669 research outputs found

    Aging Subsidized Housing Residents : A Growing Problem in U.S. Cities

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    Many low-income elderly live in subsidized housing in central cities These aging tenants need adaptive physical structures and supportive services in order to age in place, but lack the resources to pay for them. The responses to the AHEAD Wave 2 survey are used to compare the housing conditions of elderly subsidized housing residents with unsubsidized tenants. Results indicate subsidized tenants have greater health and physical limitations. They are likely to have physically appropriate housing, but unlikely to have access to supportive services that would allow them to age in place, creating a problem policymakers must address.

    Seniors Housing in a Changing Asian Society: South Korea

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    Traditionally, aging Koreans would live with their eldest son’s family. However, urbanization, economic expansion, and changing demographics are contributing to South Koreans considering alternative living arrangements. One possibility is the development of seniors housing, available only on a very limited basis today. This analysis indicates that a number of aging Koreans are interested in independent living, and many will soon have the economic resources to create demand for this type of housing. However, government policies would have to change for this product type to be developed successfully on a large scale.Seniors housing, Korea, consumer behavior, housing policy

    Postcollapse volcanism in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico: The transition from large volume explosive to small volume effusive eruptions

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    Deer Canyon, Redondo Creek, and Del Medio rhyolites were erupted in the Valles Caldera within 54 ka following caldera collapse. Postcollapse rhyolites and Bandelier Tuff magmas are compositionally distinct, and Deer Canyon is heterogeneous between individual flows. 238U/206Pb zircon dating shows that Redondo Creek zircons were derived from the residual Bandelier Tuff crystal mush system whereas Deer Canyon zircons were derived from remelting of a pluton at depth. Electron microprobe analyses of feldspars reveal complex zonation caused by interactions between mafic magmas and silicic melts of residual crystal mush as well as between distinct melts from the crystal mush. Each postcollapse rhyolite was produced by independent melting events in the residual Bandelier Tuff crystal mush, interactions between these melts and heat-providing mafic magmas, and magma arriving from deeper in the crust. They are not comagmatic with each other, nor with the preceding Bandelier Tuff magmas

    Agency Risks in Outsourcing Corporate Real Estate Functions

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    Firms outsource business functions to focus on core competencies and cut operating expenses. However, companies must consider agency costs in determining the optimal staffing/outsourcing balance. Analysis of the views of corporate real estate managers and real estate service providers indicate that although they share a common vision of the role of corporate real estate, providers focus more on traditional real estate tasks than on corporate business strategy. The optimum balance of staffing/outsourcing may consist of a corporate real estate staff that understands the overall corporate strategy and devotes its resources to strategic planning, program development, contracting, and monitoring outsourced tasks.

    Comprehensive benefits of green roofs

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    Green infrastructure uses vegetation, soils, and natural processes to manage water and create healthier urban environments, providing traditional roof services and alternative stormwater management technologies. Other benefits and impacts are not yet fully understood or valued. Research conducted assesses specific stormwater benefits of green roofs, providing information on nutrient leaching from media; and analyzes potential energy benefits through side-by-side comparisons of full-scale white, traditional black rubber, and green roofs in the mid-continent Missouri climate. Roofing media selection impacted leaching of nutrients, suspended solids, and organic carbon from the tested green roof media. Thermal properties were investigated at the building level, as were benefits related to urban heat island effects. Water and energy models are combined to illustrate impacts of evapotranspiration (ET) on green roof temperatures and urban heat dissipation. As ET is dependent on a variety of climate parameters including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation, the potential to dissipate energy from a roof surface by means of water vaporization was modeled. Models using climate data to estimate potential ET may be used as predictive tools on impacts of green roof design and can be applied in stormwater management, allowing green roofs to reach maximum benefits of reduced nutrient loading, decreased runoff, peak flow attenuation, urban heat island mitigation, and economic savings. Findings also raise questions as many ancillary benefits such as aesthetics, stormwater management, and urban energy dissipation are society-level benefits, yet capital costs as well as operation and maintenance costs are generally incurred only by the building owner. Economic vehicles could help maximize community benefits and alleviate financial burden on building owners. --Abstract, page iv

    Modelling the Value Adding Attributes of Real Estate to the Wealth Maximization of the Firm

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    Firms develop strategies to help them achieve their primary goal of maximizing the wealth of the shareholders. These strategies should define the supporting role corporate real estate management plays; however current theory and practice do not adequately identify the direct and indirect methods by which corporate real estate management (CREM) adds value to the firm. We develop a model of how real estate adds value to the firm to help fill this void. This model can be then used to develop more precise and complete metrics to measure the value real estate adds to the firm.

    The Inequalities of Real Estate Assessments in Barton, Ellis, and Russell Counties for 01/01/1959

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    This study of the administration of real estate property taxation was made to point out the inequalities and to suggest improvements to modernize the tax system. Methods and Procedures Employed: All real estate property sales for the year 1959 in the three counties were obtained and examined. The General Statutes of Kansas were also read and examined in regard to assessment and taxation. The writer also obtained interviews with the personnel in all three counties, and also information from the state Property Valuation Department of Topeka, Kansas. Records of the real estate valuations in each of the separate counties were read and examined. Summary and Findings: Much of the real property that is being assessed is undervalued. There are not only inequalities between the counties but also between the townships. Rural property is being assessed at a higher percentage in two counties than is urban property. It is recommended that new state laws be passed so as to set a standard of value below true value and have all counties assess at this one level. It is also recommended that the deputy assessor be done away with thus, having one full-time assessor for the entire tax district. This full-time assessor should be appointed and meet certain qualifications with regard to training and experience. A competitive examination should be given to all who hold this office

    Time, Place, Space, Technology and Corporate Real Estate Strategy

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    Few corporations take a strategic approach to managing real estate. This survey finds that corporate real estate managers and service providers in Australia, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and the United States continue to fulfill a traditional transactional role within their organizations. Real estate is not cooperating with other parts of the organization to provide their companies with flexibility that could increase competitiveness. While the use of technology is growing, real estate managers remain uncertain about its role in their future. Corporate real estate managers believe that to be effective in the future they will need strategic planning skills and business knowledge.