4 research outputs found


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    Blasting operations are one of the most important parts of geotechnical and mining projects. Most rocks naturally have a series of discontinuities that significantly affect their responses to blast waves. In this paper, the propagation of a blast wave in one intact rock and four rocks with different joint conditions are simulated by a 3-dimensional distinct element code. The results showed that the joint in the model acted as a wave barrier and passed part of the waves, absorbed a portion, and reflected the remaining part into the model. In other words, a discontinuity reduces the energy of the wave and causes more wave attenuation. In addition, a shorter distance between the joint and the hole causes slower wave propagation and greater damping. Moreover, the results showed that the smaller the angle between the discontinuity and axis of the blast holes, the more stress occurs in the rock bench.Proces miniranja jedan je od najvažnijih dijelova geotehničkih i rudarskih projekata. Većina stijena prirodno ima niz diskontinuiteta koji znatno utječu na njihovu postojanost na udarne valove. U ovome radu Å”irenje vala miniranja u jednoj neoÅ”tećenoj stijeni i četiri stijene s različitim uvjetima pukotina simulirano je trodimenzionalnom metodom diskretnih elemenata. Rezultati su pokazali da pukotina u modelu djeluje kao valna barijera i propuÅ”ta dio valova, dio apsorbira, a drugi dio reflektira u model. Drugim riječima, diskontinuitet smanjuje energiju vala i uzrokuje veće slabljenje vala. Osim toga, kraća udaljenost između pukotine i buÅ”otine uzrokuje sporije Å”irenje valova i veće priguÅ”ivanje. Å toviÅ”e, rezultati su pokazali da Å”to je manji kut između diskontinuiteta i osi buÅ”otina, to se viÅ”e naprezanja javlja u stijeni

    Efficacy of Taxotere, Thalidomide, and Prednisolone in Patients with Hormone-Resistant Metastatic Prostate Cancer

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of combination treatment with thalidomide and taxotere in patients with hormone-resistant prostate cancer.Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was performed on 16 patients with hormone-resistant prostate cancer. Results: Mean age of the participants was 72.7 Ā± 5.39 years (range, 65 to 85 years). In 94% of patients who received the drug combination, prostate-specific antigen level decreased more than 50%. The mean time to progression was 15 months and mean survival time was 23 months. This combination therapy has some adverse events.Conclusion: Addition of anti-angiogenic agents, such as thalidomide, can improve therapeutic outcome in this group of patients