37 research outputs found

    Proteome analysis of serovars Typhimurium and Pullorum of Salmonella enterica subspecies I

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    BACKGROUND: Salmonella enterica subspecies I includes several closely related serovars which differ in host ranges and ability to cause disease. The basis for the diversity in host range and pathogenic potential of the serovars is not well understood, and it is not known how host-restricted variants appeared and what factors were lost or acquired during adaptations to a specific environment. Differences apparent from the genomic data do not necessarily correspond to functional proteins and more importantly differential regulation of otherwise identical gene content may play a role in the diverse phenotypes of the serovars of Salmonella. RESULTS: In this study a comparative analysis of the cytosolic proteins of serovars Typhimurium and Pullorum was performed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the proteins of interest were identified using mass spectrometry. An annotated reference map was created for serovar Typhimurium containing 233 entries, which included many metabolic enzymes, ribosomal proteins, chaperones and many other proteins characteristic for the growing cell. The comparative analysis of the two serovars revealed a high degree of variation amongst isolates obtained from different sources and, in some cases, the variation was greater between isolates of the same serovar than between isolates with different sero-specificity. However, several serovar-specific proteins, including intermediates in sulphate utilisation and cysteine synthesis, were also found despite the fact that the genes encoding those proteins are present in the genomes of both serovars. CONCLUSION: Current microbial proteomics are generally based on the use of a single reference or type strain of a species. This study has shown the importance of incorporating a large number of strains of a species, as the diversity of the proteome in the microbial population appears to be significantly greater than expected. The characterisation of a diverse selection of strains revealed parts of the proteome of S. enterica that alter their expression while others remain stable and allowed for the identification of serovar-specific factors that have so far remained undetected by other methods

    Towards the development of a DNA-sequence based approach to serotyping of Salmonella enterica

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    BACKGROUND: The fliC and fljB genes in Salmonella code for the phase 1 (H1) and phase 2 (H2) flagellin respectively, the rfb cluster encodes the majority of enzymes for polysaccharide (O) antigen biosynthesis, together they determine the antigenic profile by which Salmonella are identified. Sequencing and characterisation of fliC was performed in the development of a molecular serotyping technique. RESULTS: FliC sequencing of 106 strains revealed two groups; the g-complex included those exhibiting "g" or "m,t" antigenic factors, and the non-g strains which formed a second more diverse group. Variation in fliC was characterised and sero-specific motifs identified. Furthermore, it was possible to identify differences in certain H antigens that are not detected by traditional serotyping. A rapid short sequencing assay was developed to target serotype-specific sequence motifs in fliC. The assay was evaluated for identification of H1 antigens with a panel of 55 strains. CONCLUSION: FliC sequences were obtained for more than 100 strains comprising 29 different H1 alleles. Unique pyrosequencing profiles corresponding to the H1 component of the serotype were generated reproducibly for the 23 alleles represented in the evaluation panel. Short read sequence assays can now be used to identify fliC alleles in approximately 97% of the 50 medically most important Salmonella in England and Wales. Capability for high throughput testing and automation give these assays considerable advantages over traditional methods

    Use of Nanopore Sequencing to Characterise the Genomic Architecture of Mobile Genetic Elements Encoding bla CTX-M-15 in Escherichia coli Causing Travellers' Diarrhoea

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    Increasing levels of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) have been documented in Escherichia coli causing travellers’ diarrhoea, particularly to the third-generation cephalosporins. Diarrhoeagenic E. coli (DEC) can act as a reservoir for the exchange of AMR genes between bacteria residing in the human gut, enabling them to survive and flourish through the selective pressures of antibiotic treatments. Using Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT), we sequenced eight isolates of DEC from four patients’ specimens who had all recently returned to the United Kingdome from Pakistan. Sequencing yielded two DEC harbouring bla(CTX-M-15) per patient, all with different sequence types (ST) and belonging to five different pathotypes. The study aimed to determine whether bla(CTX-M-15) was located on the chromosome or plasmid and to characterise the drug-resistant regions to better understand the mechanisms of onward transmission of AMR determinants. Patients A and C both had one isolate where bla(CTX-M-15) was located on the plasmid (899037 & 623213, respectively) and one chromosomally encoded (899091 & 623214, respectively). In patient B, bla(CTX-M-15) was plasmid-encoded in both DEC isolates (786605 & 7883090), whereas in patient D, bla(CTX-M-15) was located on the chromosome in both DEC isolates (542093 & 542099). The two bla(CTX-M-15)-encoding plasmids associated with patient B were different although the bla(CTX-M-15)-encoding plasmid isolated from 788309 (IncFIB) exhibited high nucleotide similarity to the bla(CTX-M-15)-encoding plasmid isolated from 899037 (patient A). In the four isolates where bla(CTX-M-15) was chromosomally encoded, two isolates (899091 & 542099) shared the same insertion site. The bla(CTX-M-15) insertion site in isolate 623214 was described previously, whereas that of isolate 542093 was unique to this study. Analysis of Nanopore sequencing data enables us to characterise the genomic architecture of mobile genetic elements encoding AMR determinants. These data may contribute to a better understanding of persistence and onward transmission of AMR determinants in multidrug-resistant (MDR) E. coli causing gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal infections

    Analysis of a small outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 using long-read sequencing

