17 research outputs found

    Fingerprints for anisotropic Kondo lattice behavior in the quasiparticle dynamics of the kagome metal Ni3_3In

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    We present a temperature- and polarization-resolved phononic and electronic Raman scattering study in combination with the first-principles calculations on the kagome metal Ni3_3In with anisotropic transport properties and non-Fermi liquid behavior. At temperatures below 50 K and down to 2 K, several Raman phonon modes, including particularly an interlayer shear mode, exhibit appreciable frequency and linewidth renormalization, reminiscent of the onset of the Kondo screening without an accompanying structural or magnetic phase transition. In addition, a low-energy electronic continuum observed in polarization perpendicular to the kagome planes reveals strong temperature dependence below 50 K, implying thermal depletion of incoherent quasiparticles, while the in-plane continuum remains invariant. These concomitant electronic and phononic Raman signatures suggest that Ni3_3In undergoes an anisotropic electronic crossover from an incoherent to a coherent Kondo lattice regime below 50 K. We discuss the origin of the anisotropic incoherent-coherent crossover in association with the possible anisotropic Kondo hybridization involving localized Ni-3dxz3d_{xz} flat-band electrons.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    Application of transposon systems in the transgenesis of bovine somatic and germ cells

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    Several DNA transposons including PiggyBac (PB), Sleeping Beauty (SB), and Tol2 have been applied as effective means for of transgenesis in many species. Cattle are not typically experimental animals, and relatively little verification has been presented on this species. Thus, the goal here was to determine the applicability of three transposon systems in somatic and embryo cells in cattle, while also investigating which of the three systems is appropriate for each cell type. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing transposon systems were used for electroporation and microinjection in the somatic cells and embryo stage, respectively. After transfection, the GFP-positive cells or blastocysts were observed through fluorescence, while the transfection efficiency was calculated by FACS. In bovine somatic cells, the PB (63.97โ€‰ยฑโ€‰11.56) showed the highest efficiency of the three systems (SB: 50.74โ€‰ยฑโ€‰13.02 and Tol2: 16.55โ€‰ยฑโ€‰5.96). Conversely, Tol2 (75.00%) and SB (70.00%) presented a higher tendency in the embryonic cells compared to PB (42.86%). These results demonstrate that these three transposon systems can be used in bovine somatic cells and embryos as gene engineering experimental methods. Moreover, they demonstrate which type of transposon system to apply depending on the cell type

    Pressure-Dependent Structure of BaZrO3 Crystals as Determined by Raman Spectroscopy

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    The structure of dielectric perovskite BaZrO3, long known to be cubic at room temperature without any structural phase transition with variation in temperature, has been recently disputed to have different ground state structures with lower symmetries involving octahedra rotation. Pressure-dependent Raman scattering measurements can identify the hierarchy of energetically-adjacent polymorphs, helping in turn to understand its ground state structure at atmospheric pressure. Here, the Raman scattering spectra of high-quality BaZrO3 single crystals grown by the optical floating zone method are investigated in a pressure range from 1 atm to 42 GPa. First, based on the analyses of the infrared and Raman spectra measured at atmospheric pressure, it was found that all the observed vibrational modes could be assigned according to the cubic Pm3??m structure. In addition, by applying pressure, two structural phase transitions were found at 8.4 and 19.2 GPa, one from the cubic to the rhombohedral R3??c phase and the other from the rhombohedral to the tetragonal I4/mcm phase. Based on the two pressure-induced structural phase transitions, the true ground state structure of BaZrO3 at room temperature and ambient pressure was corroborated to be cubic while the rhombohedral phase was the closest second

    Generation of double knockout cattle via CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein (RNP) electroporation

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    Background Genome editing has been considered as powerful tool in agricultural fields. However, genome editing progress in cattle has not been fast as in other mammal species, for some disadvantages including long gestational periods, single pregnancy, and high raising cost. Furthermore, technically demanding methods such as microinjection and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are needed for gene editing in cattle. In this point of view, electroporation in embryos has been risen as an alternative. Results First, editing efficiency of our electroporation methods were tested for embryos. Presence of mutation on embryo was confirmed by T7E1 assay. With first combination, mutation rates for MSTN and PRNP were 57.6%โ€‰ยฑโ€‰13.7% and 54.6%โ€‰ยฑโ€‰13.5%, respectively. In case of MSTN/BLG, mutation rates were 83.9%โ€‰ยฑโ€‰23.6% for MSTN, 84.5%โ€‰ยฑโ€‰18.0% for BLG. Afterwards, the double-KO embryos were transferred to surrogates and mutation rate was identified in resultant calves by targeted deep sequencing. Thirteen recipients were transferred for MSTN/PRNP, 4 calves were delivered, and one calf underwent an induction for double KO. Ten surrogates were given double-KO embryos for MSTN/BLG, and four of the six calves that were born had mutations in both genes. Conclusions These data demonstrated that production of genome edited cattle via electroporation of RNP could be effectively applied. Finally, MSTN and PRNP from beef cattle and MSTN and BLG from dairy cattle have been born and they will be valuable resources for future precision breeding.This study was financially supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2021R1A5A1033157 for SRC program: 382 Comparative medicine Disease Research Center; NRF-2021R1F1A105195313), the Research Institute of Veterinary Science, the BK21 Four for Future Veterinary Medicine Leading Education and Research Center, and a Seoul National University (SNU) grant (#550e2020005

