around the towns. The characteristic feature of the polish economic transformations is gradual growth of the importance of big regional towns with a concurrent privation of the importance of local towns. The research proved the problems with incoming of young people with higher education on the labour market. The mobility of society has grown what means an enhancement of the tendency to look for a job not only in the place of residence but outside as well.Badanie dotyczące zróżnicowania na lokalnym rynku pracy w Polsce pokazało, że aktywność zawodowa ludności w Polsce mimo powolnego wzrostu nie osiągnęła poziomu występującego w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Występuje duże zróżnicowanie na powiatowych rynkach pracy spowodowane w dużej mierze uwarunkowaniami historycznymi. Najgorsza sytuacja panuje na obszarach Polski wschodniej i północno-zachodniej. Najlepsza sytuacja dotyczy dużych miast, aglomeracji miejskich i powiatów położonych wokół tych miast i aglomeracji. Cechą charakterystyczną polskich przemian gospodarczych jest stopniowy wzrost znaczenia dużych ośrodków regionalnych z jednoczesnym pozbawieniem znaczenia ośrodków lokalnych. Badania potwierdziły duże problemy z wejściem na rynek pracy ludzi młodych z wykształceniem wyższym. Wzrosła mobilność przestrzenna ludności, co oznacza, że zwiększyła się skłonność do poszukiwania pracy nie tylko w miejscu zamieszkania, ale także poza nim

    Late Viséan pelagic chondrichthyans from northern Europe

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    The relatively rich assemblages of shark teeth from pelagic limestone (Mississippian, late Viséan, late Asbian–middle Brigantian) of three northern European regions: the Rhenish Mountains (Westenfeld Quarry, Germany), the Holy Cross Mountains (Todowa Grz ą ba at the edge of Ostrówka Quarry, Poland), and Derbyshire (Cawdor Quarry, Matlock, England, UK) display certain similarities, with the absolute predominance of the teeth of Falcatidae (small Symmoriiformes) and the constant presence of Thrinacodus spp. The largest and most diverse assemblage from Todowa Grz ą ba contains at least three species of a falcatid Denaea , a xenacanthimorph Bransonella nebraskensis , a newly described phoebodontid Thrinacodus dziki sp. nov., a few ctenacanthiform and euselachian teeth, and two abraded euchondrocephalan dental elements. Anachronistidae, common in the most of late Viséan pelagic faunas, are absent from Todowa Grz ą ba and Westenfeld. The material under study differs from the shallow-water chondrichthyan fauna, hitherto described from the Mississippian carbonate platform facies, by its taxonomic content (particularly almost total absence of Euchondro- cephali), generally lower diversity, and higher frequency of small teet

    Anodic oxidation of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy

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    This work presents the results of the investigations on the electropolishing and anodic oxidation of the Ti–13Nb–13Zr titanium alloy. Electropolishing was conducted in the solution containing ammonium fluoride and sulfuric acid, whereas the solution of phosphoric acid was used for anodic oxidation of the alloy. The influence of electropolishing and anodization process parameters on the texture (scanning electron microscopy (SEM)) and chemical composition (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)) of the surface layer was established. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in 5 % NaCl solution was used for the determination of the corrosion resistance of the alloy

    Territorial differentiation of work commuting on the example of jarocin district

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    The most common form of mobility associated with the labor market, and also the most desirable for the region development, is the willingness to work outside the place of residence. The tendency of commuting to work shows flexibility and ability to adapt to conditions on the labor market. The aim of this article is the analysis of workers mobility in Poland and Wielkopolska based on data about commuting to work in 2006. A detailed analysis has been prepared based on Jarocin district in 2006 and 2010. The analysis showed that most of the people commuted to work in 2006 in districts located near larger cities and urban areas. They were mostly district towns and cities with district towns which were the central places of the regions. The intensity and different direction of commuting to work increased in Jarocin district in the years 2006-2010

    Analysis of innovation activity of enterprises in poland from 2006 to 2011 – selected aspects

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    The demand for manufactured products and services, hunting for as biggest number of consumers as possible, meeting their expectations and at the same time ensuring the profitability of the conducted economic projects is a problem in today’s world. The primary operator who will decide on this success is a company functioning in a competitive market. Companies use a lot of development strategies to improve their level of competitiveness and to enhance and strengthen their position in the markets. One of them is a development strategy based on innovation. The purpose of this work is analyzing the level of innovation in Polish industrial businesses in years 2006-2011. The article shows data about productive and technological innovations as well as expenditures incurred by industrial businesses on innovative activity and the analysis of reached incomes from the introduced productive innovations. This analysis shows that industrial businesses which are part of productive and technological innovations have lowered in years 2006-2011. These businesses often introduce technological rather than productive innovation. The most frequent innovations are introduced by larger companies which hire over 250 employees from Podkarpackie Voivodeship and the least by companies from Łódź Voivodeship. The biggest expenditures on innovative activity were allocated by businesses in 2008 and 2010, mainly from Mazovia and Upper Silesia Voivodeships. The intensity of expenditures on B+R raised just by 0.04% to the level of 0.56% in 2010. Big differentiation is noticeable on the grounds of innovation of companies operating in a given area. Dominant role in innovation activity belongs to Mazovia and Upper Silesia Voivodeships