47 research outputs found

    Cascaded Raman slow light and optical spatial solitons in Kerr media

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    International audienceWe provide a complete experimental and numerical investigation of nonlinear beam propagation in a carbon disulfide liquid-filled Kerr slab waveguide using picosecond pulsed light. A first spatial analysis shows the generation of a multicolor solitary wave through the combined effects of cascaded Raman scattering and crossphase modulation. The impact of temporal effects on this self-trapped optical beam is further studied through a spatiotemporal analysis. It is shown in particular how cascaded Raman slow light induces optical delays between the solitonic components which prevents higher-order spatial soliton and provides a remarkable beam stability. Experimental observations are in very good agreement with numerical simulations of the spatiotemporal (1+1D) nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation including the Raman scattering

    Slow-light spatial solitons

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    International audienceWe numerically and experimentally report the observation of slow-light spatial solitons in a Kerr medium owing to light amplification by stimulated Raman scattering. This was achieved in a CS2 nonlinear planar waveguide that possesses both a strong self-focusing nonlinearity to generate the spatial Raman soliton and a Raman susceptibility sharp enough to induce the slow-light process simultaneously. We show that the Raman Stokes component is optically delayed by more than 120 ps for a 140 ps Raman pulse duration and only 3 cm of propagation length, while propagating as a spatial soliton beam

    Stability of spatial soliton arrays generated in a noninstantaneous Kerr medium from partially spatiotemporally coherent light

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    International audienceWe demonstrate numerically and experimentally how spatial soliton arrays generated through modulation instability in a planar waveguide with relaxing Kerr nonlinearity can be spatially and temporally destabilized when using a partially spatiotemporally coherent light pulse. However, the amplitude of the shot-to-shot spatial jitter is limited. This jitter depends on the correlation degree of the spatial noise between pulses, and this correlation degree strongly depends on the spatiotemporal coherence of the propagating beam

    Generation of multicolor vector Kerr solitons by cross-phase modulation, four-wave mixing, and stimulated Raman scattering

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    International audienceWe numerically and experimentally show the existence of multicolor vector spatial solitons in a Kerr planar waveguide through the combined effects of cross-phase modulation, four-wave mixing, and stimulated Raman scattering. Mutual spatial guiding of the Raman-Stokes, anti-Stokes, and pump waves is achieved in the high-conversion regime mainly by cross-phase modulation and phase-matched four-wave mixing induced by a power imbalance between Stokes and anti-Stokes components, leading to the generation of a clear-cut sech-shape three-frequency spatial soliton

    Fiber-based broadband black-light source

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    International audienceBlack-Light or Wood's lamp refers to sources that emit long-wavelength ultraviolet radiation (UV-A) from 315 nm and little visible light till 410 nm (blue). In this paper, we present a new fibre-based source of "black light", a source that emits broadband ultraviolet radiation but only small amounts of visible light and no infrared light. We made this source by pumping a specially designed silica photonic crystal fibre (PCF) with 355 nm light pulses from a Q-switched frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser. Four-wave mixing and cascaded Raman generation combine in the fibre to provide a supercontinuum output that spans from around 350 nm to 390-470 nm, with the exact spectral width dependent on the pump power, as shown in Fig. 1. This broadband black-light source can find potential applications for diagnostic and therapeutic uses in medicine and in dermatology, for the detection of substances tagged with fluorescents and minerals, for counterfeit money, for absorption spectroscopy, and for military application

    Nonlinear Optics in Integrated Liquid-filled Optical Fibers

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    International audienceOptofluidic systems based on liquid-filled optical fiber represent an alternative way for nonlinear optics in optical fibers, in particular due to the large nonlinearity of some liquids and specific molecular dynamics of anisotropic molecules. We will present recent results, especially toward supercontinuum generation in an integrated nonlinear optofluidic fiber arrangement.<br&g

    Self-similarity in transient stimulated Raman scattering in CO2-filled hollow-core fiber

