578 research outputs found

    Binding Mechanisms in Visual Perception and Their Link With Neural Oscillations: A Review of Evidence From tACS

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    Neurophysiological studies in humans employing magneto- (MEG) and electro- (EEG) encephalography increasingly suggest that oscillatory rhythmic activity of the brain may be a core mechanism for binding sensory information across space, time, and object features to generate a unified perceptual representation. To distinguish whether oscillatory activity is causally related to binding processes or whether, on the contrary, it is a mere epiphenomenon, one possibility is to employ neuromodulatory techniques such as transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). tACS has seen a rising interest due to its ability to modulate brain oscillations in a frequency-dependent manner. In the present review, we critically summarize current tACS evidence for a causal role of oscillatory activity in spatial, temporal, and feature binding in the context of visual perception. For temporal binding, the emerging picture supports a causal link with the power and the frequency of occipital alpha rhythms (8–12 Hz); however, there is no consistent evidence on the causal role of the phase of occipital tACS. For feature binding, the only study available showed a modulation by occipital alpha tACS. The majority of studies that successfully modulated oscillatory activity and behavioral performance in spatial binding targeted parietal areas, with the main rhythms causally linked being the theta (~7 Hz) and beta (~18 Hz) frequency bands. On the other hand, spatio-temporal binding has been directly modulated by parieto-occipital gamma (~40–60 Hz) and alpha (10 Hz) tACS, suggesting a potential role of cross-frequency coupling when binding across space and time. Nonetheless, negative or partial results have also been observed, suggesting methodological limitations that should be addressed in future research. Overall, the emerging picture seems to support a causal role of brain oscillations in binding processes and, consequently, a certain degree of plasticity for shaping binding mechanisms in visual perception, which, if proved to have long lasting effects, can find applications in different clinical populations

    Neurocardiovascular deficits in the Q175 mouse model of Huntington's disease.

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    Cardiovascular dysautonomia as well as the deterioration of circadian rhythms are among the earliest detectable pathophysiological changes in individuals with Huntington's disease (HD). Preclinical research requires mouse models that recapitulate disease symptoms and the Q175 knock-in model offers a number of advantages but potential autonomic dysfunction has not been explored. In this study, we sought to test the dual hypotheses that cardiovascular dysautonomia can be detected early in disease progression in the Q175 model and that this dysfunction varies with the daily cycle. Using radiotelemetry implants, we observed a significant reduction in the diurnal and circadian activity rhythms in the Q175 mutants at the youngest ages. By middle age, the autonomically driven rhythms in core body temperature were highly compromised, and the Q175 mutants exhibited striking episodes of hypothermia that increased in frequency with mutant huntingtin gene dosage. In addition, Q175 mutants showed higher resting heart rate (HR) during sleep and greatly reduced correlation between activity and HR HR variability was reduced in the mutants in both time and frequency domains, providing more evidence of autonomic dysfunction. Measurement of the baroreceptor reflex revealed that the Q175 mutant could not appropriately increase HR in response to a pharmacologically induced decrease in blood pressure. Echocardiograms showed reduced ventricular mass and ejection fraction in mutant hearts. Finally, cardiac histopathology revealed localized points of fibrosis resembling those caused by myocardial infarction. Thus, the Q175 mouse model of HD exhibits cardiovascular dysautonomia similar to that seen in HD patients with prominent sympathetic dysfunction during the resting phase of the activity rhythm

    Integrating uavs and canopy height models in vineyard management: A time-space approach

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    The present study illustrates an operational approach estimating individual and aggregate vineyards’ canopy volume estimation through three years Tree-Row-Volume (TRV) measurements and remotely sensed imagery acquired with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Red-Green-Blue (RGB) digital camera, processed with MATLAB scripts, and validated through ArcGIS tools. The TRV methodology was applied by sampling a different number of rows and plants (per row) each year with the aim of evaluating reliability and accuracy of this technique compared with a remote approach. The empirical results indicate that the estimated tree-row-volumes derived from a UAV Canopy Height Model (CHM) are up to 50% different from those measured on the field using the routinary technique of TRV in 2019. The difference is even much higher in the two 2016 dates. These empirical findings outline the importance of data integration among techniques that mix proximal and remote sensing in routine vineyards’ agronomic practices, helping to reduce management costs and increase the environmental sustainability of traditional cultivation systems

    Waste processing facility location problem by stochastic programming: Models and solutions

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    The paper deals with the so-called waste processing facility location problem (FLP), which asks for establishing a set of operational waste processing units, optimal against the total expected cost. We minimize the waste management (WM) expenditure of the waste producers, which is derived from the related waste processing, transportation, and investment costs. We use a stochastic programming approach in recognition of the inherent uncertainties in this area. Two relevant models are presented and discussed in the paper. Initially, we extend the common transportation network flow model with on-and-off waste-processing capacities in selected nodes, representing the facility location. Subsequently, we model the randomly-varying production of waste by a scenario-based two-stage stochastic integer linear program. Finally, we employ selected pricing ideas from revenue management to model the behavior of the waste producers, who we assume to be environmentally friendly. The modeling ideas are illustrated on an example of limited size solved in GAMS. Computations on larger instances were realized with traditional and heuristic algorithms, implemented within MATLAB. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

    An Anomaly Detection Approach to Determine Optimal Cutting Time in Cheese Formation

