19 research outputs found

    On the Images of Sails appeared in Ancient Literature

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    Background: Stress calculations in atherosclerotic coronary vulnerable plaques can aid in predicting coronary cap rupture. In vivo plaque geometry and composition of coronary arteries can merely be obtained via intravascular imaging. Only optical driven imaging techniques have sufficient resolution to visualize the fibrous cap, but due to limited penetration depth deeper components such as the backside of the necrotic core (NC) are generally not visible. The goal of this study was to investigate whether peak cap stresses can be approximated by reconstructing the backside of the NC. Methods: Manual segmentations of coronary histological cross-sections served as a geometrical ground truth and were obtained from seven patients resulting in 73 NCs. Next, the backside was removed and reconstructed according to an estimation of the relative necrotic core thickness (rNCt). The rNCt was estimated at three locations along the NC angle and based on either group averaged parameters or plaque specific parameters. Stress calculations were performed in both the ground truth geometry and the reconstructed geometries and compared. Results: Good geometrical agreement was found between the ground truth NC and the reconstructed NCs, based on group averaged rNCt estimation and plaque specific rNCt estimation, measuring the NC area difference (25.1 % IQR 14.0-41.3 % and 17.9 % IQR 9.81-32.7 %) and similarity index (0.85 IQR 0.77-0.90 and 0.88 IQR 0.79-0.91). The peak cap stresses obtained with both reconstruction methods showed a high correlation with respect to the ground truth, r2 = 0.91 and r2 = 0.95, respectively. For high stress plaques, the peak cap stress difference with respect to the ground truth significantly improved for the NC reconstruction based plaque specific features (6 %) compared to the reconstruction group averaged based (16 %). Conclusions: In conclusion, good geometry and stress agreement was observed between the ground truth NC geometry and the reconstructed geometries. Although group averaged rNCt estimation seemed to be sufficient for the NC reconstruction and stress calculations, including plaque specific data further improved stress predictions, especially for higher stresses.ImPhys/Acoustical Wavefield Imagin

    Thrombus mechanics: How can we contribute to improve diagnostics and treatment?

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    Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Medical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog

    Atherosclerotic plaque fibrous cap assessment under an oblique scan plane orientation in carotid MRI

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    Carotid magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to noninvasively assess atherosclerotic plaque fibrous cap (FC) status, which is closely related to ischemic stroke. Acquiring anisotropic voxels improves in-plane visualization, however, an oblique scan plane orientation could then obscure a FC (i.e., contrast below the noise level) and thus impair a reliable status assessment. To quantify this, we performed single-slice numerical simulations of a clinical 3.0T, 2D T1-weighted, black-blood, contrast-enhanced pulse sequence with various voxel dimensions: in-plane voxel size of 0.62 mm × 0.62 mm and 0.31 mm × 0.31 mm, slice thickness of 1, 2, and 3 mm. Idealized plaque models (FC thickness of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 mm) were imaged at various scan plane angles (0°-40° in steps of 10°), and the FC contrast was quantified. We found that when imaging thin FCs with anisotropic voxels, the FC contrast decreased when the scan plane orientation angle increased. However, a reduced in-plane voxel size at the cost of an increased slice thickness often led to enhanced FC contrast even in the presence of scan plane orientation angles of up to 40°. It can be concluded that while isotropic-voxel imaging eliminates the issue of scan plane obliqueness, it comes at the cost of reduced FC contrast, thus likely decreasing the reliability of FC status assessment in carotid MRI. If scan plane orientation obliquity at the slice of interest is moderate (<40°) or otherwise diminished through careful scan planning, voxel anisotropy could increase FC contrast and, in effect, increase the reliability of FC status assessment.ImPhys/Imaging PhysicsApplied Science

    Tissue-engineered collagenous fibrous cap models to systematically elucidate atherosclerotic plaque rupture

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    A significant amount of vascular thrombotic events are associated with rupture of the fibrous cap that overlie atherosclerotic plaques. Cap rupture is however difficult to predict due to the heterogenous composition of the plaque, unknown material properties, and the stochastic nature of the event. Here, we aim to create tissue engineered human fibrous cap models with a variable but controllable collagen composition, suitable for mechanical testing, to scrutinize the reciprocal relationships between composition and mechanical properties. Myofibroblasts were cultured in 1 × 1.5 cm-sized fibrin-based constrained gels for 21 days according to established (dynamic) culture protocols (i.e. static, intermittent or continuous loading) to vary collagen composition (e.g. amount, type and organization). At day 7, a soft 2 mm ∅ fibrin inclusion was introduced in the centre of each tissue to mimic the soft lipid core, simulating the heterogeneity of a plaque. Results demonstrate reproducible collagenous tissues, that mimic the bulk mechanical properties of human caps and vary in collagen composition due to the presence of a successfully integrated soft inclusion and the culture protocol applied. The models can be deployed to assess tissue mechanics, evolution and failure of fibrous caps or complex heterogeneous tissues in general.Medical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog

    Influence of the accuracy of angiography-based reconstructions on velocity and wall shear stress computations in coronary bifurcations: A phantom study

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    Wall shear stress (WSS) plays a key role in the onset and progression of atherosclerosis in human coronary arteries. Especially sites with low and oscillating WSS near bifurcations have a higher propensity to develop atherosclerosis. WSS computations in coronary bifurcations can be performed in angiography-based 3D reconstructions. It is essential to evaluate how reconstruction errors influence WSS computations in mildly-diseased coronary bifurcations. In mildly-diseased lesions WSS could potentially provide more insight in plaque progression.ImPhys/Imaging PhysicsApplied Science

    Combined stent-retriever and aspiration intra-arterial thrombectomy performance for fragmentable blood clots: A proof-of-concept computational study

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    Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients typically involves use of stent retrievers or aspiration catheters alone or in combination. For in silico trials of AIS patients, it is crucial to incorporate the possibility of thrombus fragmentation during the intervention. This study focuses on two aspects of the thrombectomy simulation: i) Thrombus fragmentation on the basis of a failure model calibrated with experimental tests on clot analogs; ii) the combined stent-retriever and aspiration catheter MT procedure is modeled by adding both the proximal balloon guide catheter and the distal access catheter. The adopted failure criterion is based on maximum principal stress threshold value. If elements of the thrombus exceed this criterion during the retrieval simulation, then they are deleted from the calculation. Comparison with in-vitro tests indicates that the simulation correctly reproduces the procedures predicting thrombus fragmentation in the case of red blood cells rich thrombi, whereas non-fragmentation is predicted for fibrin-rich thrombi. Modeling of balloon guide catheter prevents clot fragments' embolization to further distal territories during MT procedure.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Biomechatronics & Human-Machine ControlMedical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog

    A tissue-engineered model of the atherosclerotic plaque cap: Toward understanding the role of microcalcifications in plaque rupture

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    Rupture of the cap of an atherosclerotic plaque can lead to thrombotic cardiovascular events. It has been suggested, through computational models, that the presence of microcalcifications in the atherosclerotic cap can increase the risk of cap rupture. However, the experimental confirmation of this hypothesis is still lacking. In this study, we have developed a novel tissue-engineered model to mimic the atherosclerotic fibrous cap with microcalcifications and assess the impact of microcalcifications on cap mechanics. First, human carotid plaque caps were analyzed to determine the distribution, size, and density of microcalcifications in real cap tissue. Hydroxyapatite particles with features similar to real cap microcalcifications were used as microcalcification mimics. Injected clusters of hydroxyapatite particles were embedded in a fibrin gel seeded with human myofibroblasts which deposited a native-like collagenous matrix around the particles, during the 21-day culture period. Second harmonic multiphoton microscopy imaging revealed higher local collagen fiber dispersion in regions of hydroxyapatite clusters. Tissue-engineered caps with hydroxyapatite particles demonstrated lower stiffness and ultimate tensile stress than the control group samples under uniaxial tensile loading, suggesting increased rupture risk in atherosclerotic plaques with microcalcifications. This model supports previous computational findings regarding a detrimental role for microcalcifications in cap rupture risk and can further be deployed to elucidate tissue mechanics in pathologies with calcifying soft tissues.Medical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog

    Morphometric and Mechanical Analyses of Calcifications and Fibrous Plaque Tissue in Carotid Arteries for Plaque Rupture Risk Assessment

