1,079 research outputs found

    7.2% efficient polycrystalline silicon photoelectrode

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    After etching, n-type cast polycrystalline silicon photoanodes immersed in a solution of methanol and a substituted ferrocene reagent exhibit photoelectrode efficiencies of 7.2%±0.7% under simulated AM2 illumination. Scanning laser spot data indicate that the grain boundaries are active; however, the semiconductor/liquid contact does not display the severe shunting effects which are observed at a polycrystalline Si/Pt Schottky barrier. Evidence for an interfacial oxide on the operating polycrystalline Si photoanode is presented. Some losses in short circuit current can be ascribed to bulk semiconductor properties; however, despite these losses, photoanodes fabricated from polycrystalline substrates exhibit efficiencies comparable to those of single crystal material. Two major conclusions of our studies are that improved photoelectrode behavior in the polycrystalline silicon/methanol system will primarily result from changes in bulk electrode properties and from grain boundary passivation, and that Fermi level pinning by surface states does not prevent the design of efficient silicon-based liquid junctions

    A 14% efficient nonaqueous semiconductor/liquid junction solar cell

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    We describe the most efficient semiconductor/liquid junction solar cell reported to date. Under W‐halogen (ELH) illumination, the device is a 14% efficient two‐electrode solar cell fabricated from an n‐type silicon photoanode in contact with a nonaqueous electrolyte solution. The cellâ€Čs central feature is an ultrathin electrolyte layer which simultaneously reduces losses which result from electrode polarization, electrolyte light absorption, and electrolyte resistance. The thin electrolyte layer also eliminates the need for forced convection of the redox couple and allows for precise control over the amount of water (and other electrolyte impurities) exposed to the semiconductor. After one month of continuous operation under ELH light at 100 mW/cm^2, which corresponds to the passage of over 70 000 C/cm^2, thin‐layer cells retained over 90% of their efficiency. In addition, when made with Wacker Silso cast polycrystalline Si, cells yield an efficiency of 9.8% under simulated AMl illumination. The thin‐layer cells employ no external compensation yet surpass their corresponding experimental (three‐electrode) predecessors in efficiency

    Digital Metastases of Giant Cell Rich Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma

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    Background. Metastatic spread of soft tissue sarcomas to the digits is extremely rare and metastasis of MFH to the fingers and toes has not been documented

    An Exact Conformal Symmetry Ansatz on Kaluza-Klein Reduced TMG

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    Using a Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction, and further imposing a conformal Killing symmetry on the reduced metric generated by the dilaton, we show an Ansatz that yields many of the known stationary axisymmetric solutions to TMG.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, v3: postprint, added one re

    A no-go for no-go theorems prohibiting cosmic acceleration in extra dimensional models

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    A four-dimensional effective theory that arises as the low-energy limit of some extra-dimensional model is constrained by the higher dimensional Einstein equations. Steinhardt & Wesley use this to show that accelerated expansion in our four large dimensions can only be transient in a large class of Kaluza-Klein models that satisfy the (higher dimensional) null energy condition [1]. We point out that these no-go theorems are based on a rather ad-hoc assumption on the metric, without which no strong statements can be made.Comment: 20 page

    Integrating quality into the cycle of therapeutic development

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    The quality of healthcare, particularly as reflected in current practice versus the available evidence, has become a major focus of national health policy discussions. Key components needed to provide quality care include: 1) development of quality indicators and performance measures from specific practice guidelines, 2) better ways to disseminate such guidelines and measures, and 3) development of support tools to promote standardized practice. Although rational decision-making and development of practice guidelines have relied upon results of randomized trials and outcomes studies, not all questions can be answered by randomized trials, and many treatment decisions necessarily reflect physiology, intuition, and experience when treating individuals. Debate about the role of "evidence-based medicine" also has raised questions about the value of applying trial results in practice, and some skepticism has arisen about whether advocated measures of clinical effectiveness, the basic definition of quality, truly reflect a worthwhile approach to improving medical practice. We provide a perspective on this issue by describing a model that integrates quantitative measurements of quality and performance into the development cycle of existing and future therapeutics. Such a model would serve as a basic approach to cardiovascular medicine that is necessary, but not sufficient, to those wishing to provide the best care for their patients

    On the Stability of the Einstein Static Universe

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    We show using covariant techniques that the Einstein static universe containing a perfect fluid is always neutrally stable against small inhomogeneous vector and tensor perturbations and neutrally stable against adiabatic scalar density inhomogeneities so long as c_{s}^2>1/5, and unstable otherwise. We also show that the stability is not significantly changed by the presence of a self-interacting scalar field source, but we find that spatially homogeneous Bianchi type IX modes destabilise an Einstein static universe. The implications of these results for the initial state of the universe and its pre-inflationary evolution are also discussed.Comment: some additional comments and references; version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    The holonomy of the supercovariant connection and Killing spinors

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    We show that the holonomy of the supercovariant connection for M-theory backgrounds with NN Killing spinors reduces to a subgroup of SL(32-N,\bR)\st (\oplus^N \bR^{32-N}). We use this to give the necessary and sufficient conditions for a background to admit NN Killing spinors. We show that there is no topological obstruction for the existence of up to 22 Killing spinors in eleven-dimensional spacetime. We investigate the symmetry superalgebras of supersymmetric backgrounds and find that their structure constants are determined by an antisymmetric matrix. The Lie subalgebra of bosonic generators is related to a real form of a symplectic group. We show that there is a one-one correspondence between certain bases of the Cartan subalgebra of sl(32, \bR) and supersymmetric planar probe M-brane configurations. A supersymmetric probe configuration can involve up to 31 linearly independent planar branes and preserves one supersymmetry. The space of supersymmetric planar probe M-brane configurations is preserved by an SO(32,\bR) subgroup of SL(32, \bR).Comment: 27 pages, a key reference was added. v3: minor change

    Virtual field trip to the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain): delivering traditional geological mapping skills remotely using real data

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    The restrictions implemented to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and 2021 have forced university-level educators from around the world to seek alternatives to the residential physical field trips that constitute a fundamental pillar of Geoscience programmes. The field-mapping course for second-year Geology BSc students from Cardiff University was replaced with a virtual mapping course set in the same area as previous years, the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain). The course was designed with the aim of providing the students with the same methodology employed in physical mapping, including such skills as gathering discrete data at stops located along five daily itineraries. Data included bedding attitude, outcrop descriptions with a certain degree of ambiguity, photographs and/or sketches, panoramic photos, and fossil images. Data were provided to the students through georeferenced KMZ files in Google Earth. Students were asked to keep a field notebook, define lithological units of mappable scale, identify large structures such as thrust faults and folds with the aid of age estimations from fossils, construct a geological map on a hard-copy topographic map, draw a stratigraphic column and cross sections, and plot the data in a stereonet to perform structural analysis. The exercise allowed for successful training of diverse geological field skills. In light of the assessment of reports and student surveys, a series of improvements for the future is considered. Though incapable of replacing a physical field course, the virtual exercise could be used in preparation for the residential field trip
