101 research outputs found

    Subjektive Beanspruchung und Speichelcortisol bei arbeitsbedingter und induzierter psychischer Belastung : eine Pilot- und Implementationsstudie im Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe

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    Die Studie befasst sich mit der Untersuchung von Speichelcortisol-Profilen als Beanspruchungsmaß unter Feldbedingungen. Die Stichprobe bestand aus Servicekräften der Hotellerie, die berufsbedingt unter vorwiegend psychischer Belastung stehen. Es wurde ein Mehrebenenansatz verfolgt, d.h. neben physiologischen auch subjektive psychologische Maße erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass systematische, stabile Cortisol-Tagesprofile auch im Feld gewonnen werden können. Der Cortisolanstieg am Morgen erwies sich als stabil über einen 7tägigen Meszeitraum und als zumindest tendenziell bedeutsam im Zusammenhang mit körperlicher Erschöpfung, Ängstlichkeit und psychosozialer Arbeitsbelastung. Wesentlich für erkennbare Cortisol-Aufwachreaktionen ist die Probanden-Compliance, sowohl bezüglich der Zeiteinhaltung bei den Morgenmessungen, als auch bei der Durchführung der Aufwachprobe. Letztere kann durch elektronisches Monitoring nicht überprüft werden. Schichtarbeit erhöht zusätzlich die intraindividuelle Varianz im Wochenverlauf und sollte deshalb kontrolliert werden

    Efficacy and safety of an intravenous monoclonal anti-HBs in chronic hepatitis B patients

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    Background Aims: In this study the safety and efficacy of a monoclonal anti-HBs, Tuvirumab (Mab), were investigated. Tuvirumab is a human monoclonal antibody recognizing the stable 'a'-determinant of the HBsAg. Methods: We included ten chronic hepatitis B patients: four received monotherapy, and six combination therapy with interferon alpha 2b. Results: Because the development of insoluble [HBsAg-HBsAb] complexes led to adverse events, the Mab dose had to be reduced in seven patients. In nine patients treatment was stopped prematurely because of lack of efficacy, i.e. neutralization of HBsAg in serum. However, temporary HBsAg levels were reduced by at least 50% in all patients; in three patients receiving combination therapy, background levels of HBsAg in serum were reached. A loss of serum HBV-DNA was seen in three patients in the combination group, followed by HBeAg seroconversion in two patients. Conclusions: We conclude that Mab was not effective in achieving primary efficacy as assessed by neutralization of circulating HBsAg. Whether a combination of Mab with an antiviral agent that reduces the HBsAg load - and therefore minimizes the risk of adverse events - may result in clinical efficacy should be investigated

    “Breaking up is hard to do”: the formation and resolution of sister chromatid intertwines

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    The absolute necessity to resolve every intertwine between the two strands of the DNA double helix provides a massive challenge to the cellular processes that duplicate and segregate chromosomes. Although the overwhelming majority of intertwines between the parental DNA strands are resolved during DNA replication, there are numerous chromosomal contexts where some intertwining is maintained into mitosis. These mitotic sister chromatid intertwines (SCIs) can be found as; short regions of unreplicated DNA, fully replicated and intertwined sister chromatids—commonly referred to as DNA catenation—and as sister chromatid linkages generated by homologous recombination-associated processes. Several overlapping mechanisms, including intra-chromosomal compaction, topoisomerase action and Holliday junction resolvases, ensure that all SCIs are removed before they can prevent normal chromosome segregation. Here, I discuss why some DNA intertwines persist into mitosis and review our current knowledge of the SCI resolution mechanisms that are employed in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including how deregulating SCI formation during DNA replication or disrupting the resolution processes may contribute to aneuploidy in cancer

    CellCognition : time-resolved phenotype annotation in high-throughput live cell imaging

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Methods 7 (2010): 747-754, doi:10.1038/nmeth.1486.Fluorescence time-lapse imaging has become a powerful tool to investigate complex dynamic processes such as cell division or intracellular trafficking. Automated microscopes generate time-resolved imaging data at high throughput, yet tools for quantification of large-scale movie data are largely missing. Here, we present CellCognition, a computational framework to annotate complex cellular dynamics. We developed a machine learning method that combines state-of-the-art classification with hidden Markov modeling for annotation of the progression through morphologically distinct biological states. The incorporation of time information into the annotation scheme was essential to suppress classification noise at state transitions, and confusion between different functional states with similar morphology. We demonstrate generic applicability in a set of different assays and perturbation conditions, including a candidate-based RNAi screen for mitotic exit regulators in human cells. CellCognition is published as open source software, enabling live imaging-based screening with assays that directly score cellular dynamics.Work in the Gerlich laboratory is supported by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) research grant 3100A0-114120, SNF ProDoc grant PDFMP3_124904, a European Young Investigator (EURYI) award of the European Science Foundation, an EMBO YIP fellowship, and a MBL Summer Research Fellowship to D.W.G., an ETH TH grant, a grant by the UBS foundation, a Roche Ph.D. fellowship to M.H.A.S, and a Mueller fellowship of the Molecular Life Sciences Ph.D. program Zurich to M.H. M.H. and M.H.A.S are fellows of the Zurich Ph.D. Program in Molecular Life Sciences. B.F. was supported by European Commission’s seventh framework program project Cancer Pathways. Work in the Ellenberg laboratory is supported by a European Commission grant within the Mitocheck consortium (LSHG-CT-2004-503464). Work in the Peter laboratory is supported by the ETHZ, Oncosuisse, SystemsX.ch (LiverX) and the SNF

