262 research outputs found

    Experiencias familiares y Psicopatología: Estudio de un caso clínico

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    En este estudio se presenta el caso de un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia. El objetivo del estudio es explorar el desarrollo de los vínculos afectivos del paciente con su familia y relacionarlos con el desarrollo de su psicopatología. El paciente fue entrevistado con la Entrevista de Apego Adulto (AAI) y fue clasificado como “inseguro negador”. A lo largo del estudio se desarrollan diversos factores ambientales descritos por la literatura como determinantes de una posible psicopatología, la situación clínica y familiar del paciente y el análisis de la entrevista. A través de la observación de estos cuatro elementos se establece una relación entre factores familiares acontecidos en el pasado del paciente y su psicopatología actual

    Usefulness of the Hybrid RFR-FFR Approach: Results of a Prospective and Multicenter Analysis of Diagnostic Agreement between RFR and FFR—The RECOPA (REsting Full-Cycle Ratio Comparation versus Fractional Flow Reserve (A Prospective Validation)) Study

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    Cardiologia; Estudi fisiològic; EspanyaCardiología; Estudio fisiológico; EspañaCardiology; Physiological study; SpainBackground. The resting full‐cycle ratio (RFR) is a novel resting index which in contrast to the gold standard (fractional flow reserve (FFR)) does not require maximum hyperemia induction. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the agreement between RFR and FFR with the currently recommended thresholds and to design a hybrid RFR-FFR ischemia detection strategy, allowing a reduction of coronary vasodilator use. Materials and Methods. Patients subjected to invasive physiological study in 9 Spanish centers were prospectively recruited between April 2019 and March 2020. Sensitivity and specificity studies were made to assess diagnostic accuracy between the recommended levels of RFR ≤0.89 and FFR ≤0.80 (primary objective) and to determine the RFR “grey zone” in order to define a hybrid strategy with FFR affording 95% global agreement compared with FFR alone (secondary objective). Results. A total of 380 lesions were evaluated in 311 patients. Significant correlation was observed (R2 = 0.81; ) between the two techniques, with 79% agreement between RFR ≤ 0.89 and FFR ≤ 0.80 (positive predictive value, 68%, and negative predictive value, 80%). The hybrid RFR-FFR strategy, administering only adenosine in the “grey zone” (RFR: 0.86 to 0.92), exhibited an agreement of over 95% with FFR, with high predictive values (positive predictive value, 91%, and negative predictive value, 92%), reducing the need for vasodilators by 58%. Conclusions. Dichotomous agreement between RFR and FFR with the recommended thresholds is significant but limited. The adoption of a hybrid RFR-FFR strategy affords very high agreement, with minimization of vasodilator use

    Phosphorus binders: preferences of patients on hemodialysis and its impact on treatment compliance and phosphorus control

