190 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular Interactions Tutorial:An Update

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    The Cardiovascular Interaction (CVI) simulation model was developed by Carl Rothe (1929-2016) as an interactive computer simulation in the form of a tutorial. The original tutorial was based on a five-compartment model (Venous Bed, Right Heart, Lung Bed, Left Heart, and Arterial Bed). This work examines the simulation Dr. Rothe developed based on a six-compartment model (Systemic Veins, Right Ventricle, Pulmonary Arteries, Pulmonary Veins, Left Ventricle, and Systemic Arteries). Both models were originally developed in Visual Basic. Both models have been reimplemented in C# WPF for Windows and in LabVIEW for Windows 10 and Mac OS X

    Einfluss extrazellulärer Faktoren auf Struktur und Funktion nichtviraler Genvektoren

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    In den vergangenen zehn Jahren wurden große Fortschritte hinsichtlich einer möglichen Gentherapie angeborener Lungenerkrankungen wie Mukoviszidose oder a1-Antitrypsinmangel erzielt. Dabei spielt die Gentherapie mittels nichtviraler Genvektoren zunehmend eine größere Rolle. Doch trotz ermutigender Ergebnisse aus einer Reihe von klinischen Studien ist die Effizienz des nichtviralen Gentransfers über eine topische Applikation in die Atemwege bis heute zu gering. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu untersuchen, welchen Wechselwirkungen nichtvirale Genvektorkomplexe im Milieu der Atemwege unterliegen. Dabei konnten Veränderungen der inneren Struktur nichtviraler Genvektorkomplexe unter Einfluss von Surfactant bzw. bronchoalveolärer Lavageflüssigkeit mit Hilfe von Fluoreszenz-Quenching-Assays und Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energietransfer (FRET) nachgewiesen werden. Auch die Oberflächenladung der kationischen Genvektorkomplexe wurde beeinflusst, wobei in Anwesenheit hoher Konzentrationen von Surfactant eine Ladungsumkehr hin zu negativen Werten gemessen wurde. In Bezug auf die äußere Struktur der kationischen Genvektorkomplexe konnte gezeigt werden, dass in Anwesenheit von Surfactant bei Lipoplexen eine starke Zunahme der Größe beobachtet wurde, während die Größe von Polyplexen sogar leicht abnahm. Ebenfalls konnte gezeigt werden, dass die An- oder Abwesenheit von Salz in physiologischen Konzentrationen bei der Herstellung der Genvektorkomplexe einen Einfluss hat auf die Interaktion von Surfactant mit den Genvektorkomplexen. Um zu ermitteln, inwieweit die Veränderung biophysikalischer Parameter die Funktion der Genvektorkomplexe beeinflusst, wurden das Adhäsionsverhalten der Genvektorkomplexe an der Zelloberfläche und ihre Transfektionseffizienz untersucht. Auch hier waren die Folgen der Interaktion mit Surfactant sehr unterschiedlich ausgeprägt, je nach dem, ob kationische Liposomen oder kationische Polymere als Genvektorsystem verwendet wurden. Um die Effizienz des nichtviralen Gentransfers in die Lunge zu erhöhen, gibt es eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Ansätze. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Anwendbarkeit der Magnetofektion auf die Transfektion von Atemwegsepithelien untersucht. Die Magnetofektion beruht auf dem Prinzip der Anreicherung von Genvektorkomplexen am Zielgewebe mit Hilfe magnetischer Anziehungskräfte. Es konnte eine deutlich bessere Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung der über kationische Polymere vermittelten Magnetofektion verglichen mit dem konventionellen über kationische Polymere vermittelten Gentransfer nachgewiesen werden. Hierfür waren sowohl eine stärkere als auch eine schnellere Anreicherung der Genvektorkomplexe an der Zelloberfläche verantwortlich. Die Effizienz der Magnetofektion war bei gegebener Inkubationszeit der Transfektionseffizienz konventioneller nichtviraler Gentransfersysteme deutlich überlegen. In elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchungen konnte eine Aufnahme der Genvektorkomplexe in Zellen intakter Atemwegsepithelien mit Hilfe der Magnetofektion nachgewiesen werden

    Mapping the functional landscape of frequent phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) genotypes promotes personalised medicine in phenylketonuria

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    Background: In phenylketonuria, genetic heterogeneity, frequent compound heterozygosity, and the lack of functional data for phenylalanine hydroxylase genotypes hamper reliable phenotype prediction and individualised treatment. Methods: A literature search revealed 690 different phenylalanine hydroxylase genotypes in 3066 phenylketonuria patients from Europe and the Middle East. We determined phenylalanine hydroxylase function of 30 frequent homozygous and compound heterozygous genotypes covering 55% of the study population, generated activity landscapes, and assessed the phenylalanine hydroxylase working range in the metabolic (phenylalanine) and therapeutic (tetrahydrobiopterin) space. Results: Shared patterns in genotype-specific functional landscapes were linked to biochemical and pharmacological phenotypes, where (1) residual activity below 3.5% was associated with classical phenylketonuria unresponsive to pharmacological treatment; (2) lack of defined peak activity induced loss of response to tetrahydrobiopterin; (3) a higher cofactor need was linked to inconsistent clinical phenotypes and low rates of tetrahydrobiopterin response; and (4) residual activity above 5%, a defined peak of activity, and a normal cofactor need were associated with pharmacologically treatable mild phenotypes. In addition, we provide a web application for retrieving country-specific information on genotypes and genotype-specific phenylalanine hydroxylase function that warrants continuous extension, updates, and research on demand. Conclusions: The combination of genotype-specific functional analyses with biochemical, clinical, and therapeutic data of individual patients may serve as a powerful tool to enable phenotype prediction and to establish personalised medicine strategies for dietary regimens and pharmacological treatment in phenylketonuria

    Mapping the functional landscape of frequent phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) genotypes promotes personalised medicine in phenylketonuria

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    Background: In phenylketonuria, genetic heterogeneity, frequent compound heterozygosity, and the lack of functional data for phenylalanine hydroxylase genotypes hamper reliable phenotype prediction and individualised treatment. Methods: A literature search revealed 690 different phenylalanine hydroxylase genotypes in 3066 phenylketonuria patients from Europe and the Middle East. We determined phenylalanine hydroxylase function of 30 frequent homozygous and compound heterozygous genotypes covering 55% of the study population, generated activity landscapes, and assessed the phenylalanine hydroxylase working range in the metabolic (phenylalanine) and therapeutic (tetrahydrobiopterin) space. Results: Shared patterns in genotype-specific functional landscapes were linked to biochemical and pharmacological phenotypes, where (1) residual activity below 3.5% was associated with classical phenylketonuria unresponsive to pharmacological treatment; (2) lack of defined peak activity induced loss of response to tetrahydrobiopterin; (3) a higher cofactor need was linked to inconsistent clinical phenotypes and low rates of tetrahydrobiopterin response; and (4) residual activity above 5%, a defined peak of activity, and a normal cofactor need were associated with pharmacologically treatable mild phenotypes. In addition, we provide a web application for retrieving country-specific information on genotypes and genotype-specific phenylalanine hydroxylase function that warrants continuous extension, updates, and research on demand. Conclusions: The combination of genotype-specific functional analyses with biochemical, clinical, and therapeutic data of individual patients may serve as a powerful tool to enable phenotype prediction and to establish personalised medicine strategies for dietary regimens and pharmacological treatment in phenylketonuria

    Edgetic Perturbations Contribute to Phenotypic Variability in PEX26 Deficiency

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    Peroxisomes share metabolic pathways with other organelles and peroxisomes are embedded into key cellular processes. However, the specific function of many peroxisomal proteins remains unclear and restricted knowledge of the peroxisomal protein interaction network limits a precise mapping of this network into the cellular metabolism. Inborn peroxisomal disorders are autosomal or X-linked recessive diseases that affect peroxisomal biogenesis (PBD) and/or peroxisomal metabolism. Pathogenic variants in the PEX26 gene lead to peroxisomal disorders of the full Zellweger spectrum continuum. To investigate the phenotypic complexity of PEX26 deficiency, we performed a combined organelle protein interaction screen and network medicine approach and 1) analyzed whether PEX26 establishes interactions with other peroxisomal proteins, 2) deciphered the PEX26 interaction network, 3) determined how PEX26 is involved in further processes of peroxisomal biogenesis and metabolism, and 4) showed how variant-specific disruption of protein-protein interactions (edgetic perturbations) may contribute to phenotypic variability in PEX26 deficient patients. The discovery of 14 novel protein-protein interactions for PEX26 revealed a hub position of PEX26 inside the peroxisomal interactome. Analysis of edgetic perturbations of PEX26 variants revealed a strong correlation between the number of affected protein-protein interactions and the molecular phenotype of matrix protein import. The role of PEX26 in peroxisomal biogenesis was expanded encompassing matrix protein import, division and proliferation, and membrane assembly. Moreover, the PEX26 interaction network intersects with cellular lipid metabolism at different steps. The results of this study expand the knowledge about the function of PEX26 and refine genotype-phenotype correlations, which may contribute to our understanding of the underlying disease mechanism of PEX26 deficiency

    The interplay between genotype, metabolic state and cofactor treatment governs phenylalanine hydroxylase function and drug response

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    The discovery of a pharmacological treatment for phenylketonuria (PKU) raised new questions about function and dysfunction of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), the enzyme deficient in this disease. To investigate the interdependence of the genotype, the metabolic state (phenylalanine substrate) and treatment (BH4 cofactor) in the context of enzyme function in vitro and in vivo, we (i) used a fluorescence-based method for fast enzyme kinetic analyses at an expanded range of phenylalanine and BH4 concentrations, (ii) depicted PAH function as activity landscapes, (iii) retraced the analyses in eukaryotic cells, and (iv) translated this into the human system by analyzing the outcome of oral BH4 loading tests. PAH activity landscapes uncovered the optimal working range of recombinant wild-type PAH and provided new insights into PAH kinetics. They demonstrated how mutations might alter enzyme function in the space of varying substrate and cofactor concentrations. Experiments in eukaryotic cells revealed that the availability of the active PAH enzyme depends on the phenylalanine-to-BH4 ratio. Finally, evaluation of data from BH4 loading tests indicated that the patient's genotype influences the impact of the metabolic state on drug response. The results allowed for visualization and a better understanding of PAH function in the physiological and pathological state as well as in the therapeutic context of cofactor treatment. Moreover, our data underscore the need for more personalized procedures to safely identify and treat patients with BH4-responsive PAH deficienc

    Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase misfolding in glutaric acidemia type 1

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    Glutaric acidemia type 1 (GA1) is a neurotoxic metabolic disorder due to glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH) deficiency. The high number of missense variants associated with the disease and their impact on GCDH activity suggest that disturbed protein conformation can affect the biochemical phenotype. We aimed to elucidate the molecular basis of protein loss of function in GA1 by performing a parallel analysis in a large panel of GCDH missense variants using different biochemical and biophysical methodologies. Thirteen GCDH variants were investigated in regard to protein stability, hydrophobicity, oligomerization, aggregation, and activity. An altered oligomerization, loss of protein stability and solubility, as well as an augmented susceptibility to aggregation were observed. GA1 variants led to a loss of enzymatic activity, particularly when present at the N-terminal domain. The reduced cellular activity was associated with loss of tetramerization. Our results also suggest a correlation between variant sequence location and cellular protein stability (p < 0.05), with a more pronounced loss of protein observed with variant proximity to the N-terminus. The broad panel of variant-mediated conformational changes of the GCDH protein supports the classification of GA1 as a protein-misfolding disorder. This work supports research toward new therapeutic strategies that target this molecular disease phenotype

    Varicella Zoster Virus ORF25 Gene Product: An Essential Hub Protein Linking Encapsidation Proteins and the Nuclear Egress Complex

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    Varicella zoster virus (VZV) ORF25 is a 156 amino acid protein belonging to the approximately 40 core proteins that are conserved throughout the Herpesviridae. By analogy to its functional orthologue UL33 in Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), ORF25 is thought to be a component of the terminase complex. To investigate how cleavage and encapsidation of viral DNA links to the nuclear egress of mature capsids in VZV, we tested 10 VZV proteins that are predicted to be involved in either of the two processes for protein interactions against each other using three independent protein-protein interaction (PPI) detection systems: the yeast-two-hybrid (Y2H) system, a luminescence based MBP pull-down interaction screening assay (LuMPIS), and a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assay. A set of 20 interactions was consistently detected by at least 2 methods and resulted in a dense interaction network between proteins associated in encapsidation and nuclear egress. The results indicate that the terminase complex in VZV consists of ORF25, ORF30, and ORF45/42 and support a model in which both processes are closely linked to each other. Consistent with its role as a central hub for protein interactions, ORF25 is shown to be essential for VZV replication.Fil: Vizoso Pinto, María Guadalupe. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat. Max Von Pettenkofer Institute. Cátedra Virology; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Pothineni, Venkata R.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat. Max Von Pettenkofer Institute. Cátedra Virology; AlemaniaFil: Haase, Rudolf. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat. Max Von Pettenkofer Institute. Cátedra Virology; AlemaniaFil: Woidy, Mathias. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Lotz Havla, Amelie. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Gersting, Soren W.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Muntau, Ania C.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Haas, Jurgen. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat. Max Von Pettenkofer Institute. Cátedra Virology; AlemaniaFil: Sommer, Marvin. University of Stanford; Estados UnidosFil: Arvin, Ann M.. University of Stanford; Estados UnidosFil: Baiker, Armin. Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority; Alemani

    Pahenu1 is a mouse model for tetrahydrobiopterin-responsive phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency and promotes analysis of the pharmacological chaperone mechanism in vivo

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    The recent approval of sapropterin dihydrochloride, the synthetic form of 6[R]-l-erythro-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), for the treatment of phenylketonuria (PKU) as the first pharmacological chaperone drug initiated a paradigm change in the treatment of monogenetic diseases. Symptomatic treatment is now replaced by a causal pharmacological therapy correcting misfolding of the defective phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) in numerous patients. Here, we disclose BH4 responsiveness in Pahenu1, a mouse model for PAH deficiency. Loss of function resulted from loss of PAH, a consequence of misfolding, aggregation, and accelerated degradation of the enzyme. BH4 attenuated this triad by conformational stabilization augmenting the effective PAH concentration. This led to the rescue of the biochemical phenotype and enzyme function in vivo. Combined in vitro and in vivo analyses revealed a selective pharmaceutical action of BH4 confined to the pathological metabolic state. Our data provide new molecular-level insights into the mechanisms underlying protein misfolding with loss of function and support a general model of pharmacological chaperone-induced stabilization of protein conformation to correct this intracellular phenotype. Pahenu1 will be essential for pharmaceutical drug optimization and to design individually tailored therapie