70 research outputs found

    Hohenpeissenberg Photochemical Experiment (HOPE 2000) : measurements and photostationary state calculations of OH and peroxy radicals

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    Measurements of OH, total peroxy radicals, non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) and various other trace gases were made at the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg in June 2000. The data from an intensive measurement period characterised by high solar insolation (18-21 June) are analysed. The maximum midday OH concentration ranged between 4.5x106 molecules cm-3 and 7.4x106 molecules cm-3. The maximum total ROx (ROx =OH+RO+HO2+RO2) mixing ratio increased from about 55 pptv on 18 June to nearly 70 pptv on 20 and 21 June. A total of 64 NMHCs, including isoprene and monoterpenes, were measured every 1 to 6 hours. The oxidation rate of the NMHCs by OH was calculated and reached a total of over 14x106 molecules cm-3 s-1 on two days. A simple photostationary state balance model was used to simulate the ambient OH and peroxy radical concentrations with the measured data as input. This approach was able to reproduce the main features of the diurnal profiles of both OH and peroxy radicals. The balance equations were used to test the effect of the assumptions made in this model. The results proved to be most sensitive to assumptions about the impact of unmeasured volatile organic compounds (VOC), e.g. formaldehyde (HCHO), and about the partitioning between HO2 and RO2. The measured OH concentration and peroxy radical mixing ratios were reproduced well by assuming the presence of 3 ppbv HCHO as a proxy for oxygenated hydrocarbons, and a HO2/ RO2 ratio between 1:1 and 1:2. The most important source of OH, and conversely the greatest sink for peroxy radicals, was the recycling of HO2 radicals to OH. This reaction was responsible for the recycling of more than 45x106 molecules cm-3 s-1 on two days. The most important sink for OH, and the largest source of peroxy radicals, was the oxidation of NMHCs, in particular, of isoprene and the monoterpenes

    Long-term changes in lower tropospheric baseline ozone concentrations at northern mid-latitudes

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    Changes in baseline (here understood as representative of continental to hemispheric scales) tropospheric O<sub>3</sub> concentrations that have occurred at northern mid-latitudes over the past six decades are quantified from available measurement records with the goal of providing benchmarks to which retrospective model calculations of the global O<sub>3</sub> distribution can be compared. Eleven data sets (ten ground-based and one airborne) including six European (beginning in the 1950's and before), three North American (beginning in 1984) and two Asian (beginning in 1991) are analyzed. When the full time periods of the data records are considered a consistent picture emerges; O<sub>3</sub> has increased at all sites in all seasons at approximately 1% yr<sup>−1</sup> relative to the site's 2000 yr mixing ratio in each season. For perspective, this rate of increase sustained from 1950 to 2000 corresponds to an approximate doubling. There is little if any evidence for statistically significant differences in average rates of increase among the sites, regardless of varying length of data records. At most sites (most definitively at the European sites) the rate of increase has slowed over the last decade (possibly longer), to the extent that at present O<sub>3</sub> is decreasing at some sites in some seasons, particularly in summer. The average rate of increase before 2000 shows significant seasonal differences (1.08 ± 0.09, 0.89 ± 0.10, 0.85 ± 0.11 and 1.21 ± 0.12% yr<sup>−1</sup> in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively, over North America and Europe)

    Measurement and simulation of the 16/17 April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash layer dispersion in the northern Alpine region

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    The spatial structure and the progression speed of the first ash layer from the Icelandic Eyjafjallajökull volcano which reached Germany on 16/17 April is investigated from remote sensing data and numerical simulations. The ceilometer network of the German Meteorological Service was able to follow the progression of the ash layer over the whole of Germany. This first ash layer turned out to be a rather shallow layer of only several hundreds of metres thickness which was oriented slantwise in the middle troposphere and which was brought downward by large-scale sinking motion over Southern Germany and the Alps. Special Raman lidar measurements, trajectory analyses and in-situ observations from mountain observatories helped to confirm the volcanic origin of the detected aerosol layer. Ultralight aircraft measurements permitted the detection of the arrival of a second major flush of volcanic material in Southern Germany. Numerical simulations with the Eulerian meso-scale model MCCM were able to reproduce the temporal and spatial structure of the ash layer. Comparisons of the model results with the ceilometer network data on 17 April and with the ultralight aircraft data on 19 April were satisfying. This is the first example of a model validation study from this ceilometer network data

