62 research outputs found

    Trajectories of amyloid beta accumulation - Unveiling the relationship with APOE genotype and cognitive decline

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    Amyloid beta (Aβ) follows a sigmoidal time function with varying accumulation rates. We studied how the position on this function, reflected by different Aβ accumulation phases, influences APOE ɛ4's association with Aβ and cognitive decline in 503 participants without dementia using Aβ-PET imaging over 5.3-years. First, Aβ load and accumulation were analyzed irrespective of phases using linear mixed regression. Generally, ɛ4 carriers displayed a higher Aβ load. Moreover, Aβ normal (Aβ-) ɛ4 carriers demonstrated higher accumulation. Next, we categorized accumulation phases as "decrease", "stable", or "increase" based on trajectory shapes. After excluding the Aβ-/decrease participants from the initial regression, the difference in accumulation attributable to genotype among Aβ- individuals was no longer significant. Further analysis revealed that in increase phases, Aβ accumulation was higher among noncarriers, indicating a genotype-related timeline shift. Finally, cognitive decline was analyzed across phases and was already evident in the Aβ-/increase phase. Our results encourage early interventions for ɛ4 carriers and imply that monitoring accumulating Aβ- individuals might help identify those at risk for cognitive decline

    Automatic analysis of skull thickness, scalp-to-cortex distance and association with age and sex in cognitively normal elderly

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    Personalized neurostimulation has been a potential treatment for many brain diseases, which requires insights into brain/skull geometry. Here, we developed an open source efficient pipeline BrainCalculator for automatically computing the skull thickness map, scalp-to-cortex distance (SCD), and brain volume based on T 1_{1} -weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. We examined the influence of age and sex cross-sectionally in 407 cognitively normal older adults (71.9±8.0 years, 60.2% female) from the ADNI. We demonstrated the compatibility of our pipeline with commonly used preprocessing packages and found that BrainSuite Skullfinder was better suited for such automatic analysis compared to FSL Brain Extraction Tool 2 and SPM12- based unified segmentation using ground truth. We found that the sphenoid bone and temporal bone were thinnest among the skull regions in both females and males. There was no increase in regional minimum skull thickness with age except in the female sphenoid bone. No sex difference in minimum skull thickness or SCD was observed. Positive correlations between age and SCD were observed, faster in females (0.307%/y) than males (0.216%/y) in temporal SCD. A negative correlation was observed between age and whole brain volume computed based on brain surface (females -1.031%/y, males -0.998%/y). In conclusion, we developed an automatic pipeline for MR-based skull thickness map, SCD, and brain volume analysis and demonstrated the sex-dependent association between minimum regional skull thickness, SCD and brain volume with age. This pipeline might be useful for personalized neurostimulation planning

    ATN profile classification across two independent prospective cohorts

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    BACKGROUND The ATN model represents a research framework used to describe in subjects the presence or absence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology through biomarkers. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of different ATN profiles using quantitative imaging biomarkers in two independent cohorts, and to evaluate the pertinence of ATN biomarkers to identify comparable populations across independent cohorts. METHODS A total of 172 subjects from the Geneva Memory Clinic and 113 volunteers from a study on healthy aging at the University Hospital of Zurich underwent amyloid (A) and tau (T) PET, as well as T1-weigthed MRI scans using site-specific protocols. Subjects were classified by cognition (cognitively unimpaired, CU, or impaired, CI) based on clinical assessment by experts. Amyloid data converted into the standardized centiloid scale, tau PET data normalized to cerebellar uptake, and hippocampal volume expressed as a ratio over total intracranial volume ratio were considered as biomarkers for A, T, and neurodegeneration (N), respectively. Positivity for each biomarker was defined based on previously published thresholds. Subjects were then classified according to the ATN model. Differences among profiles were tested using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, and between cohorts using Wilcoxon tests. RESULTS Twenty-nine percent of subjects from the Geneva cohorts were classified with a normal (A-T-N-) profile, while the Zurich cohort included 64% of subjects in the same category. Meanwhile, 63% of the Geneva and 16% of the Zurich cohort were classified within the AD continuum (being A+ regardless of other biomarkers' statuses). Within cohorts, ATN profiles were significantly different for age and mini-mental state examination scores, but not for years of education. Age was not significantly different between cohorts. In general, imaging A and T biomarkers were significantly different between cohorts, but they were no longer significantly different when stratifying the cohorts by ATN profile. N was not significantly different between cohorts. CONCLUSION Stratifying subjects into ATN profiles provides comparable groups of subjects even when individual recruitment followed different criteria

    Explaining variability in early stages of [18F]-flortaucipir tau-PET binding: Focus on sex differences

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    INTRODUCTION Female sex is associated with increased [18F]-flortaucipir signal, which may be affected by amyloid pathology, age, and off-target binding in skull and meninges. METHODS In this cross-sectional study comprising 52 females and 52 matched males, we examined sex-related differences in regional tau-positron emission tomography (PET) with and without considering off-target binding. We assessed the respective contributions of sex, age, amyloid-PET burden, and off-target binding to tau-PET signal. We explored associations between age at menopause and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use with regional tau-PET signals. RESULTS Female sex was associated with increased regional tau both independently and interactively with amyloid, but amyloid-independent associations were largely reduced when controlling for off-target binding. Age but not age*sex interactions explained a small but significant amount of tau-PET signal in temporoparietal regions. Considering the sample size and limited range of amyloid-PET burden, no clear associations between regional tau-PET signals and age at menopause or HRT use could be found. DISCUSSION Female sex is associated with increased [18F]-flortaucipir signal mainly through its interaction with amyloid

    Patterns of amyloid accumulation in amyloid-negative cases

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    Amyloid staging models showed that regional abnormality occurs before global positivity. Several studies assumed that the trajectory of amyloid spread is homogeneous, but clinical evidence suggests that it is highly heterogeneous. We tested whether different amyloid-β (Aβ) patterns exist by applying clustering on negative scans and investigating their demographics, clinical, cognitive, and biomarkers correlates, and cognitive trajectories. 151 individuals from Geneva and Zurich cohorts with T1-MRI, negative Aβ positron emission tomography (PET,centiloid<12) and clinical assessment were included. N=123 underwent tau PET, and N=65 follow-up neuropsychological assessment. We performed k-means clustering using 33 Aβ regional Standardized Uptake Vales ratio. Demographics, clinical, cognitive, and biomarkers differences were investigated. Longitudinal cognitive changes by baseline cluster status were estimated using a linear mixed model. The cluster analysis identified two clusters: temporal predominant (TP) and cingulate predominant (CP). TP tau deposition was higher than CP. A trend for a higher cognitive decline in TP compared to CP was observed. This study suggests the existence of two Aβ deposition patterns in the earliest phases of Aβ accumulation, differently prone to tau pathology and cognitive decline

    Early β-amyloid accumulation in the brain is associated with peripheral T cell alterations

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    INTRODUCTION Fast and minimally invasive approaches for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are highly anticipated. Evidence of adaptive immune cells responding to cerebral β-amyloidosis has raised the question of whether immune markers could be used as proxies for β-amyloid accumulation in the brain. METHODS Here, we apply multidimensional mass-cytometry combined with unbiased machine-learning techniques to immunophenotype peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a total of 251 participants in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. RESULTS We show that increases in antigen-experienced adaptive immune cells in the blood, particularly CD45RA-reactivated T effector memory (TEMRA) cells, are associated with early accumulation of brain β-amyloid and with changes in plasma AD biomarkers in still cognitively healthy subjects. DISCUSSION Our results suggest that preclinical AD pathology is linked to systemic alterations of the adaptive immune system. These immunophenotype changes may help identify and develop novel diagnostic tools for early AD assessment and better understand clinical outcomes

    Lifestyle Affects Amyloid Burden and Cognition Differently in Men and Women

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    OBJECTIVE Evidence on associations of lifestyle factors with Alzheimer's pathology and cognition are ambiguous, potentially because they rarely addressed inter-relationships of factors and sex effects. While considering these aspects, we examined the relationships of lifestyle factors with brain amyloid burden and cognition. METHODS We studied 178 cognitively normal individuals (women, 49%; 65.0 [7.6] years) and 54 individuals with mild cognitive impairment (women, 35%; 71.3 [8.3] years) enrolled in a prospective study of volunteers who completed 18^{18} F-Flutemetamol amyloid positron emission tomography. Using structural equation modeling, we examined associations between latent constructs representing metabolic/vascular risk, physical activity, and cognitive activity with global amyloid burden and cognitive performance. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of sex in this model. RESULTS Overall, higher cognitive activity was associated with better cognitive performance and higher physical activity was associated with lower amyloid burden. The latter association was weakened to a nonsignificant level after excluding multivariate outliers. Examination of the moderating effect of sex in the model revealed an inverse association of metabolic/vascular risk with cognition in men, whereas in women metabolic/vascular risk trended toward increased amyloid burden. Furthermore, a significant inverse association between physical activity and amyloid burden was found only in men. Inheritance of an APOE4 allele was associated with higher amyloid burden only in women. INTERPRETATION Sex modifies effects of certain lifestyle-related factors on amyloid burden and cognition. Notably, our results suggest that the negative impact of metabolic/vascular risk influences the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease through distinct paths in women and men. ANN NEUROL 2022;92:451-463

