54 research outputs found

    Does \u2018bigger\u2019mean \u2018better\u2019? Pitfalls and shortcuts associated with big data for social research

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    \u2018Big data is here to stay.\u2019 This key statement has a double value: is an assumption as well as the reason why a theoretical reflection is needed. Furthermore, Big data is something that is gaining visibility and success in social sciences even, overcoming the division between humanities and computer sciences. In this contribution some considerations on the presence and the certain persistence of Big data as a socio-technical assemblage will be outlined. Therefore, the intriguing opportunities for social research linked to such interaction between practices and technological development will be developed. However, despite a promissory rhetoric, fostered by several scholars since the birth of Big data as a labelled concept, some risks are just around the corner. The claims for the methodological power of bigger and bigger datasets, as well as increasing speed in analysis and data collection, are creating a real hype in social research. Peculiar attention is needed in order to avoid some pitfalls. These risks will be analysed for what concerns the validity of the research results \u2018obtained through Big data. After a pars distruens, this contribution will conclude with a pars construens; assuming the previous critiques, a mixed methods research design approach will be described as a general proposal with the objective of stimulating a debate on the integration of Big data in complex research projecting

    Micro-RNA and Proteomic Profiles of Plasma-Derived Exosomes from Irradiated Mice Reveal Molecular Changes Preventing Apoptosis in Neonatal Cerebellum

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    Cell communication via exosomes is capable of influencing cell fate in stress situations such as exposure to ionizing radiation. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that exosomes might play a role in out-of-target radiation effects by carrying molecular signaling mediators of radiation damage, as well as opposite protective functions resulting in resistance to radiotherapy. However, a global understanding of exosomes and their radiation-induced regulation, especially within the context of an intact mammalian organism, has been lacking. In this in vivo study, we demonstrate that, compared to sham-irradiated (SI) mice, a distinct pattern of proteins and miRNAs is found packaged into circulating plasma exosomes after whole-body and partial-body irradiation (WBI and PBI) with 2 Gy X-rays. A high number of deregulated proteins (59% of WBI and 67% of PBI) was found in the exosomes of irradiated mice. In total, 57 and 13 miRNAs were deregulated in WBI and PBI groups, respectively, suggesting that the miRNA cargo is influenced by the tissue volume exposed to radiation. In addition, five miRNAs (miR-99b-3p, miR-200a-3p, miR-200a, miR-182-5p, miR-182) were commonly overexpressed in the exosomes from the WBI and PBI groups. In this study, particular emphasis was also given to the determination of the in vivo effect of exosome transfer by intracranial injection in the highly radiosensitive neonatal cerebellum at postnatal day 3. In accordance with a major overall anti-apoptotic function of the commonly deregulated miRNAs, here, we report that exosomes from the plasma of irradiated mice, especially in the case of WBI, prevent radiation-induced apoptosis, thus holding promise for exosome-based future therapeutic applications against radiation injury

    Adipokine role in physiopathology of inflammatory and degenerative musculoskeletal diseases

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    We performed a systematic literature review to summarize the underlying pathogenic mechanisms by which adipokines influence rheumatological diseases and the resulting clinical manifestations. Increasing evidence display that numerous adipokines may significantly influence the development or clinical course of various rheumatological diseases. Despite the normal anti- or pro-inflammatory role of the cytokines, the serum level varies enormously in various rheumatological diseases. The expression of high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as leptin or visfatin, respectively in systemic lupus erythematosus and in rheumatoid arthritis, represents a negative prognostic factor; other adipokines such as adiponectin, broadly known for their anti-inflammatory effects, showed a correlation with disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis. In the near future pro-inflammatory cytokines may represent a potential therapeutic target to restrain the severity of rheumatological diseases. Further studies on adipokines may provide important information on the pathogenesis of these diseases, which are not yet fully understood. The mechanisms by which adipokines induce, worsen, or suppress inflammatory and degenerative musculoskeletal pathologies and their clinical significance will be discussed in this review

    Rheumatological diseases in hiv infection

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    A review of the available literature was performed in order to summarize the pathogenic and clinical connections between HIV infection and rheumatological syndromes. The increasing life expectancy during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has led to the observation of many rheumatological manifestations over the years in these types of patients. Although the pathological mechanisms are still not fully understood, several rheumatological diseases have been more commonly observed in the general population, especially after the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), and sometimes clinical and serological findings are influenced by the underlying condition which defines a characteristic onset or development of the disease. Autoimmune diseases occur during specific stages of the HIV infection, depending on the underlying pathogenic mechanism being mainly influenced by the CD4+ cells count. Several rheumatological diseases show peculiar clinical manifestations influenced by the underlying HIV infection leading to specific features less commonly observed in the healthy population. Conversely to pathological findings, broadly, HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies (BnAb) observed in several autoimmune diseases, such as SLE, could play a protective role in HIV infection. It is important to evaluate the onset of autoimmune diseases in HIV patients in order to start the appropriate treatment to avoid harmful events. More studies are needed to enlighten the trend of autoimmune diseases during HIV infection. Pathogenic mechanisms and clinical manifestations of rheumatological diseases during HIV infection are discussed in this review