320 research outputs found
Health Reform and its Impact on Workers in this Sector: the Case of the National Clinical Hospital in Cordoba, Argentina
Objectives: To analyze the changes produced after neo-liberal reforms in public services in Argentinean structure and organization of the work, as well as its effect on labor and social relations in the National Clinical Hospital
Les “Essais” furent-ils censurés par Rome en 1581?
In 1996, Peter Godman made the important discovery of the ‘Censorship’ manuscript of Montaigne’s Essais (1581), in the “C Protocol” of the Congregation Archive for the Faith Doctrine (1581). In our article, we will try to answer the title question – obviously a rhetorical one, implying its denial. This will emerge from our investigation of the document’s material features: the paper size, the editors’ handwriting, the erasures, and the language of the text. The characteristics of the volume – its opening alphabetical index and the heterogeneous nature of the other related documents – can only raise doubts about the nature of this document. So, we will be witnesses of the following twist: we may assume that the document is not the “Censorship of the Essais”, but a report requested by the Sacred Palace Master from two ‘censors’, which was not followed by the Congregation Index. In fact, the name of Montaigne does not appear in any of the numerous lists of books judged as heterodox compiled during the sixteenth century
Non-perturbative aspects of gauge/gravity duality
Recently we provided a microscopic derivation of the exact supergravity profile for the twisted scalar field emitted by systems of fractional D3-branes at a Z2 orbifold singularity. In this contribution we focus on a set-up supporting an N = 2 SYM theory with SU(2) gauge group and Nf=4. We take into account the tower of D-instanton corrections to the source terms for the twisted scalar and find that its profile can be expressed in terms of the chiral ring elements of the gauge theory. We show how the twisted scalar, which at the perturbative level represents the gravity counterpart of the gauge coupling, at the non-perturbative level is related to the effective gauge coupling in an interestingly modified way
Non-perturbative aspects of gauge/gravity duality
Recently we provided a microscopic derivation of the exact supergravity
profile for the twisted scalar field emitted by systems of fractional D3-branes
at a Z2 orbifold singularity. In this contribution we focus on a set-up
supporting an N = 2 SYM theory with SU(2) gauge group and Nf=4. We take into
account the tower of D-instanton corrections to the source terms for the
twisted scalar and find that its profile can be expressed in terms of the
chiral ring elements of the gauge theory. We show how the twisted scalar, which
at the perturbative level represents the gravity counterpart of the gauge
coupling, at the non-perturbative level is related to the effective gauge
coupling in an interestingly modified way.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2012
"School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity", September
8-27, 2012, Corfu, Greece. Luca Giacone was the speaker. v2: two references
added, one reference update
1Q84: metarealtà e postmoderno
Review of Murakami, Haruki. 1Q84. Torino: Einaudi, 2011. Print.1Q84, ultimo romanzo di Murakami Haruki, sembra esprimere il disagio dell’uomo contemporaneo, che è vittima dello smarrimento dovuto agli orrori delle società e alla perdita di ogni certezza. Trasceso il mondo reale e dunque abbandonato il 1984, l’anno in cui vivono i protagonisti, “1Q84” (dove la Q di question mark consente l’insinuarsi surrettizio di un dubbio sempre nuovo) è dunque una “metarealtà;” un distopico viaggio di sola andata, una deriva irreversibile dagli accenti postmoderni. La recensione che presentiamo vorrebbe offrire una chiave di lettura in questa direzione
Ora et Labora : o papel da doutrina social da igreja na formação e consolidação do direito do trabalho
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2019.A Doutrina Social da Igreja desempenhou um importante papel na formação e consolidação do Direito do Trabalho. Nesse sentido, enquanto resposta a uma série de violações aos direitos da pessoa humana, o Direito do Trabalho surgiu com o objetivo de regulamentar juridicamente as atividades de trabalho humano, a fim de que seja assegurado o espaço para sua construção social como sujeito de direitos. O processo de conscientização social e política a respeito da necessidade de proteger a dignidade dos trabalhadores teve a contribuição, dentre outros elementos, da Doutrina Social da Igreja, a qual forneceu uma base principiológica para que surgissem e se fortalecessem institutos jurídicos ligados à proteção dos trabalhadores e à construção de uma relação justa entre os sujeitos justrabalhistas.The Social Doctrine of the Church played an important role in building and setting the Labor Law. As a response to a series of violations of human rights, Labor Law emerged with the goal of legally regulate human’s labor activities, in order to ensure his social construction as a rights subject. The awareness of the social and political process about the need to protect the dignity of workers had the contribution, among other elements, of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which provided a principiological basement for the emergence and strengthening of legal institutes linked to the protection of workers and to the construction of a fair relation between laborers subjects
As divisões do Papa : como a Santa Sé conseguiu evitar uma guerra no Cone Sul (1978-1984)
Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, 2013.Esta dissertação tem por tema a mediação da Santa Sé no Conflito de Beagle, de 1978 a 1984, entre Chile e Argentina. Haja vista a peculiaridade inerente à natureza dessa instância mediadora, tem-se por objetivo principal descobrir quais os motivos que levaram ao êxito da mediação. Assim, argumenta-se que as estratégias da Santa Sé e a maturidade de conflito foram essenciais para que as partes lograssem um desfecho favorável para o Conflito, que remonta décadas de tentativas bilaterais de resolução e que tinha potencial para envolver outros países da América do Sul. Para isso, utiliza-se a teoria do “comportamento estratégico de mediador”, desenvolvida por Jacob Bercovitch e Allison Houston, e a da “maturidade do conflito”, de I. William Zartman.The theme of this thesis is the mediation of the Holy See in the Beagle Conflict, in 1978 to 1984, between Chile and Argentina. Because of the particularity inherent to the nature of the mediator, the main objective is to discover which were the reasons that led to the mediation’s success. So, it is argued that the strategies of the Holy See and the ripeness of the conflict were essential to a favorable ending of the dispute, that goes back to decades of bilateral efforts of resolution and had the potential to involve other South American countries. Then, it is applied the theory called “strategic behavior of the mediator”, developed by Jacob Bercovitch and Allison Houston, and the theory of “ripeness of the conflict”, by I. William Zartman
Drawings or 3D models: Do illustration methods matter when assessing perceived body size and body dissatisfaction?
Research has reported that both men and women experience body dissatisfaction. Among other instruments, a widely used method to assess perceived body size and body dissatisfaction are figure rating scales. Although a variety of illustration methods (e.g., three-dimensional, or 3D, models and line-drawing models) have been used to create these figure rating scales, to date, they have not been directly compared to one another. Thus, in the first study, which includes 511 participants at a mean age of 46 years old (range: 20–70), the present research work aims to assess how the line-drawing and 3D model scales, representing different body illustration methods, relate to each other. Furthermore, the first study assesses the validity of the indication of body dissatisfaction measured using these figure rating scales by comparing them to body checking or scrutinizing behavior and body appreciation levels. The project’s second study examines the two figure rating scales using objectively measured anthropometric data. In total, 239 participants at a mean age of 54 years (range: 18–94) were included. The results show that figure rating scales can be considered tools that measure perceptual body image due to their positive correlations with body checking behavior (for women) and their negative correlations with body appreciation. The 3D model and line-drawing scales show good to excellent inter-scale reliability, and both scales agree equally well with body mass index (BMI) measurements. Thus, the 3D model and line-drawing scales both seem well suited for assessing perceived body size and perceptual body dissatisfaction, suggesting that neither illustration method is superior to the other
Cette publication est le fruit du colloque qui a eu lieu les 27 et 28 novembre 2014 à l’université de Grenoble, organisé avec le soutien et l’aide de Leonardo Casalino. Vingt-cinq chercheurs ont participé à ce colloque, qui a été inauguré par le consul général d’Italie à Lyon, Giulio Marongiu, en présence de Gian Giacomo Migone, ancien président de la Commission Affaires étrangères du Sénat italien, de Pascal Clouaire, représentant le maire de Grenoble, de Lise Dumasy, présidente de l’univers..
Estrategias de los trabajadores de empresas recuperadas en Argentina
Las primeras empresas recuperadas (ER) en Argentina surgen en un momento histórico del ascenso de la lucha social y se consolidan durante el periodo de descenso de ésta. En aquel momento nacen diversas organizaciones con estrategias y tácticas propias, que se irán transformando frente a los nuevos contextos. En este trabajo analizamos el desarrollo de estas tácticas y estrategias; su impacto social, político y económico, así como sus límites, en el marco del contexto en el cual nacen y se desenvuelven. La información proviene de la exploración documental de información general de los movimientos de ER, la observación directa y la realización de entrevistas en profundidad
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