124 research outputs found


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    Nongovernmental organizations are not just reinforcing the sense of sociality, but also permit to develop for the more universal inherent rights and abilities of a person: to extend the experience of a society while communicating with the people with disabilities, to create a social wealth with educational activities not for yourself but also and for others. The aim of a research is to reveal the principles of a social inclusion of people with disabilities but also and to reveal the assumptions in NGO's activities in Lithuania. The social model instead of a physical disability (also people that are treated as „problematic ones'“) failings suggested to identify the barriers that are socially contrasting in society (when people are facing difficulties). It was set up that one assumption of a successful activity of NGO is the ability of people with disabilities to cooperate that is also determined by peculiarities and motives of inter-communication of disabled, that encourages people for general activity. By the research there found factors that encourages and relieves the cooperation of people with disabilities: the content of NGO's activities and social openness and preparation to collaborate of NGO's members that are participating


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    The importance of psychological empowerment with regard to employee behaviour and results of their activities was disclosed in various research. However, there is a lack of data about peculiarities of empowerment among specialists, aiming to empower subjects of their professional activities. These data would be helpful for social workers’ and social pedagogues’ work organisation, qualification, acquiring necessary skills for solving different needs of clients. Thus, the aim of this study is to disclose the peculiarities of social workers’ and social pedagogues’ psychological empowerment with regard to their clients’ social integrity problems, which they need to solve

    Vergonha na transição para a adolescência: Qual o papel das perceções de segurança na vinculação ao pai e à mãe?

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    Tese de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia e Psicopatologia do Desenvolvimento.A minha prática de ensino supervisionada realizou-se numa instituição da rede pública, com uma turma do 2.º ano de escolaridade, com 25 crianças, 12 do sexo masculino e 13 do sexo feminino, e a docente titular de turma. Atualmente, é conhecida a importância de estabelecer com as famílias uma relação de parceria eficaz, de modo a que se criem ambientes favoráveis para as crianças e para a sua motivação para a aprendizagem. Assim, tendo conhecimento acerca destes pressupostos, foram elaboradas as seguintes questões de investigação: 1) De acordo com a perspetiva dos pais, professores e crianças, como se define o envolvimento parental e qual é a sua importância? 2) Quais são as práticas da professora para promover o envolvimento parental? 3) De acordo com a perspetiva dos pais e professores, o envolvimento parental tem algum impacto no sucesso e aprendizagem das crianças? A investigação realizada foi de natureza qualitativa e utilizaram-se, como instrumentos de recolha de dados, notas de campo, entrevistas à professora titular e a algumas crianças, um questionário aos pais e uma análise da aplicação ClassDojo que é utilizada, habitualmente, na rotina escolar do grupo. A análise dos dados permitiu compreender a importância do envolvimento parental no contexto em estudo, identificar as práticas da professora para promover o envolvimento parental e aferir se há alguma relação, neste contexto, entre o envolvimento dos pais e a aprendizagem e sucesso do grupo de crianças.ABSTRACT: Shame results from a set of complex ideas about the self and, when intense and prolonged, may interfere adolescents’ socioemotional adjustment. Research with young adults found that parent-child attachment was associated with shame. Due to the limited number of studies during adolescence, this study aimed to examine the associations of perceptions of safe haven and secure base in the relationship with the mother and the father and shame in a sample of adolescents aged 10 to 15 years. A total of 312 adolescents (45% boys) aged, on average, 12 years, recruited from a school of the Metropolitan Lisbon, participated in the study. Participants answered the Portuguese version of the Security Scale Questionnaire (SSQ) and the External and Internal Shame Scale for Adolescents (EVEI-A) to assess perceptions of safe haven and secure base in the relationships with parents and total, internal, and external shame. Higher scores of secure base and safe haven in the relationships with the father and with the mother were associated with self-reports of lower levels of overall, internal, and external shame. The strength of the associations between the scores of safe haven in the relationship with the mother and shame was higher than in the relationship with the father. These findings are consistent with research conducted with young adults and highlight the importance of assessing the role of both fathers and mothers as a safe haven and secure base


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    The article touches upon the role of a textbook as a principal means of schools of general education in rendering the internalized values as well as their systems to young people. On choosing an appropriate form and context do we ensure the development of values of citizenship and national identity among young people while living in a democratic society wherein the values of responsible and active nationhood are highlighted? The material for the present article has been based on the results of the research conducted by Education Development Centre in ,,Expression of values of citizenship and national identity in Lithuanian schools of general education in social and moral education textbooks”, specifically presenting the analysis of the research on geography textbooks. KEY WORDS: values, national identity, citizenship, social and moral education, books

    The role of museums in bilateral tourist flows: Evidence from Italy

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    This paper estimates the causal relationship of supply of art on domestic tourist flows. To this aim, we use aggregate bilateral data on tourist flows and various data on museums in the twenty Italian regions. To solve the potential endogeneity of the supply of museums, we use three different empirical strategies: we use a fixed effects model controlling for bilateral macro-area dummies, we compute the degree of selection on unobservables relative to observables which would be necessary to drive the result to zero and, finally, we adopt a two-stage least squares approach that uses a measure of historical patronage, the number of noble families, as an instrument for the number of museums. For each empirical strategy, there is strong evidence of a positive effect of the number of ‘net-museums’ on bilateral tourist flows

    Presentation of social participation elements of parents, upbringing a disabled child : barriers and possibilities

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    Specialistų ir neįgaliųjų bei jų šeimų galių padėties ir žinių lygiavertiškumo klausimas mokslinėje literatūroje traktuojamas kaip socialinio dalyvavimo restrikcijos, galimybių sumažėjimo veiksnys. Šiose situacijose socialiniame darbe su šeimomis ir specialiojo ugdymo praktikoje neretai pasitelkiamas įgalinimas, kuris suprantamas kaip parama žmonėms, siekiant saviorganizacijos ir dalyvavimo bei socialinių pokyčių. Straipsnio tikslas – identifikuoti tėvų, auginančių neįgalų vaiką, socialinio dalyvavimo visuomenėje ypatumus. Tėvų, auginančių neįgalų vaiką, socialinio dalyvavimo analize siekiama keisti supratimą apie negalę, neįgaliuosius ir jų šeimas, kad pastarieji būtų suvokti ne kaip koreguotinas trūkumas, nukrypimas nuo normos, o kaip galintys įnešti savitą indėlį į visuomenę. Tėvų socialinis dalyvavimas visuomenėje tiek dėl mokslinių koncepcijų, tiek dėl praktinių pokyčių galimybių nurodo nagrinėjamo koncepto mokslinį-praktinį aktualumą. Tyrimo problemą atspindi keli klausimai. Kokiais psichosocialiniais bruožais pasižymi tėvų, auginančių neįgalų vaiką, socialinis dalyvavimas visuomenėje? Kokios yra tėvų socialinio dalyvavimo prielaidos, apsprendžiančios socialinio dalyvavimo ribotumą, arba, priešingai, didesnes galimybes? Tyrimo objektas – tėvų, auginančių neįgalų vaiką, socialinio dalyvavimo visuomenėje bruožai. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė ir kiekybinė anketinė apklausa, taikant parengtą klausimyną, statistiniai metodai (aprašomoji statistika, faktorinė ir klasterinė analizė).Identification of social participation elements and some barriers, which restrict parents, upbringing a disabled child, from social participation are pretended in the paper. Results are grounded on a written questionnaire (N=494, Lithuanian families, upbringing a handicapped child). The characteristics of the questionnaire and the respondents are described. Also some procedure examples of the identification of parental tendencies for their participation in society and disabled peoples' communities are presented in the work. In factor analysis such factors as mutual help in the family, feeling of loneliness, participation in community life, going to public places and events were set, all that enabled to apply cluster analysis in order to identify some parental social participation tendencies. The data show two main groups of parents open for their participation and have already participated in community life, and another group, which tends to limit activity within the family and the community of the disabled people's life. The results show some possibility for the application of an empowerment concept increasing possibilities of meaningful social participation

    National geography maturity examination of 2013

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    Straipsnis skirtas valstybinio geografijos brandos egzamino rezultatų analizei. Juo siekiama nustatyti 2013 m. egzaminą laikiusiųjų sudėtį ir rezultatų teritorinę sklaidą. Pirmoji straipsnio dalis skirta valstybinį geografijos brandos egzaminą laikiusiųjų lytinės, tautinės sudėties bei mokyklų tipų analizei. Antroje straipsnio dalyje nagrinėjami 2013 m. valstybinio geografijos brandos egzamino rezultatai. Analizės pagrindą sudaro egzamino rezultatų teritorinės sklaidos vertinimas atsižvelgiant į egzaminą laikiusiųjų sudėtį bei 2009 m. brandos egzamino rezultatus.After approval of the programme of national geography maturity examination by the order of Minister of Education and Science in year 2010 there were changed strategical and methodical provisions of geographical education. The article is applied for analysis of national geography maturity examination results. This article tries to define the candidates composition, which have taken examinations in year 2013 and territorial distribution of results. The results of analysis represent that the candidates composition, which have taken examinations in year 2013 and territorial distribution of results are related to territorial distribution of Lithuanian population and depend on peculiarities of school systems. Therefore almost the half of candidates, which have taken national geography maturity examinations, are the graduates from the five biggest municipalities of Lithuanian cities. The biggest part of candidates, which have taken national geography maturity examinations, are pupils of gymnasiums, but this examination is also very popular between pupils of secondary-schools and professsional schools. The results of pupils of comprehensive schools are higher than the average of the country, while the level of knowledge and capabilities of geography of the most pupils of professional schools and of grown-up schools are lower than the average of the country. The territorial distribution of the results of national geography maturity examination is related to composition of candidates, which have taken examination: better results are in these municipalities, where this examination were taken by the pupils of comprehensive schools or where the pupils of comprehensive schools have made the majority

    Peculiarities of Merkys valley settlements topographical situation

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    This article presents the analysis of Merkys valley settling. In this work there were established structural peculiarities of Merkys valley, the structural position of the settlings in the valley, dividing them into farmsteads; the separate structural elements of the valley and the settling level of structural segments was evaluated. According to the results of the work, the majority of the settlements in the Merkys valley are situated on the right bank of the river, where the farming conditions are more acceptable. As the biggest part of this river valley is formed in the sandy plain of various limnoglacial levels with unfavorable conditions for intense farming, the majority of the settlements here are small, dispersive villages. On the riverhead, where the slope of Merkys is narrow and it is not distinguished by complex structure, the majority of the settlements are situated in the slope of the valley, while on the lower reaches the river, where the valley of Merkys is wide and complex, the majority of the settlements are in the I, II terraces, in accordance with their position to the river bed

    Peculiarities of Merkys valley peopling

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    The structural peculiarities of the Merkys valley, the structural position of the settlings in the valley and their distribution into farmsteads (separate structural elements of the valley and the settling level of structural segments) are discussed. The majority of settlements in the Merkys valley are situated on the right bank of the river, where the farming conditions are more favourable. As the biggest part of this river valley is formed in a sandy plain of various limnoglacial levels with unfavourable conditions for intense farming, the majority of the settlements here are small, dispersive villages. On the riverhead, where the slope of the Merkys is narrow and of not a complex structure, the majority of settlements are situated in the slope of the valley, while on the lower reaches of the river where the valley of the Merkys is wide and complex, the majority of settlements are situated in the I, II terases, in accordance with their position to the river bed

    School Environment in Use for Geography Education / Mokyklos aplinkos naudojimas ugdant geografijos gebėjimus

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    Straipsnyje analizuojama, kaip pritaikyti ir panaudoti mokyklos fizinę aplinką, siekiant teorinio ir praktinio mokymosi dermės. Pristatomos geografinio ugdymo galimybės įvairiose ugdymo įstaigų aplinkose. Kurti edukacines fizines aplinkas ugdymo įstaigose nėra naujas reiškinys, tačiau paskutiniu metu skverbiantis skaitmeninėms technologijoms vis mažiau jos vertinamos ir neskiriama tam dėmesio, o remiantis šiuolaikine mokymosi paradigma, mokslininkų įžvalgomis edukacinės aplinkos yra laikomas vienu svarbiausių veiksnių, užtikrinančių sėkmingą ugdymo įstaigos veiklą ir sudarančių sąlygas mokiniams mokytis, kaupti ir dalytis žiniomis. Tinkamai sukurtoje fizinėje edukacinėje aplinkoje galima užsiimti kūrybine veikla, ilsėtis, bendrauti, plėsti akiratį.The article analyses how to use school environment to integrate theoretical and practical teaching. This article presents various ways of teaching geography in different environment of school. Establishment of physical educational environment in schools is well known and is used for a long time, but lately digitalization is taking over interest in physical educational environment. Physical educational environment is one of the key components to ensure successful educational process, as well as creating conducive conditions to learn, gain knowledge and share it to one another according to the latest learning paradigm and scientist insights. Well established physical educational environment empowers students to inquiry, have rest, communicate and gain knowledge