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    Introducción: En la actualidad disponemos de un amplio abanico de captores del fósforo (CF), pero sabemos poco acerca de las preferencias de los pacientes y de su repercusión sobre el cumplimiento del tratamiento y el control de los niveles de fósforo. Objetivo: Estudiar las preferencias y creencias de los pacientes respecto a los CF, y su influencia sobre el cumplimiento del tratamiento y el control de los niveles de fósforo. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal. Se incluyeron 121 pacientes que respondieron un cuestionario genérico de cumplimiento del tratamiento (SMAQ) y a un cuestionario específico sobre cumplimiento del tratamiento con CF, tipo de CF preferido y razones de dicha preferencia. Todos los pacientes entrevistados habían probado dos o tres CF. Las consecuencias de la falta de cumplimiento del tratamiento con CF se estimaron indirectamente analizando los valores promedio de fósforo sérico. Resultados: El 40% de los pacientes era incumplidor según el cuestionario SMAQ; se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la falta de cumplimiento en general y no alcanzar el objetivo de fósforo sérico promedio 5,5 mg/dl (OR = 4,7; IC 95%, 1,1-6,5; p = 0,03). Un 43,8% de los pacientes no refirió tener preferencias entre los diferentes tipos de CF; para el resto de pacientes, el CF preferido fue Royen®, seguido de Fosrenol®, Renagel® y Pepsamar®. Las razones expresadas para el desagrado con el Renagel® fueron las siguientes: incomodidad en la toma por su gran tamaño (28,8%), necesidad de tomar muchos comprimidos y gran consumo de agua (57,7%) e intolerancia gástrica (13,3%). En el caso del Fosrenol®: incómodo de tomar (72,7%) e intolerancia gástrica (27,2%); para el Pepsamar®: mal sabor (54,5%) e intolerancia gástrica (45,4%). Sólo al 9,4% no le gustaba el Royen®. Al analizar los conocimientos de los pacientes respecto a la utilidad de los CF, un 42% sabía que servían para controlar el fósforo; un 52% no lo sabía y un 6% tenía ideas equivocadas. En cuanto a su importancia: un 47% no conocía por qué son importantes; un 2% tenía ideas erróneas; un 9% creía que era beneficioso para la salud; un 11% creía que era bueno «porque lo dice el medico»; un 26% porque controla el fósforo y un 5% lo relacionaba con el hueso. Ningún paciente relacionó los CF con la enfermedad cardiovascular. Un 24,4% no se llevaba los CF cuando salía fuera de casa o estaba con los amigos; eran pacientes más jóvenes a quienes se les habían prescrito un mayor número de comprimidos de CF y que presentaban un mayor riesgo de no cumplir el objetivo de fósforo (OR = 10,5; IC 95%, —1,8 a —16,4; p 5,5 mg/dl (OR = 13.3; IC 95%, 1,1-1,5; p = 0,0001). Paradójicamente, los pacientes que no cumplían con el tratamiento demostraban un mejor conocimiento de su uso (OR = 17,3; IC 95%, 2,2-10,1; p 5.5 mg/dl (χ2: 4.7; 95% CI 1.07-6.5; p = 0.03). Paradoxically, non-adherent patients showed greater knowledge of the use (χ2: 17.3; 95% CI -2.2-10.1; p 5.5 mg/dl) (χ2: 13.3; 95% CI -1.1-1.5; p = 0.0001). Calcium acetate was the prefered PB in 47.1% of patients, lanthanum carbonate in 40%, sevelamer in 20.6% and aluminum hydroxide in 19.4%. The reasons claimed by patients for their negative ratings of PB were the type of dosage form, the taste, the number of tablets and gastric intolerance. Gastric intolerance and bad taste were more frequent in aluminum hydroxide patients (19.4% and 22.2%, respectively). Sevelamer received complaints about its dosage form because the tablets were too large and a large number of tablets were required (27.2%). 17.7% of patient who were taking lanthanum carbonate did not like the chewable tablets. Conclusion: patients who were taking binders that they did not like had worse serum P levels and were prescribed higher doses of binders. Knowing patients’ preferences about the drugs prescribed may be a key factor in achieving adequate adherence to treatment

    Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 3 Is an Expanded Gene Family with Potential Adaptive Roles in Chickpea

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    Legumes play an important role in ensuring food security, improving nutrition and enhancing ecosystem resilience. Chickpea is a globally important grain legume adapted to semi-arid regions under rain-fed conditions. A growing body of research shows that aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) represent a gene class with promising potential for plant adaptation improvement. Aldehyde dehydrogenases constitute a superfamily of proteins with important functions as ‘aldehyde scavengers’ by detoxifying aldehydes molecules, and thus play important roles in stress responses. We performed a comprehensive study of the ALDH superfamily in the chickpea genome and identified 27 unique ALDH loci. Most chickpea ALDHs originated from duplication events and the ALDH3 gene family was noticeably expanded. Based on the physical locations of genes and sequence similarities, our results suggest that segmental duplication is a major driving force in the expansion of the ALDH family. Supported by expression data, the findings of this study offer new potential target genes for improving stress tolerance in chickpea that will be useful for breeding programs

