6 research outputs found
Historia de la agroecologĂa en MĂ©xico
A mediados del siglo pasado, existiÌan dos tipos de cientiÌficos de la agronomiÌa en MeÌxico. Unos, que veiÌan una agricultura atrasada y que habiÌa, ciegamente, que llevar hacia los avances tec- noloÌgicos maÌs modernos. Otros, que saliÌan al campo y exploraban intensivamente los sistemas indiÌgenas y campesinos. El estudiar y dar a conocer la riqueza tanto bioloÌgica como humana que albergaban estos sistemas, dio pie a la agroecologiÌa en este paiÌs. Sobra decir que varios de los pioneros de esa ciencia a nivel mundial, fueron aprendices de sistemas indiÌgenas mexicanos. En este trabajo se hace el esfuerzo por narrar los hitos histoÌricos maÌs importantes en la investigacioÌn y la ensenÌanza de la agroecologiÌa en el pasado y en la actualidad; ademaÌs, hacemos tambieÌn una reflexioÌn sobre los desafiÌos que enfrenta esa disciplina
Living knowledge of the healing plants: Ethno-phytotherapy in the Chepang communities from the Mid-Hills of Nepal
Contribution of indigenous knowledge in developing more effective drugs with minimum or no side effects helped to realise importance of study of indigenous remedies and the conservation of biological resources. This study analysed indigenous knowledge regarding medicinal plants use among the Chepang communities from ward number 3 and 4 of Shaktikhor Village Development Committee located in the central mid hills of Nepal. Data were collected in a one-year period and included interviews with traditional healers and elders. Chepangs are rich in knowledge regarding use of different plants and were using a total 219 plant parts from 115 species including one mushroom (belonging 55 families) for medicinal uses. Out of these, 75 species had 118 different new medicinal uses and 18 of them were not reported in any previous documents from Nepal as medicinal plants. Spiritual belief, economy and limitation of alternative health facilities were cause of continuity of people's dependency on traditional healers. Change in socio-economic activities not only threatened traditional knowledge but also resource base of the area. Enforcement of local institution in management of forest resources and legitimating traditional knowledge and practices could help to preserve indigenous knowledge