480 research outputs found

    Changing the paradigm : reflections on experiences in workshops to reduce stigma and discrimination in mental health services : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy at Massey University

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    One of the key objectives of the national Like Minds, Like Mine project against stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness is to work with the mental health sector to change attitudes and behaviour through education and policy development. This action research thesis examines the effectiveness of workshops aimed at reducing the stigma and discrimination within mental health services. Most hospital based mental health services were developed within the 'medical model' based on professional power. Non-discriminatory services are seen to be those that support a 'recovery model', as promulgated by the Mental Health Commission, which is based on partnership and participation by service users. For many services this requires a change in their culture. This research examines the effectiveness of workshops designed to support such cultural change, facilitated by people with experience of mental illness. Observation, evaluation and reflection on two workshops, and the findings of a literature search informed practices, with new techniques developed and trialled


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    ABSTRAK Drama Komedi Lah Ka Jodoh terinspirasi dari fenomena budaya masyarakat Minang, tentang hubungan antara Mamak dan Kamanakan. Dalam film drama komedi Lah Ka Jodoh, yang mana Mak Jala sudah lama merantau ketanah Jawa dan mempersunting perempuan Jawa. Mak Jala mempunyai seorang anak yang bernama Rina, karena sudah lama dirantau, Mak Jala segera pulang ke kampung untuk memperkenalkan anaknya Rina kepada kemenakan yang bernama Khairul, tapi karena tidak tahu Mak Jala menjodoh kan anaknya Rina dengan pembantu kemenakannya sendiri, sehingga disini timbulah polemik dalam kehidupannya ketika tiba dikampung halaman. Tema besar dalam film ini adalah bagaimana ketika film ini diputar mendapatkan empati yang bisa dibawa pulang oleh penonton bahwa konflik mamak dan kemenakan bisa sejenak dilupakan.Film drama komedi Lah Ka Jodoh ditampilkan digedung Pertunjukan Hoerijah Adam ISI Padangpanjang dengan memakai gedung utama. Dengan mempertunjukan satu adegan yang ada dalam Film Fiksi Drama Komedi Lah Ka Jodoh di atas panggung sebagai opening menjelang pemutaran film tersebut. Proses penggarapan dilakukan lewat beberapa tahap. Tahap pertama, pencarian naskah dan ide cerita, tahap kedua melakukan casting, tahap ketiga pembentukan crew, tahap keempat hunting lokasi, tahap kelima latihan, tahap keenam persiapan peralatan, tahap ketujuh set lokasi dan shooting, tahap kedelapan preview, tahap kesembilan editing tahap kesepuluh pemutaran film. Kata Kunci: Lah Ka Jodoh, Film Fiksi, Drama Komedi      ABSTRACT His comedy-Drama Lah ka jodoh was inspired by the phenomenon of Mate Ka culture society Minang, about the relationship between Kemanakan and Mamak. In the comedy-drama Lah Ka Jodoh, which Mak Jala was long gone to wander down to the ground and the female Lord of Java. Mak Jala had a son named Rina, as long-stay in other cities, Mak Jala immediately returned to the village to introduce his son Rina to nephew named Khairul, but because it doesn't know to fix her Mak Jala with her niece's own maid, so here there is a polemic in his life when it was in vilage. Great themes in this movie is how when the film was screened to get empathy that can be taken home by the audience that the conflict could momentarily nieces mamak forgotten. His comedy-drama Lah Ka Jodoh in building Hoerijah Adam Performances shown ISI Padangpanjang in the face with the main building. With the show one scene that exists in the fictional Film Comedy Lah Ka Jodoh was on stage as the opening towards the film screenings.The process of designing is done through several stages. The first phase, the search script and story ideas, the second phase do the casting, forming the third stage crew, stage four hunting locations, the fifth stage of the exercises, the sixth phase of the preparation of the seventh set stage equipment, and location shooting, the eighth stage of the ninth stage of the preview, editing, tenth stage of film screenings. Key words : Lah Ka jodoh, Fiction Film, Comedy Dram


