31 research outputs found

    Mineralization process of spring in carbonate coastal aquifer in the massif Bokkoya (Central Rif, Morocco)

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    The study focuses on the monitoring of physico-chemical parameters and major chemistry elements in water from six springs and sinks during two seasons, rainy and dry. Samples taken in the coastal karst aquifer massif Bokkoya Al-Hoceima, were analyzed for their chemical quality and to quantify their state of anthropogenic and / or natural contamination, scientific and practical interest, because local population used to supply drinking water. The waters of the internal Rif region are highly mineralized and marked by a chloride-sodium or sodium-sulfated facies to connect mainly to a process of marine intrusion and dissolution of evaporitic minerals included in the on-site rocks. This mineralization of marine origin is partly due to the intensive exploitation of groundwater but also to landslides, that are known in the area, and which accelerate the phenomenon of saltwater intrusion in the coastal karstic aquifer. The salinity of this water presente levels of salinization C3 and C4 as classified by Wilcox log and water of the Bokkoya massif were qualified as very hard. The comparison of hydrochemical results to the quality standards for drinking water set by the World Health Organization shows that the majority of the water withdrawal is not suitable for consumption, especially because of the high levels of EC, TDS and Cl- related to marine intrusion, together with the urban pollution factor which increases the content of NO-3 in waters

    Hydrochemical characterization of groundwater in the Nekor basin located in the North-East of the Rif of Morocco

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     In order to evaluate the physicochemical quality of the groundwater of the Nekor watershed (central Rif area in Morocco) and to explain the origin of the mineralization of these waters, we have analyzed the major elements and traces in water samples taken from 17 wells distributed along the basin. This study showed that the samples of water are very charged with a very important mineralization (≥ 1500 mg / l). The Piper diagram allowed us to define dominant Ca-SO4 or Mg-SO4 hydrochemical facies in upstream of the basin. In downstream of the basin Na-SO4 or Na-Cl is the dominant facies. The analyzes of the trace elements show very high levels of manganese, aluminum and iron with contents exceeding those set by the WHO recommendations.The geochemical study shows that the water-rock interaction is predominant in the aquifer. The water saturation indices indicate that these waters are supersaturated in carbonate minerals.The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the analysis of the reports of the major elements allowed us the classification of the waters and the determination of the correlation between the various parameters. Two major phenomena in the acquisition of mineralization of water have been put in evidence. The main phenomenon is the dissolution of the rock by the contact water rock due to the important residence time in the aquifer. The second phenomenon is associated to the supply of nutrients and therefore with the exchange and recharge of the aquifer. The use of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) technique revealed three homogeneous groups.

    Quality study of wastewater treated by waste Water Treatment plant (WWTP) in the city of Sana'a (Yemen) used for agriculture.

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    The wastewater treated by the PWTS Sanaa (Yemen), are discharged into Wadi Bani Houat to be used for irrigation of agricultural fields (cereals and "qat"). The quality of water discharged by the station is affected by neo-contamination part of untreated water diverted through bypass and also untreated effluent intake of a river that flows into the canal about 15 Km from the station. The various measurements show that the levels of contaminants studied, decrease at the exit of the station but undergo severe degradation after canal-branch river. Similarly, we noted illegal contributions at this place made of waste thrown into the canal by the surrounding population. The salinity is classified C4S2, C3S3, C4S3 and C4S4 in RICHARDS diagram, leading to poor quality water for irrigation. The ratio COD / BOD5 reaching a value of 2 after treatment and self purification of water, up to a value of 4, at a distance of 12 km along the canal before dropping to a value below 2 at the areas of retention dams located north of the study area, showing a self-purification capacity. NO2- (nitrite ions) appear downstream canal in the dams, highlighting the impact of agricultural activity on water quality. Minors cations and traces show different concentrations varying spatially and temporally along the canal during the dry and wet seasons. Overruns by FAO and Yemen standards were observed for some components such as phenol, organic micropolluant showing levels higher than standard along the canal in all seasons. The principal component analysis showed the correlation between the measured quantities and the vulnerability of sampling sites to different pollutants.  

    Les oligoéléments dans les eaux embouteillées au Maroc.

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    Détermination des éléments traces potentiellement toxiques dans les eaux embouteillées au Maroc et évaluation des risquessanitaires

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    International audienceLa production et la variété des eaux embouteillées au Maroc ont connu une augmentationdans les dernières années pour répondre à une consommation de plus en plus accrue. Oncompte actuellement plusieurs marques avec différents labels, conditionnements et volumes.Notre travail a porté sur l’étude de la qualité, plus précisément la charge en concentration demétaux lourds toxiques (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, U, V) dans les différentes eaux. L'étude viseà déterminer le risque présentait par des concentrations importantes de quelques métauxlourds sur la santé du consommateur.Nous avons utilisé l’ICP-MS « InductivelyCoupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry» pourdéterminer la concentration de 8 paramètres dans 16 marques d'eau embouteillée. Lesrésultats montrent clairement qu'il existe des motifs légitimes de préoccupation en ce quiconcerne certains éléments traces dans quelques-unes des marques d'eau en bouteille. Nousavons vérifié la possibilité de la conformité des résultats analytiques obtenus avec les seuilsfixés par des normes nationale et internationale de l’eau potable (MN, OMS, US EPA).La concentration de l’arsenic dans deux échantillons (EMG et EMGF) dépasse les limitesadmissibles fixées par l'OMS. Les concentrations de métaux traces de la plupart des eauxsont au-deçà des niveaux recommandés. Cependant, les eaux minérales naturellementgazeuses (EMG, EMGL) présentent des teneurs plus importantes. Les risques présentés pourla santé humaine, pour les adultes et les enfants, ont été évalués par la détermination de laprise chronique quotidienne (CDI) et par le danger quotient (HQ). Le HQ de l’Arsenic dansles eaux EMG et EMGL est supérieur à l'unité admise ce qui présente donc un risquepotentiel pour la santé surtout pour les enfants. L’As est lié à des troubles de la peau et audéveloppement des cancers, en particulier le cancer du poumon