6 research outputs found

    Programa EWASTEU: propostas para minimizar o problema dos resíduos elétricos e eletrónicos

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    Hoje em dia muitos dos equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos que compramos ficam obsoletos num curto espaço de tempo por causa dos rápidos avanços tecnológicos neste campo. Equipamentos como computadores, telemóveis e equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos de pequeno e grande porte são transformados em lixo eletrónico e muitos deles são despejados no lixo comum. Para alterar este cenário, a União Europeia publicou diretivas neste domínio com o intuito de controlar o crescimento do lixo eletrónico e reduzir o seu impacto. Neste contexto, a Universidade de Yaşar (Turquia) submeteu à União Europeia um projeto (EWASTEU) com o objetivo de fornecer uma visão do que está acontecer com o equipamento transformado em lixo eletrónico e de apresentar algumas propostas para minimizar este problema. Uma das principais questões a ser respondida será a adequação das diretivas europeias.ABSTRACT - Nowadays, many of the electrical and electronic equipment we buy become obsolete in a short time because of the Rapid technological advances in this field. Small and large devices such as computers, mobile phones and electronic equipment are reduced to electronic waste (e‑Waste), and many of them are disposed as common trash. To change the situation, the EU announced some directives on this subject in order to control the growth of this e‑waste and to reduce its impact. In this context, the Yaşar University (Turkey) submitted to the EU a project (EWASTEU) aiming at providing an overview of what is happening with the equipment turning into e‑waste, as well as to introduce some proposals to minimise this problem. One of the main issues to be addressed will be the adequacy of the EU directives

    O comércio electrónico : fundamentos, modelos, sistemas de segurança e pagamentos : experiência de comércio electrónico dos alunos do ensino superior do Instituto Politécnico de Tomar : estudo de caso

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Comércio Electrónico e Internet apresentada à Universidade AbertaA evolução das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, nomeadamente da Internet, vieram introduzir novas formas de comprar e vender produtos e serviços, proporcionaram o aumento da dimensão dos mercados, maior transparência na negociação, maior facilidade de acesso das empresas ao seu mercado alvo, a presença permanente (24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana), impuseram a redução de custos, entre outras oportunidades (Cunha, 2007). A inexistência de barreiras regionais ou temporais na Internet, faz com que esta se constitua, cada vez mais, como um meio privilegiado para comprar e vender produtos ou serviços, dando lugar a um novo conceito, a “economia digital” (Tapscot, 1999), uma economia baseada em informação (Gameiro, 2005) tecnologias, dispositivos e redes digitais. Dada a relevância do tema, este trabalho de investigação pretende efectuar um estudo sobre o comércio electrónico e descrever os efeitos da sua aplicação, quer ao nível do consumidor, quer ao nível das organizações. Ao comércio electrónico estão associadas preocupações relacionadas com a segurança de informação que circula em canais abertos como a Internet (Medeiros, 2001). São descritos em detalhe os mecanismos de segurança que foram desenvolvidos nos últimos anos, tenta-se perceber se os sistemas de segurança actuais permitem realizar o comércio electrónico de forma segura e são referidas as ameaças a que o comércio electrónico está sujeito actualmente. A questão dos pagamentos é outro aspecto fundamental relacionado com o comércio electrónico. Como tal, é feito um estudo dos tipos de pagamento electrónico existentes e descritos de forma detalhada, a sua evolução em Portugal. A parte empírica deste estudo de investigação incide num estudo de caso sobre a experiência em comércio electrónico por parte de alunos do ensino superior, neste caso, por parte dos alunos do Instituto Politécnico de Tomar.The evolution of information and communication technologies, namely the Internet, has introduced new ways of buying and selling products and services, has provided the growth of market dimension, a larger transparency in negotiations, a bigger ease of access from companies to their target market, the permanent presence (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), and has imposed cost reductions, among other opportunities (Cunha, 2007). The absence of regional or temporal barriers on the Internet increasingly turns it into a privileged means to buy and sell products or services, giving rise to a new concept, the “digital economy” (Tapscot, 1999), an information based economy (Gameiro, 2005), and also based in digital technologies, devices and networks. Given the subject’s relevance, this research work intends to conduct a study on electronic commerce and to describe the effects of its implementation, both at consumer and organisation levels. To electronic commerce are associated concerns related to the security of the information that floats on open channels such as the Internet (Medeiros, 2001). The security mechanisms developed in recent years are described in detail, attempts are made to understand if the current security systems allow performing electronic commerce safely and the threats electronic commerce is actually subjected to be referred. The payment issue is another key aspect related to electronic commerce. As such, a study on electronic commerce existing payment types is made, describing them in detail and their evolution in Portugal. The empirical part of this research study focuses on a case study about the electronic commerce experience of higher education students, in this case, the students of Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

    EWASTEU Programme: proposals to minimise the problem of e-waste

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    Nowadays, much of the electrical and electronic equipment we buy becomes obsolete in a short time because of the rapid technological advances in this field. Small and large devices such as computers, mobile phones, and electronic equipment are reduced to electronic waste (e-Waste), and many of them are disposed of as common trash. To change the situation, the EU announced some directives on this subject in order to control the growth of this e-waste and to reduce its impact. In this context, Yaşar University (Turkey) submitted to the EU a project (EWASTEU) aiming at providing an overview of what is happening with the equipment turning into e-waste, as well as to introduce some proposals to minimize this problem. One of the main issues to be addressed will be the adequacy of the EU directives

    World heritage digital library in Portugal: the convent of the order of Christ and the castle of the order of the temple

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    Creating a Digital Library for the Convent of Christ and for the Templar Castle will gather a vast digital resources with information related to these monuments themselves, and related to themes within them (e.g. Templars, Discoveries) and to similar ones in Portugal and abroad. These resources displayed online in the website of the Convent of Christ can be available through the Europeana. The main objective of the Europeana is to display 2 to 5 million items from different museums and archives by 2010, and our main goal is to contribute significantly to that amount of items. Also with items coming from the other world heritage monasteries classified by Unesco in Portugal. Those contents may be not only architecture plans, manuscripts or photographs, but also publications of different origins today unknown or in dispersed owners. This project promotes better culture understanding, innovation, research and development, tolerance and a new awareness of the common European heritage by having it new and online

    E-waste Management in Portugal: Legislation, Practices and Recommendations

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    The use of electrical and electronic devices has grown exponentially in the last years thanks to technological advances and its wide dissemination. Consequently, the number of obsolete equipment (electronic waste or e-waste) has also increased significantly, becoming a major problem for society. This paper deals with electronic waste and explains the concept and risks for the particular case of Portugal. Measures to reduce the problem such as legislation, education production R&D and social responsibility are also discussed. And finally, a survey is presented which was carried out in two Portuguese Higher Education institutions with a view to determining students' awareness, attitudes and opinions on this matter

    EWASTEU Programme: proposals to minimise the problem of e‑waste

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    Nowadays, many of the electrical and electronic equipment we buy become obsolete in a short time because of the rapid technological advances in this field. Small and large devices such as computers, mobile phones and electronic equipment are reduced to electronic waste (e‑Waste), and many of them are disposed as common trash. To change the situation, the EU announced some directives on this subject in order to control the growth of this e‑waste and to reduce its impact. In this context, the Yaşar University (Turkey) submitted to the EU a project (EWASTEU) aiming at providing an overview of what is happening with the equipment turning into e‑waste, as well as to introduce some proposals to minimise this problem. One of the main issues to be addressed will be the adequacy of the EU directives