1,359 research outputs found

    Explicit large nuclear charge limit of electronic ground states for Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne and basic aspects of the periodic table

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    This paper is concerned with the Schrödinger equation for atoms and ions with N=1N=1 to 10 electrons. In the asymptotic limit of large nuclear charge ZZ, we determine explicitly the low-lying energy levels and eigenstates. The asymptotic energies and wavefunctions are in good quantitative agreement with experimental data for positive ions, and in excellent qualitative agreement even for neutral atoms (Z=NZ=N). In particular, the predicted ground state spin and angular momentum quantum numbers (1S^1S for He, Be, Ne, 2S^2S for H and Li, 4S^4S for N, 2P^2P for B and F, and 3P^3P for C and O) agree with experiment in every case. The asymptotic Schrödinger ground states agree, up to small corrections, with the semiempirical hydrogen orbital configurations developed by Bohr, Hund, and Slater to explain the periodic table. In rare cases where our results deviate from this picture, such as the ordering of the lowest 1Do^1D^o and 3So^3S^o states of the carbon isoelectronic sequence, experiment confirms our predictions and not Hund's

    Radiation of the bark louse genus Kilauella across the Hawaiian Islands

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    Island systems serve as important models for studies of evolutionary processes and speciation. The Hawaiian Island group is one of the most isolated island chains in the world, and many groups of insects have undergone dramatic diversification within these islands. Studies of adaptive radiation on Hawaii could promote understanding of the evolutionary process underlying diversification patterns, but studies of Hawaiian taxa from a systematics standpoint are limited. The bark louse genus Kilauella (Psocoptera: Elipsocidae) represents one of the most abundant genera of insects across all islands of the Hawaiian chain, and is a prime candidate for a phylogenetic study. This work aims to explore the diversification pattern of these bark lice across the modern high islands. Kilauella specimens were collected from the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui Nui, and Hawaii to create a phylogeny exploring the speciation patterns of the genus. Our results show evidence of forward ‘stepping stone’ radiation across the Hawaiian Islands with a potentially significant level of within island radiation, but resolution in the phylogeny is a problem for elucidation of an exact pattern. Molecular dating estimates show that genus Kilauella may be a relatively young radiation, with an origin at approximately 6.74 mya (95% confidence interval 9.48 to 4.38 mya), corresponding roughly with the uplift of the island of Nihoa at 7.2 mya

    From Soft Walls to Infrared Branes

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    Five dimensional warped spaces with soft walls are generalizations of the standard Randall-Sundrum compactifications, where instead of an infrared brane one has a curvature singularity (with vanishing warp factor) at finite proper distance in the bulk. We project the physics near the singularity onto a hypersurface located a small distance away from it in the bulk. This results in a completely equivalent description of the soft wall in terms of an effective infrared brane, hiding any singular point. We perform explicitly this calculation for two classes of soft wall backgrounds used in the literature. The procedure has several advantages. It separates in a clean way the physics of the soft wall from the physics of the five dimensional bulk, facilitating a more direct comparison with standard two-brane warped compactifications. Moreover, consistent soft walls show a sort of universal behavior near the singularity which is reflected in the effective brane Lagrangian. Thirdly, for many purposes, a good approximation is obtained by assuming the bulk background away from the singularity to be the usual Randall-Sundrum metric, thus making the soft wall backgrounds better analytically tractable. We check the validity of this procedure by calculating the spectrum of bulk fields and comparing it to the exact result, finding very good agreement.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, v2: subsection on IR brane potentials and appendix on fermions added, version to appear in PR

    Efficient Algorithm for Asymptotics-Based Configuration-Interaction Methods and Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Atoms

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    Asymptotics-based configuration-interaction (CI) methods [G. Friesecke and B. D. Goddard, Multiscale Model. Simul. 7, 1876 (2009)] are a class of CI methods for atoms which reproduce, at fixed finite subspace dimension, the exact Schr\"odinger eigenstates in the limit of fixed electron number and large nuclear charge. Here we develop, implement, and apply to 3d transition metal atoms an efficient and accurate algorithm for asymptotics-based CI. Efficiency gains come from exact (symbolic) decomposition of the CI space into irreducible symmetry subspaces at essentially linear computational cost in the number of radial subshells with fixed angular momentum, use of reduced density matrices in order to avoid having to store wavefunctions, and use of Slater-type orbitals (STO's). The required Coulomb integrals for STO's are evaluated in closed form, with the help of Hankel matrices, Fourier analysis, and residue calculus. Applications to 3d transition metal atoms are in good agreement with experimental data. In particular we reproduce the anomalous magnetic moment and orbital filling of Chromium in the otherwise regular series Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Factors Affecting The Use of Intra Uterine Device in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

