282 research outputs found

    The Distribution of High Redshift Galaxy Colors: Line of Sight Variations in Neutral Hydrogen Absorption

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    We model, via Monte Carlo simulations, the distribution of observed U-B, B-V, V-I galaxy colors in the range 1.75<z<5 caused by variations in the line-of-sight opacity due to neutral hydrogen (HI). We also include HI internal to the source galaxies. Even without internal HI absorption, comparison of the distribution of simulated colors to the analytic approximations of Madau (1995) and Madau et al (1996) reveals systematically different mean colors and scatter. Differences arise in part because we use more realistic distributions of column densities and Doppler parameters. However, there are also mathematical problems of applying mean and standard deviation opacities, and such application yields unphysical results. These problems are corrected using our Monte Carlo approach. Including HI absorption internal to the galaxies generaly diminishes the scatter in the observed colors at a given redshift, but for redshifts of interest this diminution only occurs in the colors using the bluest band-pass. Internal column densities < 10^17 cm^2 do not effect the observed colors, while column densities > 10^18 cm^2 yield a limiting distribution of high redshift galaxy colors. As one application of our analysis, we consider the sample completeness as a function of redshift for a single spectral energy distribution (SED) given the multi-color selection boundaries for the Hubble Deep Field proposed by Madau et al (1996). We argue that the only correct procedure for estimating the z>3 galaxy luminosity function from color-selected samples is to measure the (observed) distribution of redshifts and intrinsic SED types, and then consider the variation in color for each SED and redshift. A similar argument applies to the estimation of the luminosity function of color-selected, high redshift QSOs.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 25 pages text, 14 embedded figure

    On the Escape of Ionizing Radiation from Starbursts

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra obtained with FUSEFUSE show that the strong CIIλCII\lambda1036 interstellar absorption-line is essentially black in five of the UV-brightest local starburst galaxies. Since the opacity of the neutral ISM below the Lyman-edge will be significantly larger than in the CIICII line, these data provide strong constraints on the escape of ionizing radiation from these starbursts. Interpreted as a a uniform absorbing slab, the implied optical depth at the Lyman edge is huge (τ0102\tau_0 \geq 10^2). Alternatively, the areal covering factor of opaque material is typically \geq 94%. Thus, the fraction of ionizing stellar photons that escape the ISM of each galaxy is small: our conservative estimates typically yield fesc6f_{esc} \leq 6%. Inclusion of extinction due to dust will further decrease fescf_{esc}. An analogous analysis of the rest-UV spectrum of the star-forming galaxy MS1512CB58MS 1512-CB58 at zz =2.7 leads to similar constraints on fescf_{esc}. These new results agree with the constraints provided by direct observations below the Lyman edge in a few other local starbursts. However, they differ from the recently reported properties of star-forming galaxies at zz \geq 3. We assess the idea that the strong galactic winds seen in many powerful starbursts clear channels through their neutral ISM. We show empirically that such outflows may be a necessary - but not sufficient - part of the process for creating a relatively porous ISM. We note that observations will soon document the cosmic evolution in the contribution of star-forming galaxies to the metagalactic ionizing background, with important implications for the evolution of the IGM.Comment: 17 pages; ApJ, in pres

    New HST Observations of the Halo Gas of NGC 3067: Limits on the Extragalactic Ionizing Background at Low Redshift and the Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction

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    We present UV spectroscopy from HST/GHRS and reanalyze existing H_alpha images of the quasar/galaxy pair 3C 232/NGC 3067 and of the halo gas associated with NGC 3067. The spectra permit measurement of, or limits on, the column densities of Fe I, Fe II, Mg I, and Mg II in the absorbing cloud. Two distinct models of the extragalactic radiation field are considered: (1) the ionizing spectrum is dominated by a power-law extragalactic continuum, and (2) the power-law spectrum contains a Lyman break, implying enhanced flux longward of 912 A relative to the hydrogen-ionizing flux. The H_alpha images constrain the escape fraction of Lyman continuum photons from the galaxy to f_esc <= 0.02. With the assumption that the cloud is shielded from all galactic contributions, we can constrain the intensity and shape of the extragalactic continuum. For an AGN-dominated power-law extragalactic spectrum, we derive a limit on the extragalactic ionizing flux Phi_ion >= 2600 photons cm^-2 s^-1, or I_0 >= 10^-23 erg cm^-2 s^-1 Hz^-1 sr^-1 for an ionizing spectrum with power-law index of 1.8 and a cloud of constant density. When combined with previous upper limits from the absence of H_alpha recombination emission from intergalactic clouds, our observations require 2600 <= Phi_ion <= 10000 photons cm^-2 s^-1. We show that if galactic contributions to the incident radiation are important, it is difficult to constrain Phi_ion. These results demonstrate that galactic halo opacities and their wavelength dependence are crucial to understanding the abundance of low-ionization metals in the IGM.Comment: 25 Pages LaTex, 8 PostScript Figures, accepted for publication in AJ, Nov. 99 issu

    Quasar Evolution Driven by Galaxy Encounters in Hierarchical Structures

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    We link the evolution of the galaxies in the hierarchical clustering scenario with the changing accretion rates of cold gas onto the central massive black holes that power the quasars. We base on galaxy interactions as main triggers of accretion; the related scaling laws are taken up from Cavaliere & Vittorini (2000), and grafted to a semi-analytic code for galaxy formation. As a result, at high zz the protogalaxies grow rapidly by hierarchical merging; meanwhile, much fresh gas is imported and also destabilized, so the holes are fueled at their full Eddington rates. At lower zz the galactic dynamical events are mostly encounters in hierarchically growing groups; now the refueling peters out, as the residual gas is exhausted while the destabilizing encounters dwindle. So, with no parameter tuning other than needed for stellar observables, our model uniquely produces at z>3z>3 a rise, and at z2.5z\lesssim 2.5 a decline of the bright quasar population as steep as observed. In addition, our results closely fit the observed luminosity functions of quasars, their space density at different magnitudes from z5z\approx 5 to z0z\approx 0, and the local mBHσm_{BH}-\sigma relation.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Unveiling obscured accretion in the Chandra Deep Field South