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     ABSTRAKKarya film dokumenter “Ishlah” merupakan sebuah karya yang terinspirasi dari peristiwa sosial budaya. gagasan dasar diusung berdasarkan beberapa kebiasan bersama masyarakat nagari Pariangan yang dinilai sebagai ruang sosial, sekaligus wadah bagi semua lapisan masyarakat dalam dalam membina hubungan silaturahmi antar sesama, baik itu kebiasaan sehari-hari ataupun kebiasaan-kebiasan seperti upacara adat bahkan keagamaan (upacara Ratik Tagak dan Maulid Nabi) Tema yang diacu adalah nilai sosial budaya yang terdapat pada setiap kebiasan, selain fungsi dasarnya sebagai wadah spiritual, beberapa dari kebiasaan tersebut juga merupakan sebagai ruang sosial (media) yang mampu mempersatukan hubungan antarsesama dan mempererat hubungan silaturahim. Metode garapan dilakukan melalui riset, pengolahan data, penulisan naskah berupa treatment, proses shooting dan editing. Karya ini dibagi kedalam lima segmen. Bagian pertama memvisualkan geografis daerah, bagian kedua, sistem mata pencaharian, bagian ketiga, memvisualkan unsur relegius dan aktivitas mayarakat (anak-anak belajar mengaji, para pemuda belajar pasambahan dan main koa. Pada bagian keempat menggambarkan upacara Ratik Tagak dan Maulid Nabi. Bagian kelima adalah bagian penutup, menggambarkan beberapa rumah gadang yang telah ditinggalkan bahkan sudah mulai rusak, pada bagian ini juga digambarkan beberapa orang yang sedang memperbaiki rumah gadang yang telah rusak tersebut.  Kata Kunci: Dokumenter, Upacara Ratik Tagak, Maulid Nabi, silaturrrahmi, nilai sosial.        ABSTRACT Ishlah is a documentary movie wich inspired by local culture. Basic idea contructed by social behaviour of  peoples who life in Pariangan this social behaviour contains whole peoples live activity such daily activity and cultural ceremony and religious ceremony. ( Ratik Tagak dan Maulid Nabi). The Theme is about social-cultural value in each behaviour, beside the base function in religion, some behaviuours are social-media wich unite the relationship (silaturahim). Production method starts by research, analising, making the script as treatment, shooting and editing. This documentary movie contains 5 segments. First segment, visualizing landscape of location. The second segment visualizing the economic and social system. The third segment visualizing the religious path and peoples activity (the children learns Al-Qur’an, the teenager learn pasambahan dan playing koa. In the fourth segment, visualizing the traditional foclore Ratik Tagak  and Maulid Nabi. The five segment is the last part, visualizing the traditional architecture =, Rumah Gadang, wich had been leaved, poor condition and the same segment, also visualizing some people try to reconstruct the Rumah gadang. Key word: Documentary, Ritual Ratik Tagak and Maulid Nabi, social behaviour contains

    Assessment of three alternative methods for bacterial disinfection of hatching eggs in comparison with conventional approach in commercial broiler hatcheries

