4,104 research outputs found

    Influencia de la autoconfianza y el perfil motivacional en el “flujo” en matemáticas

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    Varios autores consideran que la motivación y el afecto son fundamentales en el aprendizaje de matemáticas, por su influencia en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y en su elección de actividades matemáticas. El flujo está asociado a la motivación intrínseca, y se produce cuando los sujetos experimentan alta concentración y disfrute con la actividad que están realizando. La variable afectiva autoconfianza es la creencia sobre la propia competencia matemática. El perfil motivacional se caracteriza mediante la combinación de distintas metas académicas. En este estudio se analiza, a través de cuestionarios, la influencia de la autoconfianza y del perfil motivacional en experiencias de flujo en matemáticas. La muestra está integrada por 161 estudiantes del grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria

    Comportamiento de estudiantes de maestro al medir el volumen

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    Las magnitudes y su medida, por su uso cotidiano, son un contenido de las matemáticas escolares que los estudiantes para maestro de primaria deben dominar. Estos estudiantes presentan lagunas cuando se les proponen tareas para el desarrollo de la competencia de comparación y medida de la capacidad y del volumen. En el presente trabajo se aportan tareas de este tipo y se identifican las estrategias, los errores y dificultades que cometen los estudiantes, al resolverlas. Además, se describe una actuación realizada en el aula para que los estudiantes detecten y superen las estrategias erróneas

    Effectiveness of a video-feedback and questioning programme to develop cognitive expertise in sport

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    The importance within sport expertise of cognitive factors has been emphasised in many research studies. Adaptations that take place in athletes’ long-term memories are going to condition their decision-making and performance, and training programmes must be developed that improve these adaptations. In our study, we provide a tactical-cognitive training programme based on video-feedback and questioning in order to improve tactical knowledge in tennis players and verify its effect when transferred to athletes’ decision-making. 11 intermediate tennis players participated in this study (12.960.7 years old), distributed into two groups (experimental, n = 5; control, n = 6). Tactical knowledge was measured by problem representation and strategy planning with a verbal protocol. Decision-making was measured by a systematic observation instrument. Results confirm the effectiveness of a combination of video-feedback and questioning on cognitive expertise, developing adaptations in long-term memory that produce an improvement in the quality of tactical knowledge (content, sophistication and structure). This, in turn, is transferred to the athletes’ decision-making capacity, leading to a higher percentage of successful decisions made during game play. Finally, we emphasise the need to develop effective programmes to develop cognitive expertise and improve athletes’ performance, and include it in athletes’ formative stages

    Comparative analysis of the serve in volleyball between the spanish championships 2005-2010

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    El objetivo fue analizar los cambios que ha experimentado el saque desde el Campeonato de España cadete masculino de 2005 al de 2010. Mediante la observación sistemática se analizaron 1594 acciones, en las cuales se midieron las siguientes variables: zona de origen, eficacia, tipo de saque, zona de recepción, función del receptor, dirección y temporalidad. Los resultados reflejaron que en los últimos años, el saque realizado por jugadores de categoría de formación ha sufrido modificaciones relevantes, tales como, mejora de la eficacia, incremento del empleo del saque en salto, y realización del saque con un carácter más táctico. Pese a la mayor aproximación del saque a los perfiles existentes en alto nivel, se recomienda que el saque de voleibol en categorías de formación se entrene en función de las características y nivel de los jugadores, evitando el mimetismo de lo que acontece en alto nivelThe aim of this research was to analyze the changes in the characteristics of the serve between the male Under-16 Spanish Championships that took place in 2005 and 2010. Through systematic observation 1594 actions were analyzed. The measured variables were: serve zone, effectiveness, serve type, reception zone, in-game role of the receptor, serve direction and timing. The results showed that in recent years, the serve performed by players at training stages has undergone significant changes, such as improved efficiency, increased use of jump serve, and execution of the serve with a more tactical role. Despite of the closest approach of the serve to the existing high level profiles, it is recommended to train the serve in volleyball training stages according to the characteristics and level of players, avoiding mimicry of what happens at a high levelEste trabajo ha sido realizado gracias al apoyo del Programa de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) de la Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación del Gobierno de Extremadura (España), y gracias al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación en el Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011 (ref. DEP2011-27503

