763 research outputs found
Eu toco música Wassoulou, Jeli, Songhay e Tuareg: Adama Drame no Mali poscolonial, bimusical ou multimusical?
Adama is an accomplished guitarist in diverse Malian styles. The Malian guitarist is able to analyse the forms and contexts of the national musical styles he performs in regards to: the musical interaction with other musicians, timbre, rhythm and melody. In this article, I examine how Adama performs a wide range of Malian musical styles in Bamako; and how he represents and participates in different postcolonial musical cultures in Mali. In this article, Adama’s capability of understanding different national musical styles as part of the social contexts in a variety of musical cultures in Mali is defined as multimusical. Multimusicality debates the concept of bimusicality (Hood 1960) defined as the capacity of performing both, a western and non-western musical style; therefore separating musically the Self [western music] and the Other [non-western]. For Adama, the concept of multimusicality does not only extend the possibility of learning more than two musical styles, but examines the national styles he is able to play as a Malian citizen (insider) and not as the Other. This paper is based on my musical contact with Adama Drame during November-December 2006 in Mali and in the last eight years.Adama es un guitarrista competente en diversos estilos musicales de Malí. El guitarrista maliense es capaz de analizar las formas y contextos de los estilos musicales nacionales que interpreta en lo que respecta a: la interacción musical con otros músicos, el timbre, el ritmo y la melodía. En este artículo, examino cómo Adama toca una amplia gama de estilos musicales de Malí en Bamako y la forma en que él representa a y participa en diferentes culturas musicales en Mali. La capacidad de comprensión de los diferentes estilos musicales nacionales de Adama sedefine como multimusical. La multimusicalidad critica el concepto de bimusicalidad (Hood 1960), definido como la capacidad de conocer dos estilos musicales, occidental y no-occidental; por lo tanto, conceptualiza musicalmente al “Yo (occidental) y al Otro (no-occidental)”. Para Adama, el concepto de multimusicalidad no solo ofrece la posibilidad de aprender más de dos estilos musicales, sino que examina los estilos musicales que es capaz de interpretar desde una perspectiva nacional como ciudadano de Mali. La reflexión se basa en mi trabajo de campo con Adama Drame durante noviembre y diciembre de 2006 en Malí que incluye un acercamiento personal en los últimos ocho años.Adama é um guitarrista que toca diversos estilos musicais do Mali. O guitarrista do Mali é capaz deanalisar as formas e contextos dos estilos musicais nacionais que executa no que diz respeito: à interação musical com os outros músicos, ao timbre, ao ritmo e à melodia. Neste artigo vou discutir como Adama toca uma ampla gama de estilos musicais do Mali em Bamako; e a forma como representa e participa em diferentes culturas musicais no Mali. A capacidade de compreensão dos diferentes estilos musicais nacionais de Adama é definida como multimusical. A multimusicalidade critica o conceito de bimusicalidade (Hood 1960) definido como a capacidade de conhecer os estilos musicais ocidentais e não ocidentais; para tal distingue musicalmente o “eu” (música ocidental) e o “outro” (música não ocidental). Para Adama, o conceito de multimusicalidade amplia a possibilidade de aprender mais do que dois estilos musicais e questiona os estilos musicais que é capaz de tocar como cidadão do Mali (insider) e não como o “outro”. Este artigo está fundamentado no meu contato musical com Adama Drame durante os meses de Novembro e Dezembro de 2006 e nos últimos oito anos
Um enfoque etnomusicológico do Orientalismo: o estudo musical e histórico das festas de Mouros e Cristãos em Villena (Espanha)
This article examines the historical and musical forms of Orientalism found in the festival popularly known as Moros y cristianos (the Moors and Christians) in Spain and, in particular, the town of Villena in the province of Alicante. Since the 12th century, this traditional festival is mostly celebrated in towns along the eastern Mediterranean coast of Spain which includes Villena. The contextualization of this festival through Orientalism provides an understanding of the exoticization of Muslim-Spanish music through the música festera (the music composed for Moros y cristianos), a musical style with more than four thousand pieces composed by more than three hundred Spanish composers over the course of the last two centuries. This article reveals by conducting ethnomusicological studies using Orientalism, there is a possibility of reconsidering the colonial narrative