    The ethics of ‘Trials within Cohorts’ (TwiCs): 2nd international symposium - London, UK. 7-8 November 2016

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    On 7-8 th November 2016, 60 people with an interest in the ‘ Trials within Cohorts ’ (TwiCs) approach for randomised controlled trial design met in London. The purpose of this 2 nd TwiCs international symposium was to share perspectives and experiences on ethical aspects of the TwiCs design, discuss how TwiCs relate to the current ethical frame- work, provide a forum in which to discuss and debate ethical issues and identify future directions for conceptual and empirical research. The symposium was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the NIHR CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber and organised by members of the TwiCs network led by Clare Relton and attended by people from the UK, the Netherlands, Norway, Canada and USA. The two-day sympo- sium enabled an international group to meet and share experiences of the TwiCs design (also known as the ‘ cohort multiple RCT design ’ ), and to discuss plans for future research. Over the two days, invited plenary talks were interspersed by discussions, posters and mini pre- sentations from bioethicists, triallists and health research regulators. Key findings of the symposium were: (1) It is possible to make a compelling case to ethics committees that TwiCs designs are ap- propriate and ethical; (2) The importance of wider considerations around the ethics of inefficient trial designs; and (3) some questions about the ethical requirements for content and timing of informed consent for a study using the TwiCs design need to be decided on a case-by-case basis

    Forward pi^0 Production and Associated Transverse Energy Flow in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    Deep-inelastic positron-proton interactions at low values of Bjorken-x down to x \approx 4.10^-5 which give rise to high transverse momentum pi^0 mesons are studied with the H1 experiment at HERA. The inclusive cross section for pi^0 mesons produced at small angles with respect to the proton remnant (the forward region) is presented as a function of the transverse momentum and energy of the pi^0 and of the four-momentum transfer Q^2 and Bjorken-x. Measurements are also presented of the transverse energy flow in events containing a forward pi^0 meson. Hadronic final state calculations based on QCD models implementing different parton evolution schemes are confronted with the data.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures and 3 table

    A Comparison of Donor-Acceptor Pairs for Genetically Encoded FRET Sensors: Application to the Epac cAMP Sensor as an Example

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    We recently reported on CFP-Epac-YFP, an Epac-based single polypeptide FRET reporter to resolve cAMP levels in living cells. In this study, we compared and optimized the fluorescent protein donor/acceptor pairs for use in biosensors such as CFP-Epac-YFP. Our strategy was to prepare a wide range of constructs consisting of different donor and acceptor fluorescent proteins separated by a short linker. Constructs were expressed in HEK293 cells and tested for FRET and other relevant properties. The most promising pairs were subsequently used in an attempt to improve the FRET span of the Epac-based cAMP sensor. The results show significant albeit not perfect correlation between performance in the spacer construct and in the Epac sensor. Finally, this strategy enabled us to identify improved sensors both for detection by sensitized emission and by fluorescent lifetime imaging. The present overview should be helpful in guiding development of future FRET sensors

    Research campaign : macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)

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    The objective of the proposed macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO) mission is to harness space for achieving long free-fall times, extreme vacuum, nano-gravity, and cryogenic temperatures to test the foundations of physics in macroscopic quantum experiments at the interface with gravity. Developing the necessary technologies, achieving the required sensitivities and providing the necessary isolation of macroscopic quantum systems from their environment will lay the path for developing novel quantum sensors. Earlier studies showed that the proposal is feasible but that several critical challenges remain, and key technologies need to be developed. Recent scientific and technological developments since the original proposal of MAQRO promise the potential for achieving additional science objectives. The proposed research campaign aims to advance the state of the art and to perform the first macroscopic quantum experiments in space. Experiments on the ground, in micro-gravity, and in space will drive the proposed research campaign during the current decade to enable the implementation of MAQRO within the subsequent decade

    Laser‐Based Measurements in Cell Biology

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    In this chapter, we review the imaging techniques and methods of molecular interrogation made possible by integrating laser light sources with microscopy. We discuss the advantages of exciting fluorescence by laser illumination and review commonly used laser-based imaging techniques such as confocal, multiphoton, and total internal reflection microcopy. We also discuss emerging imaging modalities based on intrinsic properties of biological macromolecules such as second harmonic generation imaging and coherent anti-Raman resonance spectroscopy. Super resolution techniques are presented that exceed the theoretical diffraction-limited resolution of a microscope objective. This chapter also focuses on laser-based techniques that can report biophysical parameters of fluorescently labeled molecules within living cells. Photobleaching techniques, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and fluorescence correlation methods can measure kinetic rates, molecular diffusion, protein-protein interactions, and concentration of a fluorophore-bound molecule. This chapter provides an introduction to the field of laser-based microscopy enabling readers to determine how best to match their research questions to the current suite of techniques