    Regional Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) at 7 Tesla correlates with amyloid beta in hippocampus and brainstem of cognitively normal elderly subjects

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    Background: Accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) may occur during healthy aging and is a risk factor for Alzheimer Disease (AD). While individual Aβ-accumulation can be measured non-invasively using Pittsburgh Compund-B positron emission tomography (PiB-PET), Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sequence, capable of indicating heterogeneous age-related brain pathologies associated with tissue-edema. In the current study cognitively normal elderly subjects were investigated for regional correlation of PiB- and FLAIR intensity. Methods: Fourteen healthy elderly subjects without known history of cognitive impairment received 11C-PiB-PET for estimation of regional Aβ-load. In addition, whole brain T1-MPRAGE and FLAIR-MRI sequences were acquired at high field strength of 7 Tesla (7T). Volume-normalized intensities of brain regions were assessed by applying an automated subcortical segmentation algorithm for spatial definition of brain structures. Statistical dependence between FLAIR- and PiB-PET intensities was tested using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rho), followed by Holm–Bonferroni correction for multiple testing. Results: Neuropsychological testing revealed normal cognitive performance levels in all participants. Mean regional PiB-PET and FLAIR intensities were normally distributed and independent. Significant correlation between volume-normalized PiB-PET signals and FLAIR intensities resulted for Hippocampus (right: rho = 0.86; left: rho = 0.84), Brainstem (rho = 0.85) and left Basal Ganglia vessel region (rho = 0.82). Conclusions: Our finding of a significant relationship between PiB- and FLAIR intensity mainly observable in the Hippocampus and Brainstem, indicates regional Aβ associated tissue-edema in cognitively normal elderly subjects. Further studies including clinical populations are necessary to clarify the relevance of our findings for estimating individual risk for age-related neurodegenerative processes such as AD

    Le Registre suisse pour la santé du cerveau. Une infrastructure nationale pour la recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer

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    Les centres de la mémoire de plusieurs hôpitaux suisses ont créé un Registre national suisse en ligne pour la recherche sur Alzheimer, intitulé www.bhr-suisse.org. Ce type de registre existe déjà aux États-Unis (www.brainhealthregistry.org/) et aux Pays-Bas (hersenonderzoek.nl/). Il contribue, au même titre que ces sites initiateurs, à constituer une base de données globale de partenaires de recherchea qui souhaitent apporter leur contribution en participant à des études sur les maladies neurodégénératives et, plus particulièrement, sur la maladie d’Alzheimer. En s’inscrivant, ces derniers apportent un certain nombre d’informations et deviennent de potentiels partenaires de recherche. Les chercheurs peuvent ensuite sélectionner un panel suivant les critères de sélection et d’exclusion de leurs études, contacter les volontaires et les intégrer dans ces études. = The Memory Centres of several Swiss hospitals have set up a national online registry for Alzheimer's research, called www.BHR-suisse.org. This type of registry already exists in the United States (www.brainhealthregistry.org/) and the Netherlands (https://hersenonderzoek.nl/). It contributes, as do these initiating sites, to the creation of a global database of research partnersb who wish to contribute by participating in studies on neurodegenerative diseases and more particularly on Alzheimer's disease. By registering, they provide a certain amount of information and become potential research partners. Researchers can then select a panel of volunteers according to the selection and exclusion criteria of their studies, contact them and include them in their studies

    Harmonizing neuropsychological assessment for mild neurocognitive disorders in Europe

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    INTRODUCTION Harmonized neuropsychological assessment for neurocognitive disorders, an international priority for valid and reliable diagnostic procedures, has been achieved only in specific countries or research contexts. METHODS To harmonize the assessment of mild cognitive impairment in Europe, a workshop (Geneva, May 2018) convened stakeholders, methodologists, academic, and non-academic clinicians and experts from European, US, and Australian harmonization initiatives. RESULTS With formal presentations and thematic working-groups we defined a standard battery consistent with the U.S. Uniform DataSet, version 3, and homogeneous methodology to obtain consistent normative data across tests and languages. Adaptations consist of including two tests specific to typical Alzheimer's disease and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. The methodology for harmonized normative data includes consensus definition of cognitively normal controls, classification of confounding factors (age, sex, and education), and calculation of minimum sample sizes. DISCUSSION This expert consensus allows harmonizing the diagnosis of neurocognitive disorders across European countries and possibly beyond