    Long-Term Changes in Lower Tropospheric Baseline Ozone Concentrations:

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    Two recent papers have quantified long-term ozone (O3) changes observed at northernmidlatitude sites that are believed to represent baseline (here understood as representative of continental to hemispheric scales) conditions. Three chemistry-climate models (NCAR CAM-chem, GFDL-CM3, and GISS-E2-R) have calculated retrospective tropospheric O3 concentrations as part of the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 model intercomparisons. We present an approach for quantitative comparisons of model results with measurements for seasonally averaged O3 concentrations. There is considerable qualitative agreement between the measurements and the models, but there are also substantial and consistent quantitative disagreements. Most notably, models (1) overestimate absolute O3 mixing ratios, on average by approximately 5 to 17 ppbv in the year 2000, (2) capture only approximately 50% of O3 changes observed over the past five to six decades, and little of observed seasonal differences, and (3) capture approximately 25 to 45% of the rate of change of the long-term changes. These disagreements are significant enough to indicate that only limited confidence can be placed on estimates of present-day radiative forcing of tropospheric O3 derived from modeled historic concentration changes and on predicted future O3 concentrations. Evidently our understanding of tropospheric O3, or the incorporation of chemistry and transport processes into current chemical climate models, is incomplete. Modeled O3 trends approximately parallel estimated trends in anthropogenic emissions of NO(sub x), an important O3 precursor, while measured O3 changes increase more rapidly than these emission estimates

    Global Distribution and Trends of Tropospheric Ozone: An Observation-Based Review

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    Tropospheric ozone plays a major role in Earth's atmospheric chemistry processes and also acts as an air pollutant and greenhouse gas. Due to its short lifetime, and dependence on sunlight and precursor emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources, tropospheric ozone's abundance is highly variable in space and time on seasonal, interannual and decadal time-scales. Recent, and sometimes rapid, changes in observed ozone mixing ratios and ozone precursor emissions inspired us to produce this up-to-date overview of tropospheric ozone's global distribution and trends. Much of the text is a synthesis of in situ and remotely sensed ozone observations reported in the peer-reviewed literature, but we also include some new and extended analyses using well-known and referenced datasets to draw connections between ozone trends and distributions in different regions of the world. In addition, we provide a brief evaluation of the accuracy of rural or remote surface ozone trends calculated by three state-of-the-science chemistry-climate models, the tools used by scientists to fill the gaps in our knowledge of global tropospheric ozone distribution and trends

    Designing an automatic pollen monitoring network for direct usage of observations to reconstruct the concentration fields

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    We consider several approaches to a design of a regional-to-continent-scale automatic pollen monitoring network in Europe. Practical challenges related to the arrangement of such a network limit the range of possible solutions. A hierarchical network is discussed, highlighting the necessity of a few reference sites that follow an extended observations protocol and have corresponding capabilities. Several theoretically rigorous approaches to a network design have been developed so far. However, before starting the process, a network purpose, a criterion of its performance, and a concept of the data usage should be formalized. For atmospheric composition monitoring, developments follow one of the two concepts: a network for direct representation of concentration fields and a network for model-based data assimilation, inverse problem solution, and forecasting. The current paper demonstrates the first approach, whereas the inverse problems are considered in a follow-up paper. We discuss the approaches for the network design from theoretical and practical standpoints, formulate criteria for the network optimality, and consider practical constraints for an automatic pollen network. An application of the methodology is demonstrated for a prominent example of Germany's pollen monitoring network. The multi-step method includes (i) the network representativeness and (ii) redundancy evaluation followed by (iii) fidelity evaluation and improvement using synthetic data