96 research outputs found

    Gender differences in tourism behaviour in the European Union

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    Given its increasing role in today´s societal and economic realities, tourism is seen more and more as a discursive area and a successful channel for transmitting gender equality issues. The purpose of this article was to examine the differences regarding gender gaps in tourist behaviour between core-members and the latest accession states in the European Union We used the number of trips, overnight stays, and the values for travel expenditures from Eurostat database as indicators to study the participation of men and women in tourism for both leisure and professional purposes. The results indicated small or almost non-existent differences between the core-members of the European Union and the latest accession states regarding gender gaps in tourism; however, both groups manifested an under representation of women in professional or business tourism as well as smaller values of expenditures overall for women. The results seemed to indicate the existence of a “glass ceiling”, despite the overall progress made in the gender equality area

    The PreEdTech Project – Preprimary School Teaching in the Digital Era

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    The article is a study of the PreEdTeh project (Erasmus + programme), developed within a partnership of kindergartens and education and ICT institutions from Romania, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Turkey. The innovative project is deeply rooted in the partners’ pandemic experience and aims at providing pre-primary teachers with the means of adapting their activities to the online environment. It promotes professional development by strengthening the profiles of educators, empowering and equipping them with digital and pedagogical skills, as well as providing them with essential and logically structured open educational resources (OER), necessary for the developmental needs of preschool children. The article introduces the project’s objectives and outputs and gives insights into the development of the PreEdTech Guide, its online course, tutorials, lesson plans and curriculum. These provide teachers with all the elements and steps necessary for successful online activities with children as well as for a good collaboration with parents, which is the basis for teachers’ performance and well-being. The paper also presents the feedback collected from teachers participating in the pilot

    Electrochemical push-pull probe: from scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) to multimodal altering of cell microenvironment

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    To understand biological processes at the cellular level, a general approach is to alter the cells’ environment and to study their chemical responses. Herein, we present the implementation of an electrochemical push-pull probe, which combines a microfluidic system with a microelectrode, as a tool for locally altering the microenvironment of few adherent living cells by working in two different perturbation modes, namely electrochemical (i.e. electrochemical generation of a chemical effector compound) and microfluidic (i.e. infusion of a chemical effector compound from the pushing microchannel, while aspirating it through the pulling channel thereby focusing the flow between the channels). The effect of several parameters such as flow rate, working distance and probe inclination angle on the affected area of adherently growing cells was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. As a proof of concept, localized fluorescent labeling and pH changes were purposely introduced to validate the probe as a tool for studying adherent cancer cells through the control over the chemical composition of the extracellular space with high spatiotemporal resolution. A very good agreement between experimental and simulated results showed for instance, that the electrochemical perturbation mode enables to affect precisely only few living cells localized in a high-density cell culture

    Leczenie akromegalii w Rumunii. Jak blisko jesteśmy uzyskania kontroli nad chorobą?

