636 research outputs found

    Educación Musical para la inclusión de la diversidad funcional y la mejora de la convivencia

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017This work will pretend to show how music favored by coexistence in classrooms. For this, a theoretical study of the most outstanding figures of the scientific literature, who talk about community music and other methods of educational improvement are carried out, such as: work for empathy, influence of music on the treatment of Diversity, the student's perceptions of Banks's functional diversity or educational performance levels. Starting from this base, it is proposed the development of a proposal of educational intervention, which its primary objective is to raise awareness and include functional diversity in the educational field from the earliest ages, in such a way as to improve social and personal relationships in coexistence. In order to carry out this action, students and teachers from IES Betxí and CEIP Pascual Nácher from Vila-real will participate. In addition, it is dedicated to activities and musical resources such as: the representation of songs using the Spanish sign language, the creation of musical stories and the use of MaKey MaKey (as an instrument of new musical technologies) are used. Finally, we conclude that the use of music education for the inclusive intervention have positive results in classrooms.Este trabajo pretende mostrar cómo a través de la música se favorece la convivencia en las aulas. Para ello, se realiza un estudio a nivel teórico de las figuras más destacadas de la literatura científica, que hablan sobre la música comunitaria y otros métodos de mejora educativa como: el trabajo para la empatía, la influencia de la música sobre el tratamiento de la diversidad, las percepciones del alumnado ante la diversidad funcional o los niveles de actuación educativa de Banks. Partiendo de esta base, se propone el desarrollo de una propuesta de intervención educativa, cuyo objetivo primordial es concienciar e incluir la diversidad funcional en el ámbito educativo desde las edades más tempranas, de tal forma que mejore las relaciones sociales y personales en la convivencia. Para llevar a cabo esta actuación se cuenta con la participación de alumnado y profesorado del IES Betxí y del CEIP Pascual Nácher de Vila-real. Además, se utilizan actividades y recursos musicales como: la representación de canciones utilizando la lengua de signos española, la creación de cuentos musicalizados o la utilización de MaKey MaKey (como instrumento de las nuevas tecnologías musicales). Finalmente, se concluye que la utilización de la educación musical para la intervención inclusiva da resultados positivos en las aulas

    Vides exemplars. Terciàries carmelitanes a El Carmelo Esmaltado de Roque Alberto Faci (1743)

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    Abstract: Carmelo Esmaltado con tantas brillantes estrelles, cuantas flores terceras, fecundas de frutos de virtud y religión, cultivó y fijo en el cielo de la Santa Iglesia la venerable Orden Tercera de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, is the title of the book wrote by the aragonian carmelite Roque Alberto Faci (1684-1744) published in 1743. The issue is a treaty for the members of the Third Order of Carmel where we can find several biographies of the carmelites woman of third order. What we pretend by analyzing their work and biography is to set the role of the woman of the third order in the world Carmel. For that, we aimed copyright considering religiosity and spirituality of the eighteenth century and the projection of the Enlightenment.   Keywords: Carmel, Woman, Religiosity, Secular, Tertiar

    En torno a Jaume Cascalls: su obra en Girona

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    Miguel Donoso Rodríguez (ed.), Mujer y literatura femenina en la América virreinal, Editorial IDEA/IGAS, New York, 2015. 355 páginas

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    Obra ressenyada: Miguel DONOSO RODRÍGUEZ (ed.), Mujer y literatura femenina en la América virreinal". Nueva York: IDEA/IGAS, 2015

    La herencia espiritual : un linaje carmelitano en la Zaragoza del siglo XVII

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    La presente investigación analiza los escritos que Fr. Roque Alberto Faci recopiló y compendió en su obra Vida de la V. V. Mariana Villalva y Vicente y sus tres hijas (1761). La obra relata la vida de unas mujeres aragonesas pertenecientes a la familia Escobar Villalva: Mariana Villalva (1565-1623), beata, y sus tres hijas, María (1599-1633), Margarita (1608-1641) y Mariana (1603-1660), carmelitas descalzas. A través de dicha obra, donde también se halla la copia del diario de sor María Escobar, podemos profundizar en las características y en la incidencia de la literatura místico-ascética en la religiosidad barroca, así como en la del Aragón del siglo XVII. La particularidad del caso consiste en la relación familiar entre las mujeres tratadas, factor decisivo a la hora de determinar el espacio del individuo, en especial al tratarse de mujeres en una sociedad profundamente religiosa y caracterizada por la preeminencia del elemento masculino.Aquesta investigació analitza els escrits que Fr. Roque Alberto Faci va recopilar i publicar a l'obra Vida de la V. V. Mariana Villalva y Vicente y sus tres hijas (1761). El llibre relata la vida de dues generacions de dones aragoneses de la família Escobar Villalva: Mariana Villalva (1565-1623), beata, i les seves tres filles, María (1599-1633), Margarita (1608-1641) i Mariana (1603-1660), totes elles carmelites descalces. A través de l'obra, que també recull el diari de sor María Escobar, es pot aprofundir en les característiques i la incidència de la literatura misticoascètica en la religiositat barroca així com en la de l'Aragó del segle XVII. La particularitat del cas consisteix en la relació familiar de les dones estudiades, factor decisiu a l'hora de determinar l'espai de l'individu, especialment en tractar-se de dones en una societat profundament religiosa i caracteritzada per la preeminència masculina.The present investigation analyses the texts that Fr. Roque Alberto Faci compiled in his work Vida de V. V. Mariana Villalva y Vicente y sus tres hijas (1761). The book narrates the life of some Aragonese women of the Escobar Villalva family: the blessed mother Mariana Villalva (1565-1623), and her three daughters, Maria (1599-1623), Margarita (1608-1641) and Mariana (1603-1660), discalced Carmelites. Through the texts, which include a copy of sister María Escobar's diary, the reader is able to grasp in depth the characteristics and the influence of mystic- ascetic literature on Baroque religiosity and 17th-century Aragon. The relationship between these four members of the family is a decisive factor to determine the individual's place in a profoundly religious society characterized by the pre-eminence of males

    Briófitos de los yesos de la Comunidad Valenciana (este de España)

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    En este trabajo se estudia la flora briológica de los principales afloramientos yesíferos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se ha elaborado un catálogo de 66 táxones, algunos de ellos poco citados hasta ahora en nuestro territorio. Se incluyen datos sobre las características del suelo (CE, pH y concentraciones de Mg+2,Ca+2,Na+, K+).In this work, the bryophyte flora of gypsiferous soils in Valencia region (eastern Spain) is studied. A list of 66 taxa is given. Soil characteristics (CE, pH and concentrations of Mg+2,Ca+2,Na+, K+) are included

    Increasing the stability of Empeltre olive oils by aromatization with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and garlic (Allium sativum)

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    A strategy to increase shelf life of Empeltre olive oils could consist in the incorporation of flavoring agents (rich in antioxidant compounds). The aim of this study was to describe the quality of Empeltre olive oils flavored with rosemary and garlic at different concentrations and methods (maceration and co-processing during malaxation). The incorporation of garlic during malaxation increased total phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Aromatization with rosemary (added during malaxation) increased total phenol content more than 50%. Changes in individual phenols were observed after garlic and rosemary aromatization. Slight increases in α-tocopherol were also observed at 5 and 7% concentration. Pigment content increased with rosemary concentration. As a consequence, antioxidant capacity and oxidative stability increased. Aromatization with rosemary by co-processing during malaxation was more effective in increasing antioxidant compounds than the maceration method. Empeltre olive oils aromatized with garlic achieved a greater sensory acceptance and better scores than with rosemary

    The economic value of information provided by milk biomarkers under different scenarios : case-study of an ex-ante analysis of fat-to-protein ratio and fatty acid profile to detect subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows

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    Monitoring systems (MS) provide additional information that many developers and researchers expect will reduce the uncertainty surrounding decision-making in livestock production and therefore enhance management decisions. However, the actual economic value of the information (VoI) yielded by MS has hardly been investigated. The aim of this study was to fill that void based on two objectives. The first is to estimate the VoI of MS prior to implementation using decision analysis based on scarce data from different sources. The second objective is to identify which factors most influence the VoI of MS and to develop recommendations about the focus of future MS development. To illustrate our objectives, we used a case study of two milk biomarkers used to monitor subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in dairy cows: fat-to-protein ratio (FPR) and the fatty acid profile (FAP). FPR is presently used to monitor SARA, while FAP is a newly developed test, currently in the pre-commercial phase, with reports of better accuracy than FPR. A stochastic decision tree model was used to estimate the expected monetary value of three levels of information with regards to SARA: (i) no monitoring, monitoring (ii) with FPR or (iii) with FAP. The VoI of FPR and FAP were calculated as the difference in expected monetary value of monitoring with FPR and FAP as compared with no monitoring, respectively. Several scenarios were modeled using sensitivity and elasticity analyses. The aim was not only to compensate for the scarcity of data for some variables, but also to identify under which conditions decisions based on FAP monitoring were indeed the best. In all the scenarios, monitoring SARA with FPR had the lowest expected monetary value. No monitoring was a better decision in 70% of the iterations in the scenario that described the most probable situation. The VoI of FAP was positive when SARA prevalence was between 0.21 and 0.79 with its maximum value at 0.61, when the treatment costs were lower than (sic)116/case/year and when the disease costs were higher than (sic)260/case/year. Moreover, an increase of specificity of the FAP to 0.95 yielded a positive VoI, whereas an increase of its sensitivity to 1.0 still yielded a negative VoI, suggesting that developers of the FAP should focus on improving its specificity rather than its sensitivity. To avoid suboptimal use of finite resources while developing MS, we recommend ex-ante investigation of the VoI of the MS under development