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    Background: The Intra Uterine Device (IUD) is a type of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) that goes in the uterus. It has some preferable features: (1) More than 99% effective; (2) Works for up to 10 years; (3) ‘Fit and forget’ contraception users do not need to do anything. There are two types of IUD: one with hormones, one without hormones. The menstrual period might change. There might be more or less bleeding. This study aimed to determine factors affecting the use of IUD in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Subjects and Method: A cross sectional study carried out in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. A sample of women of reproductive age was selected for this study, consisting of IUD users and non users. The dependent variable was IUD use. The independent variables were age, education, maternal attitude, and maternal belief. IUD data were taken from maternal and child health record. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Older age, higher education, favorable maternal attitude, and positive maternal belief, were associated with the use of IUD. Conclusion: Age, education, maternal attitude, and maternal belief, are associated with the use of IUD. Keywords: intrauterine device, age, education, maternal attitude, maternal belie

    The Associations of Internal Factors, Sources of Information, and Family Role with Premarital Sexual Behavior among Adolescents in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

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    Background: Earlier studies reported that parents play a significant role in the sexual development and behaviors of their children. Parental monitoring and supervision are important paths for keeping adolescents from risky situations and activities while the teen develops responsible decision making skills. A supportive relationship between the parent and adolescent is important for enhancing communication and supervision. Empirical studies into this issue, however, is scanty in East Nusa Tenggara. This study aimed to analyze the associations of parental role and source of information on reproductive health, with unhealthy premarital sex behavior among adolescents in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. A sample of 90 adolescents were selected for this study. The dependent variable was unhealthy sex behavior. The independent variables were role of parents and source of information on reproductive health. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: The risk of unhealthy premarital sex behavior increased with weak role of parents (OR= 2.74; p= 0.045) and negative source of information on reproductive health (OR= 2.20; p= 0.033). Conclusion: The risk of unhealthy premarital sex behavior increases with weak role of parents and negative source of information on reproductive health. Keywords: premarital, sex behavior, unhealthy, role of parents, source of information, reproductive health

    Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Outcomes Do Not Depend on Device or Technique. Long-Term Results of a Prospective Randomized Study Comparing the LapbandÂź and the SAGBÂź.

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    BACKGROUND: Gastric banding still represents one of the most widely used bariatric procedures. It provides acceptable weight loss in many patients, but has frequent long-term complications. Because different types of bands may lead to different results, we designed a randomized study to compare the Lapband¼ with the SAGB¼. We hereby report on the long-term results. METHODS: Between December 1998 and June 2002, 180 morbidly obese patients were randomized between Lapband¼ or SAGB¼. Weight loss, long-term morbidity, and need for reoperation were evaluated. RESULTS: Long-term weight loss did not differ between the two bands. Patients who maintained their band had an acceptable long-term weight loss of between 50 and 60 % EBMIL. In both groups, about half the patients developed long-term complications, with about 50 % requiring major redo surgery. There was no difference in the overall rates of long-term complications or failures between the two groups, but patients who had a Lapband¼ were significantly more prone to develop band slippage/pouch dilatation (13.3 versus 0 %, p < 0,001). CONCLUSIONS: Although in the absence of complication, gastric banding leads to acceptable weight loss; the long-term complication and major reoperation rates are very high independently from the type of band used or on the operative technique. Gastric banding leads to relatively poor overall long-term results and therefore should not be considered the procedure of choice for the treatment of morbid obesity. Patients should be informed of the limited overall weight loss and the very high complication rates

    Landfill Futures: : National Guideline Document

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    This report looks at the past and present roles of landfills in Australian waste management and considers the requirements for a sustainable future. The research used a test case to apply an integrated resource planning model to waste. The results suggest that disposal to landfill may be an expensive and less preferred option compared to others, in many cases, but still have a role to play in specific contexts where the costs of other options are higher