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    The production of cheese, a beloved culinary delight worldwide, faces challenges in maintaining consistent product quality and operational efficiency. One crucial stage in this process is determining the precise cutting time during curd formation, which significantly impacts the quality of the cheese. Misjudging this timing can lead to the production of inferior products, harming a company’s reputation and revenue. Conventional methods often fall short of accurately assessing variations in coagulation conditions due to the inherent potential for human error. To address this issue, we propose an anomaly-detection-based approach. In this approach, we treat the class representing curd formation as the anomaly to be identified. Our proposed solution involves utilizing a one-class, fully convolutional data description network, which we compared against several stateof-the-art methods to detect deviations from the standard coagulation patterns. Encouragingly, our results show F1 scores of up to 0.92, indicating the effectiveness of our approach

    Genetic studies on Trebbiano and morphologically related varieties by SSR and AFLP markers

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    Several grapevine varieties are named Trebbiano and have similar phenotypical characteristics (e.g. whitish berries, late ripening, vigorous growth). Other vines share many of the morphological characteristics of Trebbiano but have different names. In order to clarify the relationships between some of these varieties, a study was carried out with 7 Trebbiano varieties and 17 cultivars that are morphologically similar to Trebbiano. AFLP and SSR analyses were performed to define genetic similarity among the Trebbiano cultivars as well as between the Trebbiano cultivars and related varieties. Results show a large degree of variability between most of the cultivars and suggest that they do not share a common ancestor. Genetic analysis revealed that cv. Verdicchio is identical with Trebbiano di Soave which is very similar to Trebbiano di Lugana.

    Early effects of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation on foetal brain development in rat

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    Studies in humans and animal models link maternal infection and imbalanced levels of inflammatory mediators in the foetal brain to the aetiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. In a number of animal models, it was shown that exposure to viral or bacterial agents during a period that corresponds to the second trimester in human gestation triggers brain and behavioural abnormalities in the offspring. However, little is known about the early cellular and molecular events elicited by inflammation in the foetal brain shortly after maternal infection has occurred. In this study, maternal infection was mimicked by two consecutive intraperitoneal injections of 200 ÎŒg of LPS (lipopolysaccharide)/kg to timed-pregnant rats at GD15 (gestational day 15) and GD16. Increased thickness of the CP (cortical plate) and hippocampus together with abnormal distribution of immature neuronal markers and decreased expression of markers for neural progenitors were observed in the LPS-exposed foetal forebrains at GD18. Such effects were accompanied by decreased levels of reelin and the radial glial marker GLAST (glial glutamate transporter), and elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in maternal serum and foetal forebrains. Foetal inflammation elicited by maternal injections of LPS has discrete detrimental effects on brain development. The early biochemical and morphological changes described in this work begin to explain the sequelae of early events that underlie the neurobehavioural deficits reported in humans and animals exposed to prenatal insults

    Diabetes insipidus secondary to nivolumab-induced neurohypophysitis and pituitary metastasis

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    A 62-year-old patient with metastatic hypopharyngeal carcinoma underwent treatment with nivolumab, following which he developed symptoms suggestive of diabetes insipidus. Nivolumab was stopped and therapy with methylprednisolone was started. During corticosteroid therapy, the patient presented himself in poor health condition with fungal infection and glycemic decompensation. Methylprednisolone dose was tapered off, leading to the resolution of mycosis and the restoration of glycemic compensation, nevertheless polyuria and polydipsia persisted. Increase in urine osmolarity after desmopressin administration was made diagnosing central diabetes insipidus as a possibility. The neuroradiological data by pituitary MRI scan with gadolinium was compatible with coexistence of metastatic localization and infundibuloneurohypophysitis secondary to therapy with nivolumab. To define the exact etiology of the pituitary pathology, histological confirmation would have been necessary; however, unfortunately, it was not possible. In the absence of histological confirmation, we believe it is likely that both pathologies coexisted

    A New Monitor and Control Power Supply PCB for Biasing LNAs of Large Radio Telescopes Receivers

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    The biasing of low noise amplifiers (LNA) is of paramount importance for the receivers of large radio telescopes. High stability, optimal trade-off between gain and noise figure, remote control, and mitigation of the radio frequency interferences (RFIs) are all desirable features in the choice of the electronic board devoted to power supply the LNAs. In this paper, we propose the design and characterization of a multilayer printed circuit board (PCB), named GAIA, able to meet all the aforementioned requirements. The GAIA board is a 3-Unit, four-layer, rack-mountable, programmable PCB for the remote biasing of the LNAs, with monitor and control capabilities, specifically designed to operate in the receivers of the 64-m diameter Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). We describe the architecture, layout, and measurements of the GAIA board. Our results show that the GAIA power supply provides high stability of the output bias voltages and, in comparison with the old analogic biasing board used so far in the SRT receivers, it shows comparable or better frequency stability, other than a remarkable mitigation of the RFIs

    Defoliation of common ragweed by Ophraella communa beetle does not affect pollen allergenicity in controlled conditions

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    Ragweed allergy is one of the primary causes of seasonal allergies in Europe and its prevalence is expected to rise. The leaf beetle Ophraella communa, recently and accidentally established in N-Italy and S-Switzerland, represents a promising approach to control ragweed, but negative side effects should be excluded before its use. Since biotic and abiotic stresses are known to influence the allergenicity of pollen, we set out to assess the effect of sub-lethal defoliation by O. communa on the quantity and quality of ragweed pollen. Seventeen sister pairs (including six clones) of ragweed plants were grown in controlled conditions. One of each pair was exposed to O. communa as soon as the plant started to produce reproductive structures. After 10 weeks of exposure, plant traits were measured as a proxy for pollen quantity. Pollen quality was assessed by measuring its viability and allergenicity. Generally, plants produced very few male flowers and little amount of pollen. Damage by the beetle was severe with most of the leaf tissue removed, but no treatment effect was found on any of the quantitative and qualitative traits assessed. In conclusion, O. communa did not increase the amount or allergenicity of ragweed pollen grains in our experimental conditions