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    Compared to short-read sequencing data, long-read sequencing facilitates single contiguous de novo assemblies and characterization of the prophage region of the genome. Here, we describe our methodological approach to using Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) sequencing data to quantify genetic relatedness and to look for microevolutionary events in the core and accessory genomes to assess the within-outbreak variation of four genetically and epidemiologically linked isolates. Analysis of both Illumina and ONT sequencing data detected one SNP between the four sequences of the outbreak isolates. The variant calling procedure highlighted the importance of masking homologous sequences in the reference genome regardless of the sequencing technology used. Variant calling also highlighted the systemic errors in ONT base-calling and ambiguous mapping of Illumina reads that results in variations in the genetic distance when comparing one technology to the other. The prophage component of the outbreak strain was analysed, and nine of the 16 prophages showed some similarity to the prophage in the Sakai reference genome, including the stx2a-encoding phage. Prophage comparison between the outbreak isolates identified minor genome rearrangements in one of the isolates, including an inversion and a deletion event. The ability to characterize the accessory genome in this way is the first step to understanding the significance of these microevolutionary events and their impact on the evolutionary history, virulence and potentially the likely source and transmission of this zoonotic, foodborne pathogen

    Re-analysis of an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 associated with raw drinking milk using Nanopore sequencing

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    The aim of this study was to compare Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) sequencing data to quantify genetic variation to assess within-outbreak strain relatedness and characterise microevolutionary events in the accessory genomes of a cluster of 23 genetically and epidemiologically linked isolates related to an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 caused by the consumption of raw drinking milk. There were seven discrepant variants called between the two technologies, five were false-negative or false-positive variants in the Illumina data and two were false-negative calls in ONT data. After masking horizontally acquired sequences such as prophages, analysis of both short and long-read sequences revealed the 20 isolates linked to the outbreak in 2017 had a maximum SNP distance of one SNP between each other, and a maximum of five SNPs when including three additional strains identified in 2019. Analysis of the ONT data revealed a 47 kbp deletion event in a terminal compound prophage within one sample relative to the remaining samples, and a 0.65 Mbp large chromosomal rearrangement (inversion), within one sample relative to the remaining samples. Furthermore, we detected two bacteriophages encoding the highly pathogenic Shiga toxin (Stx) subtype, Stx2a. One was typical of Stx2a-phage in this sub-lineage (Ic), the other was atypical and inserted into a site usually occupied by Stx2c-encoding phage. Finally, we observed an increase in the size of the pO157 IncFIB plasmid (1.6 kbp) in isolates from 2019 compared to those from 2017, due to the duplication of insertion elements within the plasmids from the more recently isolated strains. The ability to characterize the accessory genome in this way is the first step to understanding the significance of these microevolutionary events and their impact on the genome plasticity and virulence between strains of this zoonotic, foodborne pathogen.</p

    Re-analysis of an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 associated with raw drinking milk using Nanopore sequencing

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    The aim of this study was to compare Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) sequencing data to quantify genetic variation to assess within-outbreak strain relatedness and characterise microevolutionary events in the accessory genomes of a cluster of 23 genetically and epidemiologically linked isolates related to an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 caused by the consumption of raw drinking milk. There were seven discrepant variants called between the two technologies, five were false-negative or false-positive variants in the Illumina data and two were false-negative calls in ONT data. After masking horizontally acquired sequences such as prophages, analysis of both short and long-read sequences revealed the 20 isolates linked to the outbreak in 2017 had a maximum SNP distance of one SNP between each other, and a maximum of five SNPs when including three additional strains identified in 2019. Analysis of the ONT data revealed a 47 kbp deletion event in a terminal compound prophage within one sample relative to the remaining samples, and a 0.65 Mbp large chromosomal rearrangement (inversion), within one sample relative to the remaining samples. Furthermore, we detected two bacteriophages encoding the highly pathogenic Shiga toxin (Stx) subtype, Stx2a. One was typical of Stx2a-phage in this sub-lineage (Ic), the other was atypical and inserted into a site usually occupied by Stx2c-encoding phage. Finally, we observed an increase in the size of the pO157 IncFIB plasmid (1.6 kbp) in isolates from 2019 compared to those from 2017, due to the duplication of insertion elements within the plasmids from the more recently isolated strains. The ability to characterize the accessory genome in this way is the first step to understanding the significance of these microevolutionary events and their impact on the genome plasticity and virulence between strains of this zoonotic, foodborne pathogen

    Parallel evolution in streptococcus pneumoniae biofilms

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a commensal human pathogen and the causative agent of various invasive and noninvasive diseases. Carriage of the pneumococcus in the nasopharynx is thought to be mediated by biofilm formation, an environment where isogenic populations frequently give rise to morphological colony variants, including small colony variant (SCV) phenotypes. We employed metabolic characterization and whole-genome sequencing of biofilm-derived S. pneumoniae serotype 22F pneumococcal SCVs to investigate diversification during biofilm formation. Phenotypic profiling revealed that SCVs exhibit reduced growth rates, reduced capsule expression, altered metabolic profiles, and increased biofilm formation compared to the ancestral strain. Whole-genome sequencing of 12 SCVs from independent biofilm experiments revealed that all SCVs studied had mutations within the DNA-directed RNA polymerase delta subunit (RpoE). Mutations included four large-scale deletions ranging from 51 to 264 bp, one insertion resulting in a coding frameshift, and seven nonsense single-nucleotide substitutions that result in a truncated gene product. This work links mutations in the rpoE gene to SCV formation and enhanced biofilm development in S. pneumoniae and therefore may have important implications for colonization, carriage, and persistence of the organism. Furthermore, recurrent mutation of the pneumococcal rpoE gene presents an unprecedented level of parallel evolution in pneumococcal biofilm development

    MALDI TOF MS and currently related proteomic technologies in reconciling bacterial systematics

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    The chapter is on development and application of matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) to identification and and classification of bacteria