embedded in the cultural and musical symbolism of música festera.Este artículo examina aspectos históricos y musicales de las fiestas de Moros y cristianos a través del concepto del orientalismo en España y, en particular, en la ciudad de Villena, provincia de Alicante. Desde el siglo XII, estas fiestas tradicionales se celebran sobre todo en las ciudades españolas que se encuentran alrededor de la cuenca mediterránea, incluida la ciudad de Villena. La contextualización de dichas fiestas a través del concepto de orientalismo proporciona un entendimiento de la exotización de la música hispano-musulmana a través de la música festera, un estilo musical que cuenta con más de cuatrocientas piezas musicales compuestas por más de trescientos compositores en los últimos siglos. Este articulo revela que llevando a cabo un estudio etnomusicológico a partir del concepto de orientalismo, es posible reconsiderar el simbolismo histórico y cultural de la música festera.Este artigo examina aspectos históricos e musicais das festas de Moros y cristianos através do conceito de Orientalismo na Espanha, e, em particular, na cidade de Villena, província de Alicante. Desde o século XII estas festas tradicionais se celebram sobretudo em cidades da costa oriental mediterrânea, o que inclui a cidade de Villena. A contextualização de tais festas através do conceito de Orientalismo proporciona um entendimento da exotização da música hispano-muçulmana através da música-festera (a música composta para tais festividades), um estilo musical que conta com mais de quatrocentas peças compostas por mais de trezentos compositores ao longo dos últimos séculos. Este artigo revela que, através de um estudo etnomusicológico baseado no Orientalismo, é possível reconsiderar a narrativa colonial embutida no simbolismo cultural e musical da música-festera
The role of intraspecific trait variation in driving post-metamorphic survival: Implications for recruitment in open populations
Most ecological studies attempting to understand causes of population dynamics and community structure disregard intraspecific trait variation. We quantified the importance of natural intra-cohort variation in body size and density of juveniles for recruitment of a sessile marine organism, the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides. Barnacles are representative of species organised in metapopulations, that is, as open local populations connected by larval dispersal. We tracked the individual growth and survival of a cohort of juvenile barnacles from two shores of North Wales. Barnacles settled as larvae in spring of 2002 on previously cleared rock. The density of these new recruits was experimentally manipulated in June and randomly selected individuals were monitored from June to October to evaluate the role of barnacle size and density in predicting survival. In doing so we characterised density at three spatial scales (quadrat: 25 cm 2, cells within quadrats: 25 mm 2 and neighbourhood: number of neighbours in physical contact with the target barnacle). At all scales, variations in juvenile body size exacerbated the effect of density-dependent mortality on population size. While density-dependent mortality was very intense in the small-sized individuals, large-sized individuals experienced very weak density-dependent mortality and showed high survival rates. Using the concept of 'Jensen inequality', we show that important biases in estimations of survival, based on population size only, occur at high barnacle densities, where survival is low. Our study highlights the role of body size variation in understanding dynamics of open populations. </p
Ict use and successful learning: the role of the stock of human capital
Previous empirical studies have found a weak nexus between the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for learning and students’ outcomes. However, this literature has not considered the role that the countries’ stock of human capital can have in the successful use of ICT for learning. In this paper, we test empirically the existence of complementarities between human capital and technology adoption for learning. We carry out an empirical analysis with PISA data from a large-scale sample of 363,412 students enrolled in 13,215 schools in 48 countries. We estimate a hierarchical linear model (HLM) of three levels: students, schools, and countries. Our results strongly support the evidence of a positive externality of the stock of human capital on ICT use for learning. When we consider the moderator-effect of the stock of human capital, we find that the negative outcome of ICT use on students’ outcomes in mathematics, reading and science turns positive (greater and more positive the higher the stocks of human capital are). The greater the stock of human capital an economy has, the more benefits it can get from investments in ICT for learning