    Analysis of significant protein abundance from multiple reaction-monitoring data

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    Background Discovering reliable protein biomarkers is one of the most important issues in biomedical research. The ELISA is a traditional technique for accurate quantitation of well-known proteins. Recently, the multiple reaction-monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry has been proposed for quantifying newly discovered protein and has become a popular alternative to ELISA. For the MRM data analysis, linear mixed modeling (LMM) has been used to analyze MRM data. MSstats is one of the most widely used tools for MRM data analysis that is based on the LMMs. However, LMMs often provide various significance results, depending on model specification. Sometimes it would be difficult to specify a correct LMM method for the analysis of MRM data. Here, we propose a new logistic regression-based method for Significance Analysis of Multiple Reaction Monitoring (LR-SAM). Results Through simulation studies, we demonstrate that LMM methods may not preserve type I error, thus yielding high false- positive errors, depending on how random effects are specified. Our simulation study also shows that the LR-SAM approach performs similarly well as LMM approaches, in most cases. However, LR-SAM performs better than the LMMs, particularly when the effects sizes of peptides from the same protein are heterogeneous. Our proposed method was applied to MRM data for identification of proteins associated with clinical responses of treatment of 115 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor sorafenib. Of 124 candidate proteins, LMM approaches provided 6 results varying in significance, while LR-SAM, by contrast, yielded 18 significant results that were quite reproducibly consistent. Conclusion As exemplified by an application to HCC data set, LR-SAM more effectively identified proteins associated with clinical responses of treatment than LMM did.This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number: HI16C2037, HI15C2165). Publication of this article was sponsored by HI16C2037 grant

    Pressure-Dependent Structure of BaZrO3 Crystals as Determined by Raman Spectroscopy

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    The structure of dielectric perovskite BaZrO3, long known to be cubic at room temperature without any structural phase transition with variation in temperature, has been recently disputed to have different ground state structures with lower symmetries involving octahedra rotation. Pressure-dependent Raman scattering measurements can identify the hierarchy of energetically-adjacent polymorphs, helping in turn to understand its ground state structure at atmospheric pressure. Here, the Raman scattering spectra of high-quality BaZrO3 single crystals grown by the optical floating zone method are investigated in a pressure range from 1 atm to 42 GPa. First, based on the analyses of the infrared and Raman spectra measured at atmospheric pressure, it was found that all the observed vibrational modes could be assigned according to the cubic Pm3¯m structure. In addition, by applying pressure, two structural phase transitions were found at 8.4 and 19.2 GPa, one from the cubic to the rhombohedral R3¯c phase and the other from the rhombohedral to the tetragonal I4/mcm phase. Based on the two pressure-induced structural phase transitions, the true ground state structure of BaZrO3 at room temperature and ambient pressure was corroborated to be cubic while the rhombohedral phase was the closest second

    Extract of Ginkgo Biloba Ameliorates Streptozotocin- Induced Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and High-Fat Diet- Induced Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Mice

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    ยฉ 2015 Ivyspring International Publisher. Reproduction is permitted for personal, noncommercial use, provided that the article is in whole, unmodified, and properly cited

    Validation of a Modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh Classification System Utilizing Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in an HBV Endemic Area.

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    Recently, a modified insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF)-Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) classification was proposed to improve the original CTP classification. This study aimed to validate the new IGF-CTP classification system as a prognostic maker for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a hepatitis B virus endemic area.We conducted a post-hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study. We used Harrell's C-index and U-statistics to compare the prognostic performance of both IGF-CTP and CTP classifications for overall survival. We evaluated the relationship between HCC stage and the four components of the IGF-CTP classification (serum levels of IGF-1, albumin, and total bilirubin and prothrombin time [PT]) using nonparametric trend analysis.We included a total of 393 patients in this study. In all, 55 patients died during the median follow-up of 59.1 months. There was a difference between IGF-CTP class and CTP class in 14% of patients. Overall, the IGF-CTP classification system had a higher prognostic value (C-index = 0.604, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.539-0.668) than the CTP system (C-index = 0.558, 95% CI = 0.501-0.614), but the difference was not statistically significant (P = .07 by U-statistics). A lower serum level of IGF-1 was related to a more advanced cancer stage (P < .01). The remaining components of the IGF-CTP classification were not significantly related to tumor stage (P = .11 for total bilirubin; P = .33 for albumin; and P = .39 for PT).The IGF-CTP classification was slightly better than the original CTP classification for predicting survival of patients with HCC in a chronic hepatitis B endemic area. This is most likely due to the fact that serum IGF-1 levels reflect underlying HCC status