12 research outputs found

    Computed tomography examination of periodontal disease in dog

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    Periodontal disease is a very common disease in dogs, with an incidence of 85%, which affects both the health and the quality of life of the animals (Shearer, 2010, Kortegaard et al 2014). Dog periodontitis has become a priority disease for both pet owners and practitioners. Taking in consideration the high incidence of the periodontal disease in dogs and the fact that the clinical diagnostic is limited, the aim of this study was to highlight the role and importance of imaging diagnostic tools such as Computed Tomography in the diagnostic of this pathology. The study was conducted on 20 dogs (30% female and 70% male) with age from 1 year to 12 years. The patients were clinically examined and after that were sedated and a radiographic evaluation and a CT scan of the head was performed. Classification of periodontal disease take in consideration the retraction of alveolar bone and formation of periodontal pocket, retraction of alveolar bone was visible on CT examination compared to radiographic examination in which the overlapping of bony structures of the mandible and maxilla make the bone retraction less evident. Computed tomography examination is more accurate than radiography, giving the possibility to evaluate all the roots of the teeth and bone retraction, and come to complete the clinical evaluation

    Considérations sur la genèse et la composition des bentonites de Razoare (R. S. de Roumanie)

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    Das Bentonitlager von Rasoare wird mikroskopisch, röntgenographisch und durch Differenzial-Thermoanalyse untersucht. Eine Pegmatitintrusion hat eine beschränkte Skarnzone in karbona¬ tischen Gesteinen gebildet. Später haben hydrothermale Auswirkungen die Umwandlung der Pegmatitf eidspäte in montmorillonitischen und halloysitischen Bentonit hervorgerufen.Соображения по поводу происхождения и состава бентонитов Разоара (Румынская С. Р.) Месторождение бентонитов Разоара был исследован с помощью микроскопа, тер¬ мического и дифференциального анализа и рентгеновских лучей. Интрузия пегматитов в известковыя образования создает небольшую зону скарна. Гидротермальныя действия вызывают глинизацию полевых шпатов пегматита с образованием монтмориллонических бентонитов и галлуазитовых бентонитов.Microscopic, Differential Thermal Analysis and X-ray study of the Razoare bentonite deposit. A pegmatite intrusion has developed a limited skarn zone in carbonate formations. Hydrothermal alterations have later transformed the pegmatite feldspars into montmorillonitic bentonite and halloysitic bentonite.Le gisement des bentonites de Razoare est étudié au microscope, par l'analyse thermique différentielle et aux rayons X. Une intrusion de pegmatites dans des formations carbonatées a engendré une zone réduite de skarn. Des actions hydrothermales ont provoqué ultérieurement l'argilisation des feldspaths de la pegmatite en bentonite montmorillonitique et bentonite halloysitique.Marza Ioan, Ghergariu Lucretia, Minzararu Lidia. Considérations sur la genèse et la composition des bentonites de Razoare (R. S. de Roumanie). In: Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique d'Alsace et de Lorraine, tome 19, n°3-4, 1966. Sédimentologie et géochimie de la surface. pp. 213-220


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    Output and input files for SEAPODYM analyses used in the Bell et al manuscript titled "Pathways to sustain tuna-dependent Pacific Island economies during climate change

    Paraclinical Investigations in the Pathology of the Urinary System in Dogs

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    In the pathology of the urinary system, given its structural and functional complexity, the clinician must correlate the data obtained from the clinical and paraclinical examination. The aim of the study was to identify and apply the most relevant paraclinical methods for establishing the diagnosis of renal disease in dogs and to develop a reliable and easy to use working protocol. The biological material consisted of 25 dogs of different ages and sexes. The conventional and contrast-enhanced radiological examination together with the ecography, spectrofluorimetric analysis, urinary sediment examination, renal biopsy, cytological examination completed the disease information in order to establish a certitude diagnosis. In the management of patients with urinary disorders, the working protocol should include not only the animal anamnesis and a complete clinical examination but also a paraclinical examination which should be used depending on the patient’s clinical manifestations

    Bovine Vectocardiography: A Comparative Study Relative to the Validity of Four Tridimensional Lead Systems

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    For spatial vectocardiography to become applicable for cardiac investigation in cattle, it was necessary to develop a reliable standardized electrocardiographic lead system in this species. In this study, four tridimensional lead systems, initially developed in horses, were compared when applied in calves. Fifty seven electrocardiograms were collected. The between-subject variability of the magnitude and angles of the tridimensional P, QRS and T modal vectors obtained by use of each lead system was compared. Reproducibility of vectrocardiographic measurements was analyzed by comparing results obtained in 10 calves within a one day interval. The Holmes semi-orthogonal lead system, giving the lowest between-subject variability and the highest between-day reproducibility, appeared to be the most reliable lead system in order to apply vectocardiography in the bovine species.Convention n° 547