7,760 research outputs found

    Stronger computational modelling of signalling pathways using both continuous and discrete-state methods

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    Starting from a biochemical signalling pathway model expresses in a process algebra enriched with quantitative information, we automatically derive both continuous-space and discrete-space representations suitable for numerical evaluation. We compare results obtained using approximate stochastic simulation thereby exposing a flaw in the use of the differentiation procedure producing misleading results

    Number of adaptive steps to a local fitness peak

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    We consider a population of genotype sequences evolving on a rugged fitness landscape with many local fitness peaks. The population walks uphill until it encounters a local fitness maximum. We find that the statistical properties of the walk length depend on whether the underlying fitness distribution has a finite mean. If the mean is finite, all the walk length cumulants grow with the sequence length but approach a constant otherwise. Experimental implications of our analytical results are also discussed

    Calibrating AIS images using the surface as a reference

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    A method of evaluating the initial assumptions and uncertainties of the physical connection between Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) image data and laboratory/field spectrometer data was tested. The Tuscon AIS-2 image connects to lab reference spectra by an alignment to the image spectral endmembers through a system gain and offset for each band. Images were calibrated to reflectance so as to transform the image into a measure that is independent of the solar radiant flux. This transformation also makes the image spectra directly comparable to data from lab and field spectrometers. A method was tested for calibrating AIS images using the surface as a reference. The surface heterogeneity is defined by lab/field spectral measurements. It was found that the Tuscon AIS-2 image is consistent with each of the initial hypotheses: (1) that the AIS-2 instrument calibration is nearly linear; (2) the spectral variance is caused by sub-pixel mixtures of spectrally distinct materials and shade, and (3) that sub-pixel mixtures can be treated as linear mixtures of pure endmembers. It was also found that the image can be characterized by relatively few endmembers using the AIS-2 spectra

    Global Versus Local Computations: Fast Computing with Identifiers

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    This paper studies what can be computed by using probabilistic local interactions with agents with a very restricted power in polylogarithmic parallel time. It is known that if agents are only finite state (corresponding to the Population Protocol model by Angluin et al.), then only semilinear predicates over the global input can be computed. In fact, if the population starts with a unique leader, these predicates can even be computed in a polylogarithmic parallel time. If identifiers are added (corresponding to the Community Protocol model by Guerraoui and Ruppert), then more global predicates over the input multiset can be computed. Local predicates over the input sorted according to the identifiers can also be computed, as long as the identifiers are ordered. The time of some of those predicates might require exponential parallel time. In this paper, we consider what can be computed with Community Protocol in a polylogarithmic number of parallel interactions. We introduce the class CPPL corresponding to protocols that use O(nlogkn)O(n\log^k n), for some k, expected interactions to compute their predicates, or equivalently a polylogarithmic number of parallel expected interactions. We provide some computable protocols, some boundaries of the class, using the fact that the population can compute its size. We also prove two impossibility results providing some arguments showing that local computations are no longer easy: the population does not have the time to compare a linear number of consecutive identifiers. The Linearly Local languages, such that the rational language (ab)(ab)^*, are not computable.Comment: Long version of SSS 2016 publication, appendixed version of SIROCCO 201

    Contact tracing and epidemics control in social networks

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    A generalization of the standard susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) stochastic model for epidemics in sparse random networks is introduced which incorporates contact tracing in addition to random screening. We propose a deterministic mean-field description which yields quantitative agreement with stochastic simulations on random graphs. We also analyze the role of contact tracing in epidemics control in small-world networks and show that its effectiveness grows as the rewiring probability is reduced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Numerical simulation of unconstrained cyclotron resonant maser emission

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    When a mainly rectilinear electron beam is subject to significant magnetic compression, conservation of magnetic moment results in the formation of a horseshoe shaped velocity distribution. It has been shown that such a distribution is unstable to cyclotron emission and may be responsible for the generation of Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) an intense rf emission sourced at high altitudes in the terrestrial auroral magnetosphere. PiC code simulations have been undertaken to investigate the dynamics of the cyclotron emission process in the absence of cavity boundaries with particular consideration of the spatial growth rate, spectral output and rf conversion efficiency. Computations reveal that a well-defined cyclotron emission process occurs albeit with a low spatial growth rate compared to waveguide bounded simulations. The rf output is near perpendicular to the electron beam with a slight backward-wave character reflected in the spectral output with a well defined peak at 2.68GHz, just below the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency. The corresponding rf conversion efficiency of 1.1% is comparable to waveguide bounded simulations and consistent with the predictions of kinetic theory that suggest efficient, spectrally well defined radiation emission can be obtained from an electron horseshoe distribution in the absence of radiation boundaries.Publisher PD

    Error threshold in finite populations

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    A simple analytical framework to study the molecular quasispecies evolution of finite populations is proposed, in which the population is assumed to be a random combination of the constiyuent molecules in each generation,i.e., linkage disequilibrium at the population level is neglected. In particular, for the single-sharp-peak replication landscape we investigate the dependence of the error threshold on the population size and find that the replication accuracy at threshold increases linearly with the reciprocal of the population size for sufficiently large populations. Furthermore, in the deterministic limit our formulation yields the exact steady-state of the quasispecies model, indicating then the population composition is a random combination of the molecules.Comment: 14 pages and 4 figure

    On-the-fly Uniformization of Time-Inhomogeneous Infinite Markov Population Models

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    This paper presents an on-the-fly uniformization technique for the analysis of time-inhomogeneous Markov population models. This technique is applicable to models with infinite state spaces and unbounded rates, which are, for instance, encountered in the realm of biochemical reaction networks. To deal with the infinite state space, we dynamically maintain a finite subset of the states where most of the probability mass is located. This approach yields an underapproximation of the original, infinite system. We present experimental results to show the applicability of our technique