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    International audienceWe demonstrate experimentally the complex and extensivespectro-temporal dynamics of stimulated Raman scattering in<span class="inline-formula"&gt<span class="MathJax" id="MathJax-Element-1-Frame" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;"data-mathml="&lt;math xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML&quot;&gt;&lt;mrow class=&quot;MJX-TeXAtom-ORD&quot;&gt;&lt;msub&gt;&lt;mrow class=&quot;MJX-TeXAtom-ORD&quot;&gt;&lt;mrow class=&quot;MJX-TeXAtom-ORD&quot;&gt;&lt;mi mathvariant=&quot;normal&quot;&gt;C&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;mi mathvariant=&quot;normal&quot;&gt;O&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;/mrow&gt;&lt;/mrow&gt;&lt;mn&gt;2&lt;/mn&gt;&lt;/msub&gt;&lt;/mrow&gt;&lt;/math&gt;"role="presentation"&gt<nobr aria-hidden="true"&gt<span class="math" id="MathJax-Span-1" style="width: 2.182em; display: inline-block;"&gt<span style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 1.906em; height: 0px; font-size: 114%;"&gt<span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1.47em, 1001.91em, 2.739em, -1000em); top: -2.383em; left: 0em;"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-2"&gt<span class="texatom" id="MathJax-Span-3"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-4"&gt<span class="msubsup" id="MathJax-Span-5"&gt<span style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 1.913em; height: 0px;"&gt<span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(4.261em, 1001.48em, 5.399em, -1000em); top: -5.175em; left: 0em;"&gt<span class="texatom" id="MathJax-Span-6"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-7"&gt<span class="texatom" id="MathJax-Span-8"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-9"&gt<span class="mi" id="MathJax-Span-10" style="font-family: GyrePagellaMathJax_Main;"&gtC</span&gt<span class="mi"id="MathJax-Span-11" style="font-family: GyrePagellaMathJax_Main;"&gtO</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt<span style="position: absolute; top: -3.799em; left: 1.498em;"&gt<span class="mn"id="MathJax-Span-12" style="font-size: 70.7%; font-family: GyrePagellaMathJax_Main;"&gt2</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</nobr&gt</span&gt</span&gt-filledhollow-core photonic crystal fiber, pumped by a single infraredmicrochip laser; namely, the cascading transient Raman process andself-similar behaviors in the regime of higher-order Stokes wavegeneration. Our measurements are in good agreement with thenumerical simulations based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

    Induced symmetry-breaking and polarization switching of spatial solitons through vector collision

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    We experimentally study two types of interaction between vector and scalar spatial solitons in a Kerr planar waveguide and show the induced symmetry-breaking and polarization switching of vector solitons, respectively. © 2007 Optical Society of America.SCOPUS: cp.pinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Self-similarity in transient stimulated Raman scattering in CO2-filled hollow-core fiber

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    International audienceWe demonstrate experimentally the complex and extensivespectro-temporal dynamics of stimulated Raman scattering in<span class="inline-formula"&gt<span class="MathJax" id="MathJax-Element-1-Frame" tabindex="0" style="position: relative;"data-mathml="&lt;math xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML&quot;&gt;&lt;mrow class=&quot;MJX-TeXAtom-ORD&quot;&gt;&lt;msub&gt;&lt;mrow class=&quot;MJX-TeXAtom-ORD&quot;&gt;&lt;mrow class=&quot;MJX-TeXAtom-ORD&quot;&gt;&lt;mi mathvariant=&quot;normal&quot;&gt;C&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;mi mathvariant=&quot;normal&quot;&gt;O&lt;/mi&gt;&lt;/mrow&gt;&lt;/mrow&gt;&lt;mn&gt;2&lt;/mn&gt;&lt;/msub&gt;&lt;/mrow&gt;&lt;/math&gt;"role="presentation"&gt<nobr aria-hidden="true"&gt<span class="math" id="MathJax-Span-1" style="width: 2.182em; display: inline-block;"&gt<span style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 1.906em; height: 0px; font-size: 114%;"&gt<span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1.47em, 1001.91em, 2.739em, -1000em); top: -2.383em; left: 0em;"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-2"&gt<span class="texatom" id="MathJax-Span-3"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-4"&gt<span class="msubsup" id="MathJax-Span-5"&gt<span style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 1.913em; height: 0px;"&gt<span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(4.261em, 1001.48em, 5.399em, -1000em); top: -5.175em; left: 0em;"&gt<span class="texatom" id="MathJax-Span-6"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-7"&gt<span class="texatom" id="MathJax-Span-8"&gt<span class="mrow" id="MathJax-Span-9"&gt<span class="mi" id="MathJax-Span-10" style="font-family: GyrePagellaMathJax_Main;"&gtC</span&gt<span class="mi"id="MathJax-Span-11" style="font-family: GyrePagellaMathJax_Main;"&gtO</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt<span style="position: absolute; top: -3.799em; left: 1.498em;"&gt<span class="mn"id="MathJax-Span-12" style="font-size: 70.7%; font-family: GyrePagellaMathJax_Main;"&gt2</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</span&gt</nobr&gt</span&gt</span&gt-filledhollow-core photonic crystal fiber, pumped by a single infraredmicrochip laser; namely, the cascading transient Raman process andself-similar behaviors in the regime of higher-order Stokes wavegeneration. Our measurements are in good agreement with thenumerical simulations based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation