22 research outputs found

    Medications prescriptions in COVID-19 pregnant and lactating women: the Bergamo Teratology Information Service experience during COVID-19 outbreak in Italy

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    Abstract Objectives The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy, especially in Lombardy and Bergamo city, represented probably nowadays one of the first major clusters of COVID-19 in the world. The aim of this report is to describe the activity of Bergamo Teratology Information Service (TIS) in supporting the public and health-care personnel in case of drug prescriptions in suspected/confirmed COVID-19 pregnant and lactating patients during COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. Methods All Bergamo TIS requests concerning COVID-19 pregnant and lactating women have been retrospectively evaluated from 1 March to 15 April 2020. Type of medications, drug's safety profile and compatibility with pregnancy and lactation are reported. Results Our service received information calls concerning 48 (9 pregnant, 35 lactating) patients. Among pregnant and lactating women, the requests of information were related to 16 and 60 drugs prescriptions respectively. More than half concerned drugs prescriptions during the first and second trimester (13/16) and during the first six months of lactation (37/60). Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin were the most involved. Conclusions Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin at dosages used for COVID-19 may be considered compatible and reasonably safe either in pregnancy and lactation. Antivirals may be considered acceptable in pregnancy. During lactation lopinavir and ritonavir probably exhibit some supportive data from literature that darunavir and cobicistat do not. Tocilizumab may be considered for COVID-19 treatment because no increased malformation rate were observed until now. However caution may be advised because human data are limited and the potential risk of embryo-fetal toxicity cannot be excluded

    Fatal course of foodborne botulism in an eight-month old infant

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    An 8-month old girl, weighing 9 kg, was brought by her parents at 8.15 am to the Emergency Department (ED) for a progressive worsening of weakness and acute respiratory failure. On admission, the baby presented with poor oral intake, a weak cry and extremely weak muscular body control. Poor gag and suck, unreactive mydriasis, hypotonia, lethargy and absence of peristalsis were noted. Laboratory data showed severe respiratory acidosis. Chest X-ray, electroencephalography, encephalic CT scan and MRI were all normal, as were cerebrospinal fluid analysis and viral tests. Orotracheal intubation and continuous mechanical ventilation were applied. The patient received fluids, corticosteroids, aerosol therapy, large-spectrum antibiotics and enteral-nutrition. Further investigation revealed ingestion of an improperly prepared home-canned homogenized turkey meal. Type A botulinum neurotoxin was identified. Trivalent botulinum antitoxin, prostigmine and oral activated charcoal were administered. Generalized flaccid paralysis, areflexic bilateral mydriasis, gastric stasis and deep coma persisted for the duration of the hospital stay, and the patient died of severe respiratory failure and cardiac arrest 12 days after ED admission. Botulism poisoning should be suspected in any infant presenting with feeding difficulties, constipation, descendent paralysis or acute respiratory failure. Supportive treatment and antidotal therapy should be performed as soon as a clinical diagnosis is made. We describe a case of foodborne botulism in an 8-month old infant caused by ingestion of an improperly prepared home-canned homogenized turkey meal, representing the youngest fatal case reported in medical literature

    where to find the antidote

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    In the last ten years, increasing attention has been paid to the unavailability of antidotes in hospital pharmacies and emergency setting. Essential antidotes are not adequately stocked in many European and extra-European countries. The Pavia Poison Center (PPC) was charged by the National Institute of Health to conduct a survey in order to define the antidotes availability in emergency setting and to identify areas of possible improvement. Insufficient antidote stocking was defined as lack of the antidote or an amount inadequate to treat 1 seriously poisoned 70-kg patient for 24 hours. A national database (BaNdA) accessible through our PC website (www.cavpavia.it) that includes information on antidotes stocks of all hospital departments was created. The database information is available for all registered users and regularly updated: a simple query allows to identify hospitals provided with the antidote looked for at local, regional or national level. This database permit to optimize the antidotes procurement by EDs, through agreements with other hospitals serving the same area, to allow a more appropriate utilization of resources and to ameliorate the clinical management of the poisoned patient