3,515 research outputs found

    The generalization of the Regge-Wheeler equation for self-gravitating matter fields

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    It is shown that the dynamical evolution of perturbations on a static spacetime is governed by a standard pulsation equation for the extrinsic curvature tensor. The centerpiece of the pulsation equation is a wave operator whose spatial part is manifestly self-adjoint. In contrast to metric formulations, the curvature-based approach to gravitational perturbation theory generalizes in a natural way to self-gravitating matter fields. For a certain relevant subspace of perturbations the pulsation operator is symmetric with respect to a positive inner product and therefore allows spectral theory to be applied. In particular, this is the case for odd-parity perturbations of spherically symmetric background configurations. As an example, the pulsation equations for self-gravitating, non-Abelian gauge fields are explicitly shown to be symmetric in the gravitational, the Yang Mills, and the off-diagonal sector.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure

    The Stern-Gerlach Experiment Revisited

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    The Stern-Gerlach-