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    A large population of heavily obscured, Compton Thick AGNs is predicted by models of galaxy formation, models of Cosmic X-ray Background and by the ``relic'' super-massive black-hole mass function measured from local bulges. However, so far only a handful of Compton thick AGNs have been possibly detected using even the deepest Chandra and XMM surveys. Compton-thick AGNs can be recovered thanks to the reprocessing of the AGN UV emission in the infrared by selecting sources with AGN luminosity's in the mid-infrared and faint near-infrared and optical emission. To this purpose, we make use of deep HST, VLT, Spitzer and Chandra data on the Chandra Deep Field South to constrain the number of Compton thick AGN in this field. We show that sources with high 24μ\mum to optical flux ratios and red colors form a distinct source population, and that their infrared luminosity is dominated by AGN emission. Analysis of the X-ray properties of these extreme sources shows that most of them (80±15\pm15%) are indeed likely to be highly obscured, Compton thick AGNs. The number of infrared selected, Compton thick AGNs with 5.8μ\mum luminosity higher than 1044.210^{44.2} erg s1^{-1} turns out to be similar to that of X-ray selected, unobscured and moderately obscured AGNs with 2-10 keV luminosity higher than 104310^{43} erg s1^{-1} in the redshift bin 1.2-2.6. This ``factor of 2'' source population is exactly what it is needed to solve the discrepancies between model predictions and X-ray AGN selection.Comment: Revised version, to be published by The Astrophysical Journa

    The Evolution of the Luminosity Function in Deep Fields: A Comparison with CDM Models

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    The galaxy Luminosity Function (LF) has been estimated in the rest frame B luminosity at 0<z<1.25 and at 1700 {\AA} for 2.5<z<4.5 from deep multicolor surveys in the HDF-N, HDF-S, NTT-DF. The results have been compared with a recent version of galaxy formation models in the framework of hierarchical clustering in a flat Cold Dark Matter Universe with cosmological constant. The results show a general agreement for z<= 1, although the model LF has a steeper average slope at the faint end; at z~3 such feature results in an overprediction of the number of faint (I_{AB}~ 27) galaxies, while the agreement at the bright end becomes critically sensitive to the details of dust absorption at such redshifts. The discrepancies at the faint end show that a refined treatement of the physical processes involving smaller galaxies is to be pursued in the models, in terms of aggregation processes and/or stellar feedback heavily affecting the luminosity of the low luminosity objects. The implications of our results on the evolution of the cosmological star formation rate are discussed.Comment: Revised version; corrected magnitudes at 1700 Angstrom in figure 2; ApJ

    Detecting significant features in modeling microRNA-target interactions

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA molecules mediating the translational repression and degradation of target mRNAs in the cell. Mature miRNAs are used as a template by the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) to recognize the complementary mRNAs to be regulated. Up to 60% of human genes are putative targets of one or more miRNAs. Several prediction tools are available to suggest putative miRNA targets, however, only a small part of the interaction pairs has been validated by experimental approaches. The analysis of the expression profile of the RNA fraction immunoprecipitated (IP) with the RISC proteins is an established method to detect which genes are actually regulated by the RISC machinery. In fact, genes that result over-expressed in the IP sample with respect to the whole cell lysate RNA, are considered as involved in the RISC complex, then miRNA targets. Here, we aim to find the features useful to predict which genes are overexpressed in IP, i.e. miRNA targets, without actually performing the IP experiments. To this purpose, we compiled and analyzed a novel high throughput data set suitable to unravel the features involved in the miRNA regulatory activities. We analyzed IP samples obtained by the immunoprecipitation of two RISC proteins, AGO2 and GW182. The two proteins shows different behaviors, in terms of enriched genes and features characterizing the immunoprecipitated RNA fractio. Further analysis is needed to unravel the reason of such different behavior

    Pro-invasive stimuli and the interacting protein Hsp70 favour the route of alpha-enolase to the cell surface

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    Cell surface expression of alpha-enolase, a glycolytic enzyme displaying moonlighting activities, has been shown to contribute to the motility and invasiveness of cancer cells through the protein non-enzymatic function of binding plasminogen and enhancing plasmin formation. Although a few recent records indicate the involvement of protein partners in the localization of alpha-enolase to the plasma membrane, the cellular mechanisms underlying surface exposure remain largely elusive. Searching for novel interactors and signalling pathways, we used low-metastatic breast cancer cells, a doxorubicin-resistant counterpart and a non-tumourigenic mammary epithelial cell line. Here, we demonstrate by a combination of experimental approaches that epidermal growth factor (EGF) exposure, like lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure, promotes the surface expression of alpha-enolase. We also establish Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), a multifunctional chaperone distributed in intracellular, plasma membrane and extracellular compartments, as a novel alpha-enolase interactor and demonstrate a functional involvement of Hsp70 in the surface localization of alpha-enolase. Our results contribute to shedding light on the control of surface expression of alpha-enolase in non-tumourigenic and cancer cells and suggest novel targets to counteract the metastatic potential of tumours