    Implications of instructional strategies in sport teaching: a nonlinear pedagogy-based approach

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    In this article, we have tried to establish the practical implications of instructional strategies in sport teaching. Firstly, we have highlighted the importance of the Teaching Game for Understanding as a teaching model that is fundamentally based on the use of modified games, whose purpose is for students to learn the tactical aspects of a certain sport, by way of modified versions of the real game. Later on, we have gone further into depth into a new way of understanding the teaching-learning process in sport, non-Linear Pedagogy, which is based on manipulating the relevant determining factors (task, environment and individual) to increase information sources and thus be able to guide students towards obtaining their objectives. Within non-linear pedagogy, verbal instruction (e.g., questioning) is considered to be a determining factor that attempts to channel the search for tactical solutions within a learning environment. Finally, we end the article with a section that refers to practical applications, where we purport to give a series of guidelines on how to implement questioning as a didactical resource whose aim is to improve students’ tactical action capacity

    Time Series

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    This paper first shows that survey-based expectations (SBE) outperform standard time series models in U.S. quarterly inflation out-of-sample prediction and that the term structure of survey-based inflation forecasts has predictive power over the path of future inflation changes. It then proposes some empirical explanations for the forecasting success of survey-based inflation expectations. We show that SBE pool a large amount of heterogeneous information on inflation expectations and react more flexibly and accurately to macro conditions both contemporaneously and dynamically. We illustrate the flexibility of SBE forecasts in the context of the recent financial crisis

    Water-ice driven activity on Main-Belt Comet P/2010 A2 (LINEAR) ?

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    The dust ejecta of Main-Belt Comet P/2010 A2 (LINEAR) have been observed with several telescopes at the at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma, Spain. Application of an inverse dust tail Monte Carlo method to the images of the dust ejecta from the object indicates that a sustained, likely water-ice driven, activity over some eight months is the mechanism responsible for the formation of the observed tail. The total amount of dust released is estimated to be 5E7 kg, which represents about 0.3% of the nucleus mass. While the event could have been triggered by a collision, this cannot be decided from the currently available data.Comment: Accepted for ApJ Letter

    El conocimiento procedimental en jugadores de voleibol de categoría infantil

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    The main aim of this study was to analyze the procedural knowledge (PK) of the 306 players (M: 13.61; SD: .796), from de Spanish Championship in Under-14 category depending on de federated experience and performance. The dependent variable was procedural knowledge (“know how”) measured trough the Procedural Knowledge Questionnaire (Alberto Moreno et al., 2013). The independent variables were experience in federated practice and performance. Results showed statistical differences in procedural knowledge due to experience and performance. In addition, were also found the relationships between procedural knowledge, experience and performance. These results agree with previous studies that highlighted the importance of these variables into the road to the sport excellence. It is necessary for trainers to take these variables in order to propose specifically training tasks to optimize players’ formative process.El propósito fundamental de este estudio fue analizar el conocimiento procedimental (CP) de los 306 jugadores de voleibol (M: 13.61; DT: .796), participantes en el Campeonato de España de Selecciones Autonómicas de categoría infantil del año 2011, en función de la experiencia federada y el rendimiento en clasificación. La variable dependiente fue el conocimiento procedimental (“saber cómo”). Para su medida se empleó el cuestionario de conocimiento procedimental (CCPV; Moreno, Del Villar, García-González, García-Calvo, & Moreno, 2013). Las variables indepenpendientes fueron la experiencia en práctica federada, medida a través del número de años de en competición federada y el rendimiento, entendido como el puesto que ocupó cada equipo en la clasificación final del campeonato. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de diferencias significativas en el conocimiento procedimental, en función de la experiencia federada y del rendimiento. Además, el conocimiento, la experiencia federada y el rendimiento se asociaron de forma significativa. Estos resultados se discuten con estudios previos que ponen de manifiesto la relevancia de las variables conocimiento procedimental, experiencia y rendimiento en el proceso que lleva a los jugadores hacia la excelencia deportiva. Se considera necesario que los entrenadores tengan en cuenta estas tres variables de estudio a la hora de proponer tareas de entrenamiento que sirvan para optimizar en el proceso de iniciación deportiva