    Hormonal spawning induction and larval rearing of meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Pisces: Sciaenidae)

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the culture potential of meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801). Trials were conducted in two different facilities in Spain, the LIMIA research centre (Mallorca) and the IFAPA research centre “El Toruño” (El Puerto de Santa Maria). In May 2006, males with free milt and females with vitellogenic oocytes bigger than 500 μm were injected with salmon gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues (sGnRHa). Spawning occurred approximately 38 hours after induction. Fecundity was high with 1.207.000 eggs collected from a 13 kg female at LIMIA in a single spawn. The larval development, growth and morphological changes were described from 0 to 30 days post hatching (DPH). The mean length of the newly hatched larvae ranged from 2.20 ± 0.02 mm (LIMIA) to 3.19 ±0.09 mm (IFAPA). Feeding began on 3 DPH, initial swim bladder inflation was observed on 5 DPH, and metamorphosis was completed on 30 DPH. Growth was very fast and the post-larvae reached 15.11 ± 3.49 mm (LIMIA) and 11.66 ± 0.96 mm (IFAPA) in 30 days Cannibalism was observed from 15 DPH onwards. These preliminary results indicate the meagre as a priority species for the diversification in aquaculture

    Saltpan as carbon sink.

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    Part of the Marchamalo saltpans (Murcia, Spain) has been abandoned for 28 years. The project “RESALAR” aims to restore 8 ha of this saltpan to extract salt in a traditional way while preserving biodiversity and historical heritage. The principal primary producers in hypersaline wetlands are microorganisms such as cyanobacteria and chlorophytes. Once the microorganism’s biomass becomes part of the decomposing sediment organic matter, the high sediment salinity and moisture levels leads to an anoxic environment, allowing it to be buried in the sediments. In this context, our study, previous to the restoration, aims to assess the carbon stock accumulated during the period of disuse as well as measure the carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux from the saltpan to the atmosphere and the effect of various physicochemical variables on soil CO2 emissions. To determine the carbon stock in the first 0.5 m we extracted a core from every tank, analyzed the bulk density, organic carbon, inorganic carbon and salinity in 5 cm sections. CO2 fluxes were measured using a soil respiration chamber connected to an infrared gas analyzer, and samples were taken from the first 10 cm of soil to analyze physicochemical variables. Our preliminary results shows that mean carbon stock value was 1349.71±251.39 Mg ha-1 and mean CO2 flux was 0.55±0.84 g m-2 h-1. Temperature was the main CO2 flux driver, while sediment moisture was the main carbon burial driver. Our results will be used to suggest management strategies to make the salt extraction compatible with carbon burialUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hormonal spawning induction and larval rearing of meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Pisces: Sciaenidae)