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    The disinfection of commercial hatching eggs before incubation is a common strategy to reduce potential vertical transmission of bacterial and fungal infections from the eggshell to one-day-old chicks that may prevail in poultry products and eventually reach the end consumer. The present investigation focuses on the parallel testing and application of four different disinfection methods (conventional and alternative) under commercial hatchery conditions against natural eggshell bacterial contamination. Hatching eggs from two ROSS 308 broiler breeder flocks were selected and divided into six different groups: two groups were not disinfected and served as negative controls, and four were independently disinfected following product specifications and protocols. From each group, a sample of 100 hatching eggs was selected for bacterial re-isolation, utilizing a modified shell rinse method. Colony-forming units (cfu) from the shell rinse suspensions were determined and analyzed to establish cfu values for each tested egg. These values were analyzed to determine the bacterial disinfection capacity of the four disinfection methods under commercial hatchery conditions. The tested methods were hydrogen peroxide + alcohol, peracetic acid, low energy electron beam, and the gold standard in practice: formaldehyde. Among these methods, formaldehyde, peracetic acid, and low energy electron beam showed a significant difference when compared to the non-disinfected groups whereas hydrogen peroxide + alcohol did not. The bacterial disinfection capacity of the tested methods was compared as well to the gold standard method formaldehyde fumigation and only low energy electron beam achieved similar disinfection levels as formaldehyde. According to our data, three methods significantly reduce the bacterial load on the eggshell of hatching eggs under commercial hatching conditions, including potential alternative methods such as low energy electron beam that perform similar to the gold standard in practice

    Worldpaper : news for the global community

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    Efficacy of six disinfection methods against extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing E. coli on eggshells in vitro

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    The presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli on poultry products is an important issue for veterinary and human health due to the zoonotic infection risk for producers and consumers. The present study focuses on testing the efficacy of six different disinfection methods on eggshell samples, aiming to reduce ESBL producing E. coli contamination on the hatching egg. Sterile eggshell cutouts were artificially contaminated with 10(8) cfu/ml CTX-M-1 producing E. coli and used as a carrier model to analyze the efficacy of six disinfection methods. The contaminated samples were separated into two groups; 1) contaminated and disinfected, 2) contaminated and non-disinfected. Six independent disinfection protocols were performed following product specifications and protocols. Each eggshell sample was separately crushed, and the total viable bacterial count was calculated to determine the disinfection efficacy. Five out of six tested methods (formaldehyde gassing, hydrogen peroxide + alcohol spray, essential oils spray, peracetic acid foam, and low energetic electron radiation) demonstrated a reduction or completely eliminated the initial ESBL producing E. coli contamination. One method (essential oils as cold fog) only partly reached the expected efficacy threshold (reduction of >10(2) cfu/ml) and the result differed significantly when compared to the reference method i.e. formaldehyde gassing

    Ritual Asyeik Sebuah Fenomena Budaya Menjadi Estetik Penciptaan Film Dokumenter

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    The documentary film "Rites of Life" has the meaning of the encounter between the living soul with the soul of the dead, which is the essence of the ritual event Asyeik. Meeting a living soul with the soul of a dead ancestor spirits meetings with their children and grandchildren, this event is called by the people of Dusun Empih as events and event silaturrahmi with Spirit Ancestors. Ancestor Spirit emerge into a living soul when experienced dancers possessed. Summons Spirit Ancestors done through a spell or ritual Asyeik poems. Asyeik ritual is a sacred ceremony, the ceremony calling of the Spirit Ancestors. This sacred ceremony is performed involving certain people, such as people who have magical powers called shaman (pengasouh). Shamans act as intermediaries between the living soul and the souls of the dead. In the process of realizing reality in the form of a documentary film requires sensitivity Imagination and creative ideas. The creation of this film work departs from the idea and the ideas embodied in the phenomenon and the reality of ritual Asyeik. New ideas and is described to be a theme in the creation of a documentary film work using an interactive style. More interactive style of the narrative were focused on the process of shooting the film, and a more interactive style show where the subject and the characters in the film. In the creation of works of the film will combine the two styles. The work of this documentary will be created in the form of approach is also called experimental film. In this film form pengkarya / director will conduct exploration tergadap eksprimentasi and shooting, then compiled with the aim of providing a dramatic effect, the emotions the audience


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    To develop agro-industrial areas is very important to determined right commodity.  We need a basis data to selection right commodity. It was required a decision support system based on several criteria. The objective of this research is to build software to help decision making of suitable commodity for regional agro-industry. The software was built using a computer programming language based on Weighted Product (WP). It was used to assess each alternative to each criterion. Based on Black box and Acceptance testing performance category, the software met the expected functionality of the system and running wel