282 research outputs found

    Scalar Dark Matter Models with Significant Internal Bremsstrahlung

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    There has been interest recently on particle physics models that may give rise to sharp gamma ray spectral features from dark matter annihilation. Because dark matter is supposed to be electrically neutral, it is challenging to build weakly interacting massive particle models that may accommodate both a large cross section into gamma rays at, say, the Galactic center, and the right dark matter abundance. In this work, we consider the gamma ray signatures of a class of scalar dark matter models that interact with Standard Model dominantly through heavy vector-like fermions (the vector-like portal). We focus on a real scalar singlet S annihilating into lepton-antilepton pairs. Because this two-body final-state annihilation channel is d-wave suppressed in the chiral limit, we show that virtual internal bremsstrahlung emission of a gamma ray gives a large correction, both today and at the time of freeze-out. For the sake of comparison, we confront this scenario to the familiar case of a Majorana singlet annihilating into light lepton-antilepton pairs, and show that the virtual internal bremsstrahlung signal may be enhanced by a factor of (up to) two orders of magnitude. We discuss the scope and possible generalizations of the model.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, typos corrected, added references, matching version accepted by JCA

    Prevention of Muscle Injuries — The Soccer Model

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    Signatures from Scalar Dark Matter with a Vector-like Quark Mediator

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    We present a comprehensive study of a model where the dark matter is composed of a singlet real scalar that couples to the Standard Model predominantly via a Yukawa interaction with a light quark and a colored vector-like fermion. A distinctive feature of this scenario is that thermal freeze-out in the early universe may be driven by annihilation both into gluon pairs at one-loop (gggg) and by virtual internal Bremsstrahlung of a gluon (qqˉgq \bar{q} g). Such a dark matter candidate may also be tested through direct and indirect detection and at the LHC; viable candidates have either a mass nearly degenerate with that of the fermionic mediator or a mass above about 2 TeV.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures. Matches published versio

    Top-philic Vector-Like Portal to Scalar Dark Matter

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    We investigate the phenomenology of scalar singlet dark matter candidates that couple dominantly to the Standard Model via a Yukawa interaction with the top quark and a colored vector-like fermion. We estimate the viability of this vector-like portal scenario with respect to the most recent bounds from dark matter direct and indirect detection, as well as to dark matter and vector-like mediator searches at colliders. Moreover, we take QCD radiative corrections into account in all our theoretical calculations. This work complements analyses related both to models featuring a scalar singlet coupled through a vector-like portal to light quarks, and to scenarios in which the dark matter is a Majorana singlet coupled to the Standard Model through scalar colored particles (akin to simplified models inspired by supersymmetry). Our study puts especially forward the complementarity of different search strategies from different contexts, and we show that current experiments allow for testing dark matter masses ranging up to 700 GeV and mediator masses ranging up to 6 TeV.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures; version accepted by PR

    Il corpo violato, il corpo liberato: autodistruzione e catarsi in La Muñeca menor di Rosario Ferré

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    La teoria sull’auto-riconoscimento dell’universo femminile elaborata da Hélène Cixous nel saggio La Risa de la Medusa (1975) unitamente ai meccanismi di alienazione postcoloniale analizzati da Franz Fanon ne I Dannati della terra (1961) hanno, a mio avviso, ispirato Rosario Ferré nell’elaborazione delle strategie letterarie adottate nel racconto La Muñeca menor. L’intento di Ferré è quello di demistificare e rovesciare il sistema patriarcale vigente attraverso una scrittura autobiografica, sovversiva e iraconda. La ribellione che caratterizza le eroine femminili de La Muñeca menor si compie attraverso la catarsi e la consunzione dei loro corpi. La loro autodistruzione liberatoria apre la strada a una vera e propria decolonizzazione dell’anima. La scrittrice portoricana si prefigge di mettere in luce attraverso il racconto le ripercussioni emotive generate dai processi coloniali. Ferré teorizza inoltre una nuova cosmogonia in cui le donne portoricane, doppiamente vittime del sistema coloniale e patriarcale, possano rivestire un ruolo attivo e partecipativo.The theory of self-recognition of the female universe elaborated by Hélène Cixous in the essay The laugh of the Medusa1975) together with the mechanisms of postcolonial alienation analyzed by Franz Fanon in The Damned of the Earth (1961) have, in my opinion, inspired Rosario Ferré in the elaboration of the literary strategies adopted in her short story La Muñeca menor. Ferré’s intention is to demystify and overturn the patriarchal system in force through an autobiographical, subversive, and angry writing. The rebellion of the female heroines is accomplished through catharsis and the consumption of their bodies. Their liberating self-destruction opens the way to a real decolonization of the soul. The Puerto Rican author aims to highlight in the short story the emotional repercussions generated by colonial processes. Rosario Ferré also theorizes a new cosmogony in which Puerto Rican women, doubly victims of the colonial and patriarchal system, can play a more active and participatory role