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the culture potential of meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801). Trials were conducted in two different facilities in Spain, the LIMIA research centre (Mallorca) and the IFAPA research centre “El Toruño” (El Puerto de Santa Maria). In May 2006, males with free milt and females with vitellogenic oocytes bigger than 500 μm were injected with salmon gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues (sGnRHa). Spawning occurred approximately 38 hours after induction. Fecundity was high with 1.207.000 eggs collected from a 13 kg female at LIMIA in a single spawn. The larval development, growth and morphological changes were described from 0 to 30 days post hatching (DPH). The mean length of the newly hatched larvae ranged from 2.20 ± 0.02 mm (LIMIA) to 3.19 ±0.09 mm (IFAPA). Feeding began on 3 DPH, initial swim bladder inflation was observed on 5 DPH, and metamorphosis was completed on 30 DPH. Growth was very fast and the post-larvae reached 15.11 ± 3.49 mm (LIMIA) and 11.66 ± 0.96 mm (IFAPA) in 30 days Cannibalism was observed from 15 DPH onwards. These preliminary results indicate the meagre as a priority species for the diversification in aquaculture.L'objectiu de l’estudi va ser avaluar el potencial del cultiu de la corbina, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801). Les experiències es van realitzar en dues diferents instal·lacions a Espanya. El centre d'investigacions LIMIA (Mallorca) i el centre d'investigacions IFAPA "El Toruño" (El Port de Santa Maria). Al maig del 2006, mascles fluents i femelles amb ovòcits vitel·logènics majors de 500 micres van ser injectats amb anàlegs de l'hormona alliberadora de gonadotropina del salmó (sGnRHa). La posta es va obtenir aproximadament 38 hores després de la inducció. La fecunditat va ser alta, obtenintne 1.207.000 ous recollits d'una sola femella de 13 kg en una única posta. El desenvolupament larvari, creixement i canvis morfològics es van descriure des del dia 0 al 30 després de l'eclosió (DPH). La longitud mitjana de les larves recent eclosionades va variar entre 2.20 ± 0.02 mm (LIMIA) i 3.19 ± 0.09 mm (IFAPA). L'alimentació va començar el 3 DPH, la inflació inicial de la bufeta natatòria es va observar el 5 DPH, i la metamorfosi es va completar el 30 DPH. El creixement va ser molt ràpid aconseguint les post larves 15.11 ± 3.49 mm (LIMIA) i 11.66 ± 0.96 mm (IFAPA) en 30 dies. A partir del 15 DPH es va observar canibalisme. Aquestes dades, assenyalen a la corbina com una espècie prioritària en la diversificació de l'aqüicultura


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    Durante los días 10 al 21 de Marzo del 2008 se ha llevado a cabo la campaña con arte de arrastre de fondo ARSA 0308. Al igual que en años anteriores, la zona prospectada ha correspondido a la zona de plataforma y talud continental de la parte española del Golfo de Cádiz, comprendida entre el meridiano 7º 20’ W, o la frontera con Portugal, el paralelo 36º 15’ N, entre las isóbatas de 15 y 800 metros, siendo su límite inferior la distancia de 6 millas a la costa. Dicha campaña se encuentra inmersa dentro del programa de recopilación de datos básico de la Unión Europea considerada como prioridad 1. La campaña se realizó a bordo del B/O "Cornide de Saavedra", siendo el objetivo previsto la estimación de los índices de abundancia (número y biomasa), de las especies demersales de mayor interés pesquero, así como de la fauna asociada a ellas

    Fatigue, emotional distress, and illness uncertainty in patients with metastatic cancer: results from the prospective NEOETIC_SEOM study

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    A cancer diagnosis can have a substantial impact on a patient's mental health and quality of life. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of fatigue, emotional distress, and uncertainty and examine the predictive value they have on the quality of life of advanced cancer patients. A prospective, multicenter study was conducted between February 2020 and May 2021 of individuals diagnosed with an advanced, unresectable neoplasm prior to initiating systemic antineoplastic treatment. Participants completed questionnaires to quantify fatigue, emotional distress, disease uncertainty, and quality of life. A linear regression analysis was performed to study the predictive QoL variables. The study population comprised 508 patients, 53.7% of whom were male and had a mean age of 54.9 years. The most common cancers were digestive (40.6%), bronchopulmonary (29.1%), and breast (8.5%); the most frequent histology was adenocarcinoma (63%); and most were stage IV (79.7%). More than half (55.7%) suffered fatigue, and 47.7% exhibited emotional distress; both were more prevalent among women. Fatigue, emotional distress, and disease uncertainty all correlate with diminished quality of life. Similarly, ECOG performance status and the demographic variables of age, sex, and comorbidities impacted quality of life. This patient sample displayed a high prevalence of fatigue and emotional distress, together with illness uncertainty, which are clearly linked to waning quality of life. To decrease the experience of fatigue and improve mental health treatment in cancer patients, interventions based on a biopsychosocial model must be intensified