3,140 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric investigations of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Markarian 35

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    We present results from a detailed spectrophotometric analysis of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk 35 (Haro 3), based on deep optical (B,V,R,I) and near-IR (J,H,K) imaging, Halpha narrow-band observations and long-slit spectroscopy. The optical emission of the galaxy is dominated by a central young starburst, with a bar-like shape, while an underlying component of stars, with elliptical isophotes and red colors, extends more than 4 kpc from the galaxy center. High resolution Halpha and color maps allow us to identify the star-forming regions, to spatially discriminate them from the older stars, and to recognize several dust patches. We derive colors and Halpha parameters for all the identified star-forming knots. Observables derived for each knot are corrected for the contribution of the underlying older stellar population, the contribution by emission lines, and from interstellar extinction, and compared with evolutionary synthesis models. We find that the contributions of these three factors are by no means negligible and that they significantly vary across the galaxy. Therefore, careful quantification and subtraction of emission lines, galaxy host contribution, and interstellar reddening at every galaxy position, are essential to derive the properties of the young stars in BCDs. We find that we can reproduce the colors of all the knots with an instantaneous burst of star formation and the Salpeter initial mass function with an upper mass limit of 100 M_solar. In all cases the knots are just a few Myr old. The underlying population of stars has colors consistent with being several Gyr old.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, tentatively scheduled for the ApJ November 1, 2007 v669n1 issu

    Spectrophotometric Observations of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Mrk 370

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    We present results from a detailed spectrophotometric analysis of the blue compact dwarf galaxy (BCD) Mrk 370, based on deep UBVRI broad-band and Halpha narrow-band observations, and long-slit and two-dimensional spectroscopy of its brightest knots. The spectroscopic data are used to derive the internal extinction, and to compute metallicities, electronic density and temperature in the knots. By subtracting the contribution of the underlying older stellar population, modeled by an exponential function, removing the contribution from emission lines, and correcting for extinction, we can measure the true colors of the young star-forming knots. We show that the colors obtained this way differ significantly from those derived without the above corrections, and lead to different estimates of the ages and star-forming history of the knots. Using predictions of evolutionary synthesis models, we estimate the ages of both the starburst regions and the underlying stellar component. We found that we can reproduce the colors of all the knots with an instantaneous burst of star formation and the Salpeter initial mass function with an upper mass limit of 100 solar masses. The resulting ages range between 3 and 6 Myrs. The colors of the low surface brightness component are consistent with ages larger than 5 Gyr. The kinematic results suggest ordered motion around the major axis of the galaxy.Comment: 26 pages with 14 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Crust beneath Morocco: From the surface topography to the upper mantle a 700 km long seismic section across Morocco.

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    The most characteristic topographic features of Morocco are the Atlas Mountains and the Rif Coordillera. These two orogenic belts are the response of different geodynamic processes acting at lithospheric scale caused by a complex plate interaction. Both are located within the diffuse plate boundary zone separating Africa and Europe. The boundary zone is characterized by a relatively broad zone of deformation that includes mountain chains in southern Iberia, the Betics and in Morocco, the Rif Cordillera, separated by the Alboran basin. The zone delineates an arcuate arc system known as the Gibraltar arc. The area is characterized by a relatively large amount of earthquake activity at various depths and with a broad spectra of focal mechanisms. Within the last decade a large international effort have been devoted to the area. The topic has fostered a strong collaborations between Spanish and international research teams form Europe and USA. Key multi-seismic projects have been developed that aim to constrain the structure, composition and tectonic scenario from south of the Atlas to the Betics, across the Rif cordillera and the Alboran basin. The multidisciplinary research program included: natural source (earthquakes) recording with temporal deployments of broad band (BB) instrumentation and, controlled source seismic acquisition experiments where, spatially dense recording of wide-angle seismic reflection shot gathers were acquired. The natural source experiments consisted on a transect from Merzouga across the Gibraltar Arc and into the Iberian Peninsula (until south of Toledo) and, a nearly regular grid of BB. The controlled source data-sets were able to constrain the crustal structure and provide seismic P-wave propagation velocity models from the coast across the Rif and the Atlas. From south to north the crust features a relatively moderate crustal root beneath the Middle Atlas which can reach 40 km clearly differing from the 35 km thickness value observed at both sides of this root. Travel time inversion results position the crustal root just south of the High Atlas defining a thrusted mantle wedge and, also a limited crustal imbrication is suggested in the Middle Atlas. The most surprising feature is a prominent and unexpected crustal root (over 50 km) located beneath the external Rif and identified by both the wide-angle data and receiver function studies. To the east of this feature the crust thins rapidly by 20 km across the Nekkor fault zone, suggested to be related to the sharp change in crustal thickness. On shore-offshore recording of marine shots reveal further complexities in the transition to the Alboran basin. The low values of the Bouguer gravity anomalies beneath the Rif Cordillera are consistent with the crustal models derived from the new seismic data. The detailed knowledge on the crustal structure achieved by this high resolution imaging geophysical techniques is an asset to evaluate the earthquake and potential tsunami hazard for the coasts of North Africa and western Europe.This work has been primarily funded by the Spanish MEC project CGL2007–63889. Additional funding was provided by projects CGL2010–15416, CSD2006-00041, and CGL2009–09727 (Spain), CGL2008–03474-E, 07- TOPO_EUROPE_FP-006 (ESF Eurocores) and EAR-0808939 (US, NSF).Peer Reviewe

    Mapping the properties of blue compact dwarf galaxies: integral field spectroscopy with PMAS

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    (Abridged) We perform integral field spectroscopy of a sample of Blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies with the aim of analyzing their morphology, the spatial distribution of some of their physical properties (excitation, extinction, and electron density) and their relationship with the distribution and evolutionary state of the stellar populations. Integral field spectroscopy observations of the sample galaxies were carried out with the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS) at the 3.5 m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory. An area 16 arcsec x 16 arcsec in size was mapped with a spatial sampling of 1 arcsec x 1 arcsec. We obtained data in the 3590-6996 Angstroms spectral range, with a linear dispersion of 3.2 Angstroms per pixel. From these data we built two-dimensional maps of the flux of the most prominent emission lines, of two continuum bands, of the most relevant line ratios, and of the gas velocity field. Integrated spectra of the most prominent star-forming regions and of whole objects within the FOV were used to derive their physical parameters and the gas metal abundances. Six galaxies display the same morphology both in emission line and in continuum maps; only in two objects, Mrk 32 and Tololo 1434+032, the distributions of the ionized gas and of the stars differ considerably. In general the different excitation maps for a same object display the same pattern and trace the star-forming regions, as expected for objects ionized by hot stars; only the outer regions of Mrk 32, I Zw 123 and I Zw 159 display higher [SII]/Halpha values, suggestive of shocks. Six galaxies display an inhomogeneous dust distribution. Regarding the kinematics, Mrk 750, Mrk 206 and I Zw 159 display a clear rotation pattern, while in Mrk 32, Mrk 475 and I Zw 123 the velocity fields are flat.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; Accepted for publication in A&

    Coulomb breakup of neutron-rich 29,30^{29,30}Na isotopes near the island of inversion