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    Introduction: In Romania, no nationwide data for acromegaly treatment and control rate are available. Our objective was to assess the acromegaly control rate in a tertiary referral centre, which covers an important part of Romanian territory and population of patients with acromegaly. Materials and methods: We reviewed the records of all 164 patients (49 males and 115 females; median age 55 [47, 63.5] years) with newly or previously diagnosed acromegaly, who have been assessed at least once in our tertiary referral centre between January 1, 2012 and March 31, 2016. This sample represents 13.6% of the total expected 1200 Romanian patients with acromegaly and covers 82.9% of the counties in Romania. Control of acromegaly was defined as a random serum growth hormone (GH) < 1 ng/mL and an age-normalised serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) value. The GH and IGF-I values used for calculation of the control rate were those at the last evaluation. The same assays for GH and IGF-I measurement were used in all patients. Results: There were 147 treated and 17 untreated patients. Of the 147 patients assessed after therapy, 137 (93.2%) had pituitary surgery, 116 (78.9%) were on medical treatment at the last evaluation, and 67 (45.5%) had radiotherapy. Seventy-one (48.3%) had a random GH < 1 ng/mL, 54 (36.7%) had a normalised, age-adjusted IGF-I, and 42 (28.6%) had both normal random serum GH and IGF-I. Conclusions: In Romania, acromegaly benefits from the whole spectrum of therapeutic interventions. However, the control rate remains disappointing.Wstęp: W Rumunii nie są dostępne ogólnokrajowe dane dotyczące leczenia akromegalii ani wskaźnika kontroli choroby. Badanie przeprowadzono w celu oceny wskaźnika kontroli akromegalii w ośrodku referencyjnym trzeciego stopnia, który obejmuje opieką zdrowotną znaczną część obszaru Rumunii i populacji pacjentów z akromegalią. Materiał i metody: Autorzy dokonali przeglądu danych medycznych wszystkich 164 chorych [49 mężczyzn i 115 kobiet; mediana wieku 55 lat (47; 63,5)] z noworozpoznaną lub wcześniej zdiagnozowaną akromegalią, których przynajmniej jednokrotnie zbadano w ośrodku referencyjnym trzeciego stopnia (miejsce pracy autorów) w okresie od 1 stycznia 2012 roku do 31 marca 2016 roku. Ta próba stanowiła 13,6% całej rumuńskiej populacji chorych na akromegalię szacowaną na 1200 osób i reprezentowała 82,9% okręgów administracyjnych w Rumunii. Kontrolę akromegalii definiowano jako stężenie przygodne hormonu wzrostu (growth hormone, GH) w surowicy wynoszące poniżej 1 ng/ml oraz normalizacja odpowiednio do wieku stężenia insulinopodobnego czynnika wzrostu 1 (insulin-like growth factor-1, IGF-1) w surowicy. Do obliczenia wskaźnika kontroli choroby stosowano wartości GH i IGF-1 z ostatnich pomiarów. U wszystkich pacjentów używano tych samych testów do pomiarów GH i IGF-1. Wyniki: Badanie obejmowało 147 chorych poddanych leczeniu i 17 chorych nieleczonych. Spośród 147 chorych ocenianych po terapii, u 137 (93,2%) zastosowano leczenie chirurgiczne, 116 (78,9%) w momencie ostatniej wizyty kontrolnej stosowało leczenie farmakologiczne, a 67 (45,5%) poddano radioterapii. U 71 chorych (48,3%) przygodne stężenie GH w surowicy wynosiło poniżej 1 ng/ml, u 54 (36,7%) uzyskano normalizację stężenia IGF-1 skorygowanego względem wieku, a u 42 chorych (28,6%) uzyskano normalizację obu parametrów — GH i IGF-1. Wnioski: W Rumunii u chorych na akromegalię stosuje się szerokie spektrum interwencji terapeutycznych, jednak wskaźnik kontroli choroby nadal pozostaje niezadawalający

    Intergroup contact and the potential for post-conflict reconciliation: Studies in Northern Ireland and South Africa.

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    With surveys of Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, and Whites and Blacks in South Africa, this research examines how both contact quality and exposure to intergroup conflict predict attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors relevant to intergroup reconciliation. Across both studies, contact of higher quality predicted more positive intergroup attitudes, trust, more positive perceptions of outgroup intentions in working toward peace, and greater engagement in reconciliation efforts. These effects were observed when controlling for exposure to conflict-related violence in one’s neighborhood growing up, and the extent to which one has personally suffered due to the conflict. Implications of these findings for future work on intergroup contact and reconciliation efforts are discussed

    Do Changes in the Pace of Events Affect One-Off Judgments of Duration?