La educación técnica es uno de los pilares en los que se apoya el desarrollo productivo de un país. La amplitud de la oferta disciplinaria que ella abarca, hace que sea de una gran especificidad y que por lo tanto, la formación de sus profesores también lo sea. Existe una tendencia a que la enseñanza de disciplinas técnicas esté a cargo de un experto en la disciplina sin una fuerte formación pedagógica. Las políticas educativas de los últimos años han tratado de fortalecer este déficit impulsando algunas medidas tendientes a balancear formación específica y formación pedagógica. Por ello, la exploración de esta cuestión resulta relevante. Este trabajo recoge los principales avances de la investigación realizada en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero sobre las perspectivas de los graduados de profesorados técnicos sobre su propia formación inicial. Las distintas propuestas de formación del profesorado técnico que existen en la República Argentina en los dos sistemas, universitario y terciario, tienen componentes que responden a formulaciones curriculares bien diferenciadas. Entre las notables diferencias, la pregunta sobre la formación pedagógica en la estructura del profesorado muestra respuestas que contienen supuestos de base definidos uno por el perfil técnico-profesional específico (la universitaria y profesorados dependientes) y otro por el perfil eminentemente docente (la de los profesorados provinciales). Las voces de los graduados sobre su formación aportan elementos de debate para una reflexión sobre la búsqueda de un equilibrio entre formación técnica y pedagógica, que les permita desempeñarse profesionalmente en la docencia
A framework to understand the role of biological time in responses to fluctuating climate drivers
Understanding biological responses to environmental fluctuations (e.g. heatwaves) is a critical
goal in ecology. Biological responses (e.g. survival) are usually measured with respect to different
time reference frames, i.e. at specific chronological times (e.g. at specific dates) or biological times
(e.g. at reproduction). Measuring responses on the biological frame is central to understand how
environmental fluctuation modifies fitness and population persistence. We use a framework, based
on partial differential equations (PDEs) to explore how responses to the time scale and magnitude
of fluctuations in environmental variables (= drivers) depend on the choice of reference frame. The
PDEs and simulations enabled us to identify different components, responsible for the phenological
and eco-physiological effects of each driver on the response. The PDEs also highlight the conditions
when the choice of reference frame affects the sensitivity of the response to a driver and the type
of join effect of two drivers (additive or interactive) on the response. Experiments highlighted the
importance of studying how environmental fluctuations affect biological time keeping mechanisms, to
develop mechanistic models. Our main result, that the effect of the environmental fluctuations on the
response depends on the scale used to measure time, applies to both field and laboratory conditions.
In addition, our approach, applied to experimental conditions, can helps us quantify how biological
time mediates the response of organisms to environmental fluctuations
A state-space approach to understand responses of organisms, populations and communities to multiple environmental drivers
Understanding the response of biotic systems to multiple environmental drivers is one of the major concerns in ecology. The most common approach in multiple driver research includes the classification of interactive responses into categories (antagonistic, synergistic). However, there are situations where the use of classification schemes limits our understanding or cannot be applied. Here, we introduce and explore an approach that allows us to better appreciate variability in responses to multiple drivers. We then apply it to a case, comparing effects of heatwaves on performance of a cold-adapted species and a warm-adapted competitor. The heatwaves had a negative effect on the native (but not on the exotic) species and the approach highlighted that the exotic species was less responsive to multivariate environmental variation than the native species. Overall, we show how the proposed approach can enhance our understanding of variation in responses due to different driver intensities, species, genotypes, ontogeny, life-phases or among spatial scales at any level of biological organization
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