2,353 research outputs found

    Experimental study of pop-in behavior of surface flaw-type cracks Final report

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    Growth behavior of surface-flaw type cracks in titanium alloy

    Flat conductor cable termination development program Final report

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    Development program for methods of terminating flat conductor cable to small electrical components used on electrical displays and control panel

    Regulation of the IgE response

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    IgE was the last of the five immunoglobulin classes to be discovered and is the antibody that is responsible for much of human type I allergic disease. This review summarizes recent developments with respect to control of IgE synthesis with an emphasis on Th2 (T helper 2) control and regulation using IgE Fc receptors

    A new grapevine yellows phytoplasma from the Buckland Valley of Victoria, Australia

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    A new phytoplasma detected in grapevines with grapevine yellows disease from the Buckland Valley of Victoria, Australia was characterized. Buckland Valley grapevine yellows phytoplasma (BVGYp) could not be amplified by PCR using primers specific for the stolbur (STOL, 16SrXII) group of phytoplasmas indicating that it was unlikely to be a STOL group phytoplasma. BVGYp was amplified by PCR using primers specific for both the aster yellows (AV, 16Sr I) and STOL phytoplasma groups, indicating that it may be more closely related to the AY group phytoplasmas. Sequence analysis of 16SrRNA gene sequences showed that BVGYp clustered with AY and STOL groups of phytoplasmas. Sequence similarities were determined by pairwise comparisons of the 16S rDNA sequence of BVGYp WAY and STOL group phytoplasmas and BVGYp was more closely related to the AY group phytoplasmas. Although the data indicate BVGYp may form a newAY subgroup, the similarity coefficients between BVGYp and phytoplasmas from the AY, STOL and Mexican periwinkle virescence groups, derived from putative RFLP patterns, were less than 90%, so BVGYp may actually form a new phytoplasma group.

    Household transmission of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Alberta, Canada.

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    Proven or presumptive multidrug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia was diagnosed simultaneously in three married couples in Alberta, Canada. The pair of isolates from each couple had identical antibiotic resistance profiles, serotypes, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. One or more of these cases could have been prevented by S. pneumoniae vaccine

    İbn Haldûn’un siyaset teorisi’nin islami kökeni

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    Bu çalışma, H.A.R. Gibb'in “The Islamic Background of Ibn Khaldun’s Political Theory”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 7/1 (1933), 23-31 künyeli makalenin tercümesidir.Von Kremer’in çalışması ve konunun önemine dikkat çeken farklı ülkelerden araştırmacıların birkaç kısa makalesini saymazsak, de Slane’in Mukaddime çevirisini takip eden elli yılda, Dr. Taha Hüseyin’in bu konuda ilk müstakil çalışmayı yayımladığı 1917 yılına kadar Mukaddime hakkında herhangi bir çalışmanın olmadığı göz önünde bulundurulduğunda son üç yıl içerisinde İbn Haldûn’un bu eserinin merkeze alındığı dört farklı çalışmanın olması son derece şaşırtıcıdır. Önceki makalelerin çoğu gibi Taha Hüseyin’in bu çalışması da temelde İbn Haldûn’un tarih teorisinin sosyolojik yönleriyle ilgilenmekteydi. Söz konusu ilgi, 1917’den beri yayımlanan üç ya da dört makalenin biri hariç hepsinde baskındır. En son çalışmalarda mezkûr sosyal yöne ağırlık verilmesine rağmen, bu incelemelerin bir bütün olarak daha geniş bir alanı kapsadığı söylenebilir. Dr. Gaston Bouthoul gerçekten de İbn Haldûn’un “Sosyal Felsefesi” başlığı içerisinde kendini sınırlandırmaktadır. Ancak yazısının özellikle de ilk otuz sayfasında bu sınırları aşarak tarihçi İbn Haldûn’un kişiliği ve entelektüel görünümü hususunda ufuk açıcı analizlerde bulunmuştur. Prof. Schmidt’in tezi5 ise daha çok alan incelemesi mahiyetinde olup, bu çalışmasında İbn Haldûn’un eserinin (Mukaddime) farklı yönleri üzerinde duran daha önceki araştırmacıların görüşlerini derleyip incelemiş ancak kendisine ait herhangi bir sentez ortaya koyma- mıştır. Son olarak Dr. Kamil Ayad ve Erwin Rosenthal’in Almanca olarak yayımladıkları eserler, münhasıran Mukaddime’nin tarihsel düşüncesine yöneliktir ve özellikle de ikincisi hususi olarak İbn Haldûn’un siyaset teorisini8 ele alan ilk müstakil çalışmadır. Bu iki kitap plan itibariyle önemli derecede farklıdır. Dr. Ayad, İslami kül- tür ve entelektüel gelişiminin genel eğilimleri noktasında kapsamlı ve felsefi giriş yaptıktan sonra İbn Haldûn’un tarihsel metodu analizinde dakik bir inceleme ve gözlem isabetliliği sergilemiş ve çalışmasını İbn Haldûn’un sosyal teorisini ana hatlarıyla inceleyerek neticelendirmiştir. Diğer taraftan Dr. Rosenthal ise, İbn Haldûn’un bizzat kendisini ifade etmesine izin vererek, kendi çalışmasını, “metinle sıkı bir bağ kurup, sınırlı tarihsel yorumla birlikte onun devlet teorisini analiz ettiği Mukaddime adlı eserin en önemli pasajlarının mümkün olduğunca en isabetli çevirisi yoluyla İbn Haldûn’un devlet düşüncesini resmettiği ve bu kaynağa dayanarak tarihçiyi takdim ettiği mütevazı bir teşebbüs olarak” tasvir etmiştir

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: the effect of molecular contamination in SCUBA-2 observations of Orion A

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    Thermal emission from cold dust grains in giant molecular clouds can be used to probe the physical properties, such as density, temperature and emissivity in star-forming regions. We present the SCUBA-2 shared-risk observations at 450 μ\mum and 850 μ\mum of the Orion A molecular cloud complex taken at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Previous studies showed that molecular emission lines can contribute significantly to the measured fluxes in those continuum bands. We use the HARP 12^{12}CO J=3-2 integrated intensity map for Orion A in order to evaluate the molecular line contamination and its effects on the SCUBA-2 maps. With the corrected fluxes, we have obtained a new spectral index α\alpha map for the thermal emission of dust in the well-known integral-shaped filament. Furthermore, we compare a sample of 33 sources, selected over the Orion A molecular cloud complex for their high 12^{12}CO J=3-2 line contamination, to 27 previously identified clumps in OMC-4. This allows us to quantify the effect of line contamination on the ratio of 850 μ\mum to 450 μ\mum flux densities and how it modifies the deduced spectral index of emissivity β\beta for the dust grains. We also show that at least one Spitzer-identified protostellar core in OMC-5 has a 12^{12}CO J=3-2 contamination level of 16 %. Furthermore, we find the strongest contamination level (44 %) towards a young star with disk near OMC-2. This work is part of the JCMT Gould Belt Legacy Survey.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS

    Anaemia and blood transfusion in African children presenting to hospital with severe febrile illness

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    BACKGROUND: Severe anaemia in children is a leading cause of hospital admission and a major cause of mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, yet there are limited published data on blood transfusion in this vulnerable group. METHODS: We present data from a large controlled trial of fluid resuscitation (Fluid Expansion As Supportive Therapy (FEAST) trial) on the prevalence, clinical features, and transfusion management of anaemia in children presenting to hospitals in three East African countries with serious febrile illness (predominantly malaria and/or sepsis) and impaired peripheral perfusion. RESULTS: Of 3,170 children in the FEAST trial, 3,082 (97%) had baseline haemoglobin (Hb) measurement, 2,346/3,082 (76%) were anaemic (Hb <10 g/dL), and 33% severely anaemic (Hb <5 g/dL). Prevalence of severe anaemia varied from 12% in Kenya to 41% in eastern Uganda. 1,387/3,082 (45%) children were transfused (81% within 8 hours). Adherence to WHO transfusion guidelines was poor. Among severely anaemic children who were not transfused, 52% (54/103) died within 8 hours, and 90% of these deaths occurred within 2.5 hours of randomisation. By 24 hours, 128/1,002 (13%) severely anaemic children had died, compared to 36/501 (7%) and 71/843 (8%) of those with moderate and mild anaemia, respectively. Among children without severe hypotension who were randomised to receive fluid boluses of 0.9% saline or albumin, mortality was increased (10.6% and 10.5%, respectively) compared to controls (7.2%), regardless of admission Hb level. Repeat transfusion varied from ≤2% in Kenya/Tanzania to 6 to 13% at the four Ugandan centres. Adverse reactions to blood were rare (0.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Severe anaemia complicates one third of childhood admissions with serious febrile illness to hospitals in East Africa, and is associated with increased mortality. A high proportion of deaths occurred within 2.5 hours of admission, emphasizing the need for rapid recognition and prompt blood transfusion. Adherence to current WHO transfusion guidelines was poor. The high rates of re-transfusion suggest that 20 mL/kg whole blood or 10 mL/kg packed cells may undertreat a significant proportion of anaemic children. Future evaluation of the impact of a larger volume of transfused blood and optimum transfusion management of children with Hb of <6 g/dL is warranted. Please see related article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12916-014-0248-5. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12916-014-0246-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Volatile Composition and Outgassing in C/2018 Y1 (IWAMOTO): Extending Detection Limits for High-Resolution IR Cometary Spectroscopy at the NASA-IRTF

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    We used iSHELL, the powerful high-resolution ( /~ 40,000) cross-dispersed IR spectrograph at the NASA-IRTF to measure the native ice composition and outgassing of moderately bright, long-period comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) (hereafter Y1) within weeks of its discovery. We measured production rates for H2O, and production rates and abundance ratios relative to H2O for eight trace molecules, including the most complete measure of cometary CH4 achieved to date. Compared with mean abundances measured among comets, our study revealed enriched CH3OH and C2H6 yet depleted CO and C2H2, perhaps indicating highly efficient H- atom addition on interstellar grains prior to their incorporation into the nucleus. The combined high spectral resolving power and broad spectral coverage of iSHELL allowed characterizing cometary composition using only three instrument settings, and its long-slit coverage allowed comparing the spatial distributions of molecular emissions and dust continuum