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    Objective: Atherosclerotic plaque rupture in carotid arteries is a major source of cerebrovascular events. Calcifications are highly prevalent in carotid plaques, but their role in plaque rupture remains poorly understood. This work studied the morphometric features of calcifications in carotid plaques and their effect on the stress distribution in the fibrous plaque tissue at the calcification interface, as a potential source of plaque rupture and clinical events. Methods: A comprehensive morphometric analysis of 65 histology cross-sections from 16 carotid plaques was performed to identify the morphology (size and shape) and location of plaque calcifications, and the fibrous-tissue fiber organization around them. Calcification-specific finite element models were constructed to examine the fibrous plaque tissue stresses at the calcification interface. Statistical correlation analysis was performed to elucidate the impact of calcification morphology and fibrous tissue organization on interface stresses. Results: Hundred-seventy-one calcifications were identified on the histology cross-sections, which showed great variation in morphology. Four distinct patterns of fiber organization in the plaque tissue were observed around the calcification. They were termed as attached, pushed-aside, encircling and random patterns. The stress analyses showed that calcifications are correlated with high interface stresses, which might be comparable to or even above the plaque strength. The stress levels depended on the calcification morphology and fiber organization. Thicker calcification with a circumferential slender shape, located close to the lumen were correlated most prominently to high interface stresses. Conclusion: Depending on its morphology and the fiber organization around it, a calcification in an atherosclerotic plaque can act as a stress riser and cause high interface stresses. Significance: This study demonstrated the potential of calcifications in atherosclerotic plaques to cause elevated stresses in plaque tissue and provided a biomechanical explanation for the histopathological findings of calcification-associated plaque rupture.Accepted Author ManuscriptChemE/Transport PhenomenaBiomaterials & Tissue BiomechanicsMedical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog

    High Frame Rate Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Velocimetry in the Human Abdominal Aorta

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    Treatment of abdominal aortic (AA) aneurysms and stenotic lesions may be improved by analyzing their associated blood flow patterns. Angle-independent blood flow patterns in the AA can be obtained by combining echo-particle image velocimetry (ePIV) with high frame rate contrast-enhanced ultrasonography. However, ePIV performance is affected by ultrasound contrast agent (UCA) concentration, microbubble stability and tissue clutter. In this study we assessed the influence of acoustic pressure and UCA concentration on image quality for ePIV analysis. We also compared amplitude modulation (AM) and singular value decomposition (SVD) as tissue suppression strategies for ePIV. Fourteen healthy volunteers were imaged in the region of the distal AA. We tested four different UCA bolus volumes (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.5 ml) and four different acoustic output pressures (mechanical indices: 0.01, 0.03, 0.06 and 0.09). As image quality metrics, we measured contrast-to-background ratio, bubble disruption ratio and maximum normalized cross-correlation value during ePIV. At mechanical indices &amp;#x2265; 0.06, we detected severe bubble destruction, suggesting that very low acoustic pressures should be used for ePIV. SVD was able to suppress tissue clutter better than AM. The maximum tracking correlation was affected by both UCA concentration and flow rate, where at high flow rates, lower UCA concentrations resulted in slightly higher correlation values but more signal drop-outs during late diastole. High frame rate ePIV was successfully performed in the AA of healthy volunteers and shows promise for future studies in patients.Accepted Author manuscriptImPhys/Acoustical Wavefield Imagin

    Multicomponent material property characterization of atherosclerotic human carotid arteries through a Bayesian Optimization based inverse finite element approach

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    Objective: Plaque rupture in atherosclerotic carotid arteries is a main cause of ischemic stroke and it is correlated with high plaque stresses. Hence, analyzing stress patterns is essential for plaque specific rupture risk assessment. However, the critical information of the multicomponent material properties of atherosclerotic carotid arteries is still lacking greatly. This work aims to characterize component-wise material properties of atherosclerotic human carotid arteries under (almost) physiological loading conditions. Methods: An inverse finite element modeling (iFEM) framework was developed to characterize fibrous intima and vessel wall material properties of 13 cross sections from five carotids. The novel pipeline comprised ex-vivo inflation testing, pre-clinical high frequency ultrasound for deriving plaque deformations, pre-clinical high-magnetic field magnetic resonance imaging, finite element modeling, and a sample efficient machine learning based Bayesian Optimization. Results: The nonlinear Yeoh constants for the fibrous intima and wall layers were successfully obtained. The optimization scheme of the iFEM reached the global minimum with a mean error of 3.8% in 133 iterations on average. The uniqueness of the results were confirmed with the inverted Gaussian Process (GP) model trained during the iFEM protocol. Conclusion: The developed iFEM approach combined with the inverted GP model successfully predicted component-wise material properties of intact atherosclerotic human carotids ex-vivo under physiological-like loading conditions. Significance: We developed a novel iFEM framework for the nonlinear, component-wise material characterization of atherosclerotic arteries and utilized it to obtain human atherosclerotic carotid material properties. The developed iFEM framework has great potential to be advanced for patient-specific in-vivo application.Medical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog