5,985 research outputs found

    Last CPT-Invariant Hope for LSND Neutrino Oscillations

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    It is shown that the 99% confidence limits from the analyses of the data of cosmological and neutrino experiments imply a small marginally allowed region in the space of the neutrino oscillation parameters of 3+1 four-neutrino mixing schemes. This region can be confirmed or falsified by experiments in the near future.Comment: 6 pages, added predictions for neutrinoless double beta decay and tritium experiment

    Oscillation Effects and Time Variation of the Supernova Neutrino Signal

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    The neutrinos detected from the next Galactic core-collapse supernova will contain valuable information on the internal dynamics of the explosion. One mechanism leading to a temporal evolution of the neutrino signal is the variation of the induced neutrino flavor mixing driven by changes in the density profile. With one and two dimensional hydrodynamical simulations we identify the behavior and properties of prominent features of the explosion. Using these results we demonstrate the time variation of the neutrino crossing probabilities due to changes in the MSW neutrino transformations as the star explodes by using the S-matrix - Monte Carlo - approach to neutrino propagation. After adopting spectra for the neutrinos emitted from the proto-neutron star we calculate for a Galactic supernova the evolution of the positron spectra within a water Cerenkov detector and the ratio of charged current to neutral current event rates for a heavy water - SNO like - detector and find that these detector signals are feasible probes of a number of explosion features

    Sterile neutrino dark matter, CDMS-II and a light Higgs boson

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    We add a singlet right handed neutrino plus a charged and a neutral singlet scalars to the standard model. This extension includes a discrete symmetry such that we obtain a heavy sterile neutrino which couples only to the electron and the new scalars. In this sense the singlet neutrino does not mix with ordinary ones and thus has no effect on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. However, such sterile neutrino can be in equilibrium with electroweak particles in the early Universe due to its couplings to electrons and also because the Higgs boson mixes with the singlet scalars. We obtain that the sterile neutrino constitutes a dark matter candidate and analyze its direct detection in the light of current experiments. Our results show that if such a sterile neutrino is realized in nature, and CDMS-II experiment confirms its positive signal, dark matter demands a rather light Higgs boson with new Physics at some 500 GeV scale.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, uses axodraw.st

    The explanation of unexpected temperature dependence of the muon catalysis in solid deuterium

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    It is shown that due to the smallness of the inelastic cross-section of the dÎĽd\mu-atoms scattering in the crystal lattice at sufficiently low temperatures the ddÎĽdd\mu-mesomolecules formation from the upper state of the hyperfine structure dÎĽ(F=3/2)d\mu (F=3/2) starts earlier than the mesoatoms thermolization. It explains an approximate constancy of the ddÎĽdd\mu-mesomolecule formation rate in solid deuterium.Comment: 6 pages, 2 jpeg-figure

    Coherent pion production by neutrinos on nuclei

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    The main part of coherent pion production by neutrinos on nuclei is essentially determined by PCAC, provided that the leptonic momentum transferred square Q^2 remains sufficiently small. We give the formulas for the charged and neutral current cross sections, including also the small non-PCAC transverse current contributions and taking into account the effect of the \mu^- mass. Our results are compared with the experimental ones and other theoretical treatments.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Quadrupolar contact terms and Hyperfine Structure

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    In the interaction of two electric quadrupoles, there is at short distances a contact term proportional to the second derivative of a delta function. This contact term contributes to the hyperfine splitting of bound states of two particles with spin one or higher-for example the bound states of Omega minus and a nucleus of spin one.The contact hyperfine splitting occurs in states with orbital angular momentum one(p-wave), in contrast to the Fermi contact interaction which is in s-states.We find that these contact splittings will be observable with Omega minus atoms and help measure the quadrupole moment and charge radius of the hyperon.Comment: 19 pages; two sentences deleted from first versio

    Three-body dispersion-relation N/D equations for the coupled decay channels ppbar (J^{PC}=0^{-+}) --> pi^0 pi^0 pi^0, eta pi^0 pi^0, eta eta pi^0, K Kbar pi^0

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    During several years the data on different channels ppbar (J^{PC}=0^{-+}) --> 3 mesons presented by Crystal Barrel Collaboration were successfully analyzed by extracting the leading amplitude singularities - pole singularities - with the aim to obtain information about two-meson resonances. But these analyses do not take into account three-body final state interactions (FSI) in an explicitly correct way. This paper is devoted to the consideration of this problem.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Fermion zero modes at the boundary of superfluid 3He-B

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    Superfluid 3He-B belongs to the important special class of time-reversal invariant topological superfluids. It has Majorana fermions as edge states on the surface of bulk 3He-B. On the rough wall these fermion zero modes have finite density of states at E=0. It is possible that Lancaster experiments with a wire vibrating in 3He-B have already probed Majorana fermions living on the surface of the wire.Comment: 4 pages, no Figures, JETP Letters style, version to be published in JETP Letter

    Prospects for the Bc Studies at LHCb

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    We discuss the motivations and perspectives for the studies of the mesons of the (bc) family at LHCb. The description of production and decays at LHC energies is given in details. The event yields, detection efficiencies, and background conditions for several Bc decay modes at LHCb are estimated.Comment: 20 pages, 5 eps-figure

    Graviton mass and total relative density of mass Omega_tot in Universe

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    It is noticed that the total relative density of mass in the Universe Omega_tot should exceed 1, i.e. Omega_tot=1+f^2/6 according to the field relativistic theory of gravity (RTG), which is free of the cosmological singularity and which provides the Euclidean character for the 3-dimensional space. Here f is the ratio of the graviton mass m_g to the contemporary value of the ``Hubble mass'' m^0_H=\hbar H_0/c^2\simeq 3,8\cdot 10^{-66}h(g) (h=0,71\pm0,07). Applying results of the experimental data processing presented in [1] an upper limit for the graviton mass is established as m_g\leq 3,2\cdot 10^{-66}g at the 95% confidence level.Comment: 8 pages, latex fil
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