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    First results are reported on the ground state configurations of the neutron-rich 29,30^{29,30}Na isotopes, obtained via Coulomb dissociation (CD) measurements as a method of the direct probe. The invariant mass spectra of those nuclei have been obtained through measurement of the four-momentum of all decay products after Coulomb excitation on a 208Pb^{208}Pb target at energies of 400-430 MeV/nucleon using FRS-ALADIN-LAND setup at GSI, Darmstadt. Integrated Coulomb-dissociation cross-sections (CD) of 89 (7)(7) mb and 167 (13)(13) mb up to excitation energy of 10 MeV for one neutron removal from 29^{29}Na and 30^{30}Na respectively, have been extracted. The major part of one neutron removal, CD cross-sections of those nuclei populate core, in its' ground state. A comparison with the direct breakup model, suggests the predominant occupation of the valence neutron in the ground state of 29^{29}Na(3/2+){(3/2^+)} and 30^{30}Na(2+){(2^+)} is the dd orbital with small contribution in the ss-orbital which are coupled with ground state of the core. The ground state configurations of these nuclei are as 28^{28}Na_{gs (1^+)\otimes\nu_{s,d} and 29^{29}Nags(3/2+)νs,d_{gs}(3/2^+)\otimes\nu_{ s,d}, respectively. The ground state spin and parity of these nuclei, obtained from this experiment are in agreement with earlier reported values. The spectroscopic factors for the valence neutron occupying the ss and dd orbitals for these nuclei in the ground state have been extracted and reported for the first time. A comparison of the experimental findings with the shell model calculation using MCSM suggests a lower limit of around 4.3 MeV of the sd-pf shell gap in 30^{30}Na.Comment: Modified version of the manuscript is accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G, Jan., 201

    Mapping the ionized gas of the metal-poor HII galaxy PHL 293B with MEGARA

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    Here we report the first spatially resolved spectroscopic study for the galaxy PHL293B using the high-resolution GTC/MEGARA IFU. PHL293B is a local, extremely metal-poor, high ionization galaxy. This makes PHL 293B an excellent analogue for galaxies in the early Universe. The MEGARA aperture (~12.5''x 11.3'') covers the entire PHL 293B main body and its far-reaching ionized gas. We created and discussed maps of all relevant emission lines, line ratios and physical-chemical properties of the ionized ISM. The narrow emission gas appears to be ionized mainly by massive stars according to the observed diganostic line ratios, regardless of the position across the MEGARA aperture. We detected low intensity broad emission components and blueshifted absorptions in the Balmer lines (Hα\alpha,Hβ\beta) which are located in the brightest zone of the galaxy ISM. A chemically homogeneity, across hundreds of parsecs, is observed in O/H. We take the oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H)=7.64 ±\pm 0.06 derived from the PHL293B integrated spectrum as the representative metallicity for the galaxy. Our IFU data reveal for the first time that the nebular HeII4686 emission from PHL 293B is spatially extended and coincident with the ionizing stellar cluster, and allow us to compute its absolute HeII ionizing photon flux. Wolf-Rayet bumps are not detected excluding therefore Wolf-Rayet stars as the main HeII excitation source. The origin of the nebular HeII4686 is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 9 Figures, 3 Tables; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    An Aromatic Inventory of the Local Volume

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    Using infrared photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope, we perform the first inventory of aromatic feature emission (AFE, but also commonly referred to as PAH emission) for a statistically complete sample of star-forming galaxies in the local volume. The photometric methodology involved is calibrated and demonstrated to recover the aromatic fraction of the IRAC 8 micron flux with a standard deviation of 6% for a training set of 40 SINGS galaxies (ranging from stellar to dust dominated) with both suitable mid-infrared Spitzer IRS spectra and equivalent photometry. A potential factor of two improvement could be realized with suitable 5.5 and 10 micron photometry, such as what may be provided in the future by JWST. The resulting technique is then applied to mid-infrared photometry for the 258 galaxies from the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey, a large sample dominated in number by low-luminosity dwarf galaxies for which obtaining comparable mid-infrared spectroscopy is not feasible. We find the total LVL luminosity due to five strong aromatic features in the 8 micron complex to be 2.47E10 solar luminosities with a mean volume density of 8.8E6 solar luminosities per cubic Megaparsec. Twenty-four of the LVL galaxies, corresponding to a luminosity cut at M = -18.22 in the B band, account for 90% of the aromatic luminosity. Using oxygen abundances compiled from the literature for 129 of the 258 LVL galaxies, we find a correlation between metallicity and the aromatic to total infrared emission ratio but not the aromatic to total 8 micron dust emission ratio. A possible explanation is that metallicity plays a role in the abundance of aromatic molecules relative to the total dust content, but other factors such as star formation and/or the local radiation field affect the excitation of those molecules.Comment: ApJ in press; 29 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables; emulateapj forma