353 research outputs found

    Saethre-Chotzen mutations cause TWIST protein degradation or impaired nuclear location

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    International audienceH-TWIST belongs to the family of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors known to exert their activity through dimer formation. We have demonstrated recently that mutations in H-TWIST account for Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (SCS), an autosomal dominant craniosynostosis syndrome characterized by premature fusion of coronal sutures and limb abnormalities of variable severity. Although insertions, deletions, nonsense and missense mutations have been identified, no genotype-phenotype correlation could be found, suggesting that the gene alterations lead to a loss of protein function irrespective of the mutation. To assess this hypothesis, we studied stability, dimerization capacities and subcellular distribution of three types of TWIST mutant. Here, we show that: (i) nonsense mutations resulted in truncated protein instability; (ii) missense mutations involving the helical domains led to a complete loss of H-TWIST heterodimerization with the E12 bHLH protein in the two-hybrid system and dramatically altered the ability of the TWIST protein to localize in the nucleus of COS-transfected cells; and (iii) in-frame insertion or missense mutations within the loop significantly altered dimer formation but not the nuclear location of the protein. We conclude that at least two distinct mechanisms account for loss of TWIST protein function in SCS patients, namely protein degradation and subcellular mislocalization

    Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions: the importance of changing cell state in development and disease

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    The events that convert adherent epithelial cells into individual migratory cells that can invade the extracellular matrix are known collectively as epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Throughout evolution, the capacity of cells to switch between these two cellular states has been fundamental in the generation of complex body patterns. Here, we review the EMT events that build the embryo and further discuss two prototypical processes governed by EMT in amniotes: gastrulation and neural crest formation. Cells undergo EMT to migrate and colonize distant territories. Not surprisingly, this is also the mechanism used by cancer cells to disperse throughout the body

    Redundant or separate entities?—roles of Twist1 and Twist2 as molecular switches during gene transcription

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    Twist1 and Twist2 are highly conserved members of the Twist subfamily of bHLH proteins responsible for the transcriptional regulation of the developmental programs in mesenchymal cell lineages. The regulation of such processes requires that Twist1 and Twist2 function as molecular switches to activate and repress target genes by employing several direct and indirect mechanisms. Modes of action by these proteins include direct DNA binding to conserved E-box sequences and recruitment of coactivators or repressors, sequestration of E-protein modulators, and interruption of proper activator/repressor function through protein–protein interactions. Regulatory outcomes of Twist1 and Twist2 are themselves controlled by spatial-temporal expression, phosphoregulation, dimer choice and cellular localization. Although these two proteins are highly conserved and exhibit similar functions in vitro, emerging literature have demonstrated different roles in vivo. The involvement of Twist1 and Twist2 in a broad spectrum of regulatory pathways highlights the importance of understanding their roles in normal development, homeostasis and disease. Here we focus on the mechanistic models of transcriptional regulation and summarize the similarities and differences between Twist1 and Twist2 in the context of myogenesis, osteogenesis, immune system development and cancer

    Twist-1 regulates the miR-199a/214 cluster during development

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    MicroRNAs are known to regulate developmental processes but their mechanism of regulation remains largely uncharacterized. We show the transcription factor Twist-1 drives the expression of a 7.9-kb noncoding RNA transcript (from the Dynamin-3 gene intron) that encodes a miR-199a and miR-214 cluster. We also show that knocking down Twist-1 with shRNAs decreased miR-199a/214 levels and that Twist-1 bound an E-Box promoter motif to developmentally regulate the expression of these miRNAs. The expression of HIF-1 (known to mediate Twist-1 transcription), miR-199a and miR-214 was maximal at E12.5 and the miRNAs were expressed specifically in mouse cerebellum, midbrain, nasal process and fore- and hindlimb buds. This study shows the expression of the miR199a/214 cluster is controlled by Twist-1 via an E-Box promoter element and supports a role for these miRNAs as novel intermediates in the pathways controlling the development of specific neural cell populations

    A revised method for estimating hepatitis B virus transfusion residual risk based on antibody to hepatitis B core antigen incident cases

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    BACKGROUND: To take into account the transient nature of hepatitis B virus (HBV) antigenemia, the calculation of HBV residual risk (RR), based on the incidence/window period model, is adjusted by a correction factor that adds uncertainty to the RR estimates. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: This new method to estimate the RR for HBV is a weighted sum of the RR derived from hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) incident cases and the one derived from antibody hepatitis B core antigen (HBc) incident cases. An anti-HBc incident case was defined as a donation from a blood donor who had made at least one anti-HBc–negative donation followed by a donation that was found positive with two different assays within a 3-year period and positive for at least one of the following markers: 1) antibody to hepatitis B e antigen or hepatitis B e antigen, 2) anti-HBc immunoglobulin M, 3) HBV DNA, 4) hepatitis B surface antibody without HBV vaccination history, or 5) HBV DNA retrospectively found in the previous donation. Five overlapping 3-year study periods between 2000 and 2006 were analyzed. RESULTS: The HBV RR estimated with the classical method ranged from 1.51 (2000-2002) to 0.69 per million donations in 2004 through 2006 with a decrease in 2002 through 2004 due to only two HBsAg incident cases reported in this period. By applying the revised model, the HBV RR ranged from 1.06 (2000-2002) to 0.49 per million donations (2004-2006), with a regular decrease. CONCLUSION: The new presented model provides HBV RR estimates that do not statistically differ from those obtained with the classical model; however, it provides more accurate data, especially in low endemic areas where the HBsAg incidence is low

    Media coverage of the Zika crisis in Brazil: the construction of a 'war' frame that masked social and gender inequalities

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    Between 2015 and 2016, Zika became an epidemic of global concern and the focus of intense media coverage. Using a hybrid model of frame and social representations theory, we examine how the Zika outbreak was reported in two major newspapers in Brazil: O Globo and Folha de São Paulo. The analysis of 186 articles published between December 2015 and May 2016 reveals a dominant ‘war’ frame supported by two sub-frames: one focused on eradicating the vector (mosquito) and another on controlling microcephaly, placing the burden of prevention on women. Scientific uncertainties about the virus and its relationship to microcephaly coupled with political uncertainties in Brazil increased the power of the war frame. This frame gave prominence and legitimacy to certain representations of disease management during the crisis, masking social and gender inequalities. We show how the cartography of the disease overlaps with that of poverty and regional inequality in Brazil to argue that addressing socio-economic aspects is essential, but normally neglected, in media communications during disease outbreaks like Zika