3,610 research outputs found

    Pseudo-observables in electroweak Higgs production

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    We discuss how the leading electroweak Higgs production processes at the LHC, namely vector-boson fusion and Higgs+W/Z associated production, can be characterized in generic extensions of the Standard Model by a proper set of pseudo-observables (PO). We analyze the symmetry properties of these PO and their relation with the PO set appearing in Higgs decays. We discuss in detail the kinematical studies necessary to extract the production PO from data, and present a first estimate of the LHC sensitivity on these observables in the high-luminosity phase. The impact of QCD corrections and the kinematical studies necessary to test the validity of the momentum expansion at the basis of the PO decomposition are also discussed.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Minimal Flavour Violation and Beyond

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    We review the formulation of the Minimal Flavour Violation (MFV) hypothesis in the quark sector, as well as some "variations on a theme" based on smaller flavour symmetry groups and/or less minimal breaking terms. We also review how these hypotheses can be tested in B decays and by means of other flavour-physics observables. The phenomenological consequences of MFV are discussed both in general terms, employing a general effective theory approach, and in the specific context of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the SM.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Review to appear in "Top and flavour physics in the LHC era" - Special Issue of The European Physical Journal

    Guilt Enhances the Sense of Control and Drives Risky Judgments

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    The present studies investigate the hypothesis that guilt influences risk-taking by enhancing one's sense of control. Across multiple inductions of guilt, we demonstrate that experimentally induced guilt enhances optimism about risks for the self (Study 1), preferences for gambles versus guaranteed payoffs (Studies 2, 4, and 6), and the likelihood that one will engage in risk-taking behaviors (Study 5). In addition, we demonstrate that guilt enhances the sense of control over uncontrollable events, an illusory control (Studies 3, 4, and 5), and found that a model with illusory control as a mediator is consistent with the data (Studies 5 and 6). We also found that a model with feelings of guilt as a mediator, but not generalized negative affect, fits the data (Study 4). Finally, we examined the relative explanatory power of different appraisals and found that appraisals of illusory control best explain the influence of guilt on risk-taking (Study 6). These results provide the first empirical demonstration of the influence of guilt on sense of control and risk-taking, extend previous theorizing on guilt, and more generally contribute to our understanding of how specific emotions influence cognition and behavior

    Rilievo integrato presso il Borgo Schirò (PA)

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    Il lavoro qui presentato consiste in un rilievo integrato (Topografico/GPS statico/NRTK/Laser Scanner) di un piccolo contesto extraurbano siciliano, Borgo Schirò, noto per le vicende storiche che portarono alla sua costruzione a seguito dell’emanazione della legge n.1 del 2 gennaio 1940, per il superamento del latifondo. Data la natura varia degli elementi da rilevare (edifici, arredo urbano, strade) sono state adottate tecniche di acquisizione diversificate per ognuno di essi, le quali, in forma integrata, hanno permesso un utile confronto finale degli elaborati prodotti, offrendo la possibilità di effettuare analisi qualitative altamente accurate su singoli casi strutturali ed elevati gradi di dettaglio nei casi architettonici focalizzati. Le tempistiche notevolmente contenute e l’esiguità del numero degli operatori necessari alle operazioni di acquisizione ed elaborazione dei dati, rendono soddisfacenti gli esiti raggiunti e chiaramente proficua l’integrazione delle metodologie di rilievo adottate.The work here shown consists of an integrated survey (Topographic/static GPS/NRTK/Laser Scanning) of a small Sicilian extraurban context, Borgo Schirò, known for the historical events that led to its construction, following the issuance of the law n. 1 of January 2nd 1940, for the elimination of the latifondium. Given the different nature of the elements to be surveyed (buildings, urban elements, roads) different techniques of metric data acquisition were used for each of them. The integration of all of them, allowed a useful comparison of the final products, offering the possibility of making highly accurate qualitative analysis on the individual structural cases and a high level of detail in the architectural cases focused. The reduced timing and the very small number of operators needed for data acquisition and processing, make the achieved outcomes satisfactory and the integration of survey methods adopted clearly successful

    A higher Angiogenin expression is associated with a non-nuclear Maspin location in laryngeal carcinoma

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    Objectives. In numerous malignancies, angiogenin (ANG) and Maspin are important proangiogenic and antiangiogenic regulators, respectively. The aim of this study was to identify potential relationships between the biological roles of these two proteins in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). Methods. Immunohistochemical staining for ANG and Maspin was performed on specimens from 76 consecutive LSCC patients treated with surgery alone, considering the subcellular pattern of Maspin expression. Univariate and multivariate statistical models were used for prognostic purposes. Results. On univariate analysis, a different level of ANG expression was seen for patients stratified by subcellular Maspin expression pattern: the mean ANG expression was higher in cases with a nonnuclear MASPIN expression than in those with a nuclear pattern (P=0.002). Disease-free survival (DFS; in months) differed significantly when patients were stratified by N stage (P=0.01). Patients whose Maspin expression was nonnuclear (i.e., it was cytoplasmic or there was none) had a significantly higher recurrence rate (P<0.001), and shorter DFS (P=0.01) than those with a nuclear Maspin pattern. The mean ANG expression was significantly higher in cases with loco-regional recurrent disease (P=0.007); and patients with an ANG expression 655.0% had a significantly shorter DFS than those with an ANG expression <5.0% (P=0.007). On multivariate analysis, ANG expression 655.0% was a significant, independent, negative prognostic factor in terms of DFS (P=0.041). Conclusion. Our results support the hypothesis that a higher ANG expression is associated with a nonnuclear Maspin expression pattern in patients with LSCC. Further studies are needed to clarify the relationship between the ANG and Maspin pathways, and their potential diagnostic and therapeutic role in LSCC

    Penggunaan Bahan Pengisi dalam Perbaikan Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Dodol Buah Merah (Pandanus Conoideus L) sebagai Sumber β-Karoten

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    Permasalahan utama dalam pembuatan dodol buah merah, yaitu teksturnya lembek dan lunak. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan jenis tepung yang berbeda, yaitu tepung terigu, beras dan tapioka sebanyak 15 % (b/b) dari berat tepung ketan dan pasta buah merah. Dodol yang dihasilkan dilakukan pengamatan sifat fisikokimia dan ting- kat penerimaan panelis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dodol formula terbaik berdasarkan sifat organoleptik dan fisikokimia adalah dodol dengan penambahan tapioka. Dodol tersebut memiliki sifat organoleptik dengan skor kesukaan warna agak suka (5,40), rasa agak suka (5,05), aroma suka (6,05) dan tekstur agak suka (5,70), sifat fisik kekerasan dan kelengketan masing-masing 951,43 dan 216,68 gf, serta kekenyalan 0,35 %, juga memiliki sifat kimiadengan mengandung air dan total padatan masing-masing 37,86 % dan 62,14 % dengan tingkat ketersediaan air (a )0,83 dan kandungan β-karoten 1,02 ppm

    Oscillation of Fourier transform and Markov-Bernstein inequalities

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    Under certain conditions on an integrable function f having a real-valued Fourier transform Tf=F, we obtain a certain estimate for the oscillation of F in the interval [-C||f'||/||f||,C||f'||/||f||] with C>0 an absolute constant. Given q>0 and an integrable positive definite function f, satisfying some natural conditions, the above estimate allows us to construct a finite linear combination P of translates f(x+kq)(with k running the integers) such that ||P'||>c||P||/q, where c>0 is another absolute constant. In particular, our construction proves sharpness of an inequality of H. N. Mhaskar for Gaussian networks
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