    Radiative corrections to vectorlike portal dark matter

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    A massive real scalar dark matter particle SS can couple to Standard Model leptons or quarks through a vector-like fermionic mediator ψ\psi, a scenario known as the Vector-like portal. Due to helicity suppression of the annihilation cross section into a pair of SM fermions, it has been shown in previous works that radiative corrections, either at one-loop or through radiation of gauge bosons, may play a significant role both in determining the relic abundance and for indirect detection. All previous works considered the limit of massless final state quarks or leptons. In this work, we focus on a technical issue, which is to reliably determine the annihilation cross sections taking into account finite fermion masses. Following previous works in the framework of simplified supersymmetric dark matter scenarios, and building on an analogy with Higgs decay into fermions, we address the issue of infrared and collinear divergences that plagues the cross section by adopting an effective operator description, which captures most of the relevant physics and give explicit expressions for the annihilation cross sections. We then develop several approximations for the differential and total cross sections, which simplify greatly their expressions, and which can then be used in various phenomenological studies of similar models. Finally, we describe our method to compute the final gamma-ray spectrum, including hadronisation of the heavy fermions, and provide some illustrative spectra for specific dark matter candidates.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. One extra figure. Conclusions unchanged. Version published in PR

    Candida albicans infections in renal transplant recipients: effect of caspofungin on polymorphonuclear cells.

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    This study aimed to compare the caspofungin immunomodulating activities against Candida albicans on polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) from renal transplant recipients (RTRs) and healthy subjects (HSs). RTR PMNs showed a significantly reduced fungicidal activity compared with that of HS PMNs. Addition of caspofungin to RTR PMNs significantly potentiated the yeast intracellular killing rate, achieving values similar to those observed for HS PMNs. These data show that caspofungin is suitable for invasive candidiasis treatment in patients with immune system-impaired components

    A best-practice position statement on pregnancy after kidney transplantation: focusing on the unsolved questions. The Kidney and Pregnancy Study Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology

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    Kidney transplantation (KT) is often considered to be the method best able to restore fertility in a woman with chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, pregnancies in KT are not devoid of risks (in particular prematurity, small for gestational age babies, and the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy). An ideal profile of the potential KT mother includes “normal” or “good” kidney function (usually defined as glomerular filtration rate, GFR ≥ 60 ml/min), scant or no proteinuria (usually defined as below 500 mg/dl), normal or well controlled blood pressure (one drug only and no sign of end-organ damage), no recent acute rejection, good compliance and low-dose immunosuppression, without the use of potentially teratogen drugs (mycophenolic acid and m-Tor inhibitors) and an interval of at least 1–2 years after transplantation. In this setting, there is little if any risk of worsening of the kidney function. Less is known about how to manage “non-ideal” situations, such as a pregnancy a short time after KT, or one in the context of hypertension or a failing kidney. The aim of this position statement by the Kidney and Pregnancy Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology is to review the literature and discuss what is known about the clinical management of CKD after KT, with particular attention to women who start a pregnancy in non-ideal conditions. While the experience in such cases is limited, the risks of worsening the renal function are probably higher in cases with markedly reduced kidney function, and in the presence of proteinuria. Well-controlled hypertension alone seems less relevant for outcomes, even if its effect is probably multiplicative if combined with low GFR and proteinuria. As in other settings of kidney disease, superimposed preeclampsia (PE) is differently defined and this impairs calculating its real incidence. No specific difference between non-teratogen immunosuppressive drugs has been shown, but calcineurin inhibitors have been associated with foetal growth restriction and low birth weight. The clinical choices in cases at high risk for malformations or kidney function impairment (pregnancies under mycophenolic acid or with severe kidney-function impairment) require merging clinical and ethical approaches in which, beside the mother and child dyad, the grafted kidney is a crucial “third element”