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    Five experiments examined whether changes in the pace of external events influence people’s judgments of duration. In Experiments 1a–1c, participants heard pieces of music whose tempo accelerated, decelerated, or remained constant. In Experiment 2, participants completed a visuo-motor task in which the rate of stimulus presentation accelerated, decelerated, or remained constant. In Experiment 3, participants completed a reading task in which facts appeared on-screen at accelerating, decelerating, or constant rates. In all experiments, the physical duration of the to-be-judged interval was the same across conditions. We found no significant effects of temporal structure on duration judgments in any of the experiments, either when participants knew that a time estimate would be required (prospective judgments) or when they did not (retrospective judgments). These results provide a starting point for the investigation of how temporal structure affects one-off judgments of duration like those typically made in natural settings

    Pandemic boredom:Little evidence that lockdown-related boredom affects risky public health behaviors across 116 countries

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    Some public officials have expressed concern that policies mandating collective public health behaviors (e.g., national/regional "lockdown") may result in behavioral fatigue that ultimately renders such policies ineffective. Boredom, specifically, has been singled out as one potential risk factor for noncompliance. We examined whether there was empirical evidence to support this concern during the COVID-19 pandemic in a large cross-national sample of 63,336 community respondents from 116 countries. Although boredom was higher in countries with more COVID-19 cases and in countries that instituted more stringent lockdowns, such boredom did not predict longitudinal within-person decreases in social distancing behavior (or vice versa; n = 8,031) in early spring and summer of 2020. Overall, we found little evidence that changes in boredom predict individual public health behaviors (handwashing, staying home, self-quarantining, and avoiding crowds) over time, or that such behaviors had any reliable longitudinal effects on boredom itself. In summary, contrary to concerns, we found little evidence that boredom posed a public health risk during lockdown and quarantine. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved). </p

    Intentions to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19:The Role of Prosociality and Conspiracy Beliefs across 20 Countries

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    Understanding the determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake is important to inform policy decisions and plan vaccination campaigns. The aims of this research were to: (1) explore the individual- and country-level determinants of intentions to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, and (2) examine worldwide variation in vaccination intentions. This cross-sectional online survey was conducted during the first wave of the pandemic, involving 6697 respondents across 20 countries. Results showed that 72.9% of participants reported positive intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19, whereas 16.8% were undecided, and 10.3% reported they would not be vaccinated. At the individual level, prosociality was a significant positive predictor of vaccination intentions, whereas generic beliefs in conspiracy theories and religiosity were negative predictors. Country-level determinants, including cultural dimensions of individualism/collectivism and power distance, were not significant predictors of vaccination intentions. Altogether, this study identifies individual-level predictors that are common across multiple countries, provides further evidence on the importance of combating conspiracy theories, involving religious institutions in vaccination campaigns, and stimulating prosocial motives to encourage vaccine uptake.</p

    Lockdown Lives:A Longitudinal Study of Inter-Relationships Among Feelings of Loneliness, Social Contacts, and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Early 2020

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    We examine how social contacts and feelings of solidarity shape experiences of loneliness during the COVID-19 lockdown in early 2020. From the PsyCorona database, we obtained longitudinal data from 23 countries, collected between March and May 2020. The results demonstrated that although online contacts help to reduce feelings of loneliness, people who feel more lonely are less likely to use that strategy. Solidarity played only a small role in shaping feelings of loneliness during lockdown. Thus, it seems we must look beyond the current focus on online contact and solidarity to help people address feelings of loneliness during lockdown. Finally, online contacts did not function as a substitute for face-to-face contacts outside the home-in fact, more frequent online contact in earlier weeks predicted more frequent face-to-face contacts in later weeks. As such, this work provides relevant insights into how individuals manage the impact of restrictions on their social lives

    Using machine learning to identify important predictors of COVID-19 infection prevention behaviors during the early phase of the pandemic

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    Before vaccines for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) became available, a set of infection-prevention behaviors constituted the primary means to mitigate the virus spread. Our study aimed to identify important predictors of this set of behaviors. Whereas social and health psychological theories suggest a limited set of predictors, machine-learning analyses can identify correlates from a larger pool of candidate predictors. We used random forests to rank 115 candidate correlates of infection-prevention behavior in 56,072 participants across 28 countries, administered in March to May 2020. The machine-learning model predicted 52% of the variance in infection-prevention behavior in a separate test sample—exceeding the performance of psychological models of health behavior. Results indicated the two most important predictors related to individual-level injunctive norms. Illustrating how data-driven methods can complement theory, some of the most important predictors were not derived from theories of health behavior—and some theoretically derived predictors were relatively unimportant