572 research outputs found

    A stochastic-dynamic model for global atmospheric mass field statistics

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    A model that yields the spatial correlation structure of atmospheric mass field forecast errors was developed. The model is governed by the potential vorticity equation forced by random noise. Expansion in spherical harmonics and correlation function was computed analytically using the expansion coefficients. The finite difference equivalent was solved using a fast Poisson solver and the correlation function was computed using stratified sampling of the individual realization of F(omega) and hence of phi(omega). A higher order equation for gamma was derived and solved directly in finite differences by two successive applications of the fast Poisson solver. The methods were compared for accuracy and efficiency and the third method was chosen as clearly superior. The results agree well with the latitude dependence of observed atmospheric correlation data. The value of the parameter c sub o which gives the best fit to the data is close to the value expected from dynamical considerations

    Spatio-temporal filling of missing points in geophysical data sets

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    International audienceThe majority of data sets in the geosciences are obtained from observations and measurements of natural systems, rather than in the laboratory. These data sets are often full of gaps, due to to the conditions under which the measurements are made. Missing data give rise to various problems, for example in spectral estimation or in specifying boundary conditions for numerical models. Here we use Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) to fill the gaps in several types of data sets. For a univariate record, our procedure uses only temporal correlations in the data to fill in the missing points. For a multivariate record, multi-channel SSA (M-SSA) takes advantage of both spatial and temporal correlations. We iteratively produce estimates of missing data points, which are then used to compute a self-consistent lag-covariance matrix; cross-validation allows us to optimize the window width and number of dominant SSA or M-SSA modes to fill the gaps. The optimal parameters of our procedure depend on the distribution in time (and space) of the missing data, as well as on the variance distribution between oscillatory modes and noise. The algorithm is demonstrated on synthetic examples, as well as on data sets from oceanography, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, and space physics: global sea-surface temperature, flood-water records of the Nile River, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), and satellite observations of relativistic electrons

    Arnold maps with noise: Differentiability and non-monotonicity of the rotation number

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    Arnold's standard circle maps are widely used to study the quasi-periodic route to chaos and other phenomena associated with nonlinear dynamics in the presence of two rationally unrelated periodicities. In particular, the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is a crucial component of climate variability on interannual time scales and it is dominated by the seasonal cycle, on the one hand, and an intrinsic oscillatory instability with a period of a few years, on the other. The role of meteorological phenomena on much shorter time scales, such as westerly wind bursts, has also been recognized and modeled as additive noise. We consider herein Arnold maps with additive, uniformly distributed noise. When the map's nonlinear term, scaled by the parameter Ï”\epsilon, is sufficiently small, i.e. Ï”<1\epsilon < 1, the map is known to be a diffeomorphism and the rotation number ρω\rho_{\omega} is a differentiable function of the driving frequency ω\omega. We concentrate on the rotation number's behavior as the nonlinearity becomes large, and show rigorously that ρω\rho _{\omega } is a differentiable function of ω\omega , even for ϔ≄1\epsilon \geq 1, at every point at which the noise-perturbed map is mixing. We also provide a formula for the derivative of the rotation number. The reasoning relies on linear-response theory and a computer-aided proof. In the diffeomorphism case of Ï”<1\epsilon <1, the rotation number ρω\rho_{\omega } behaves monotonically with respect to ω\omega . We show, using again a computer-aided proof, that this is not the case when ϔ≄1\epsilon \geq 1 and the map is not a diffeomorphism.Comment: Electronic copy of final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Physic

    Reply to Roe and Baker's comment on "another look at climate sensitivity" by Zaliapin and Ghil (2010)

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    International audienceG. H. Roe and M. B. Baker (hereafter R&B) claim that analysis of a global linear approximation to the climate system allows one to conclude that the quest for reliable climate predictions is futile. We insist that this quest is important and requires a proper understanding of the roles of both linear and nonlinear methods in climate dynamics. © Author(s) 2011

    Reply to T. Schneider's comment on "Spatio-temporal filling of missing points in geophysical data sets"

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    Estimating model evidence using data assimilation

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    We review the field of data assimilation (DA) from a Bayesian perspective and show that, in addition to its by now common application to state estimation, DA may be used for model selection. An important special case of the latter is the discrimination between a factual model–which corresponds, to the best of the modeller's knowledge, to the situation in the actual world in which a sequence of events has occurred–and a counterfactual model, in which a particular forcing or process might be absent or just quantitatively different from the actual world. Three different ensemble‐DA methods are reviewed for this purpose: the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), the ensemble four‐dimensional variational smoother (En‐4D‐Var), and the iterative ensemble Kalman smoother (IEnKS). An original contextual formulation of model evidence (CME) is introduced. It is shown how to apply these three methods to compute CME, using the approximated time‐dependent probability distribution functions (pdfs) each of them provide in the process of state estimation. The theoretical formulae so derived are applied to two simplified nonlinear and chaotic models: (i) the Lorenz three‐variable convection model (L63), and (ii) the Lorenz 40‐variable midlatitude atmospheric dynamics model (L95). The numerical results of these three DA‐based methods and those of an integration based on importance sampling are compared. It is found that better CME estimates are obtained by using DA, and the IEnKS method appears to be best among the DA methods. Differences among the performance of the three DA‐based methods are discussed as a function of model properties. Finally, the methodology is implemented for parameter estimation and for event attribution

    Multiple equilibria and oscillatory modes in a mid-latitude ocean-forced atmospheric model

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    International audienceAtmospheric response to a mid-latitude sea surface temperature (SST) front is studied, while emphasizing low-frequency modes induced by the presence of such a front. An idealized atmospheric quasi-geostrophic (QG) model is forced by the SST field of an idealized oceanic QG model. First, the equilibria of the oceanic model and the associated SST fronts are computed. Next, these equilibria are used to force the atmospheric model and compute its equilibria when varying the strength of the oceanic forcing. Low-frequency modes of atmospheric variability are identified and associated with successive Hopf bifurcations. The origin of these Hopf bifurcations is studied in detail, and connected to barotropic instability. Finally, a link is established between the model's time integrations and the previously obtained equilibria. © Author(s) 2012

    Interdecadal Changes in Atmospheric Low-Frequency Variability with and without Boundary Forcing*

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    Gap filling of solar wind data by singular spectrum analysis

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    International audienceObservational data sets in space physics often contain instrumental and sampling errors, as well as large gaps. This is both an obstacle and an incentive for research, since continuous data sets are typically needed for model formulation and validation. For example, the latest global empirical models of Earth's magnetic field are crucial for many space weather applications, and require time-continuous solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) data; both of these data sets have large gaps before 1994. Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) reconstructs missing data by using an iteratively inferred, smooth "signal" that captures coherent modes, while "noise" is discarded. In this study, we apply SSA to fill in large gaps in solar wind and IMF data, by combining it with geomagnetic indices that are time-continuous, and generalizing it to multivariate geophysical data consisting of gappy "driver" and continuous "response" records. The reconstruction error estimates provide information on the physics of co-variability between particular solar-wind parameters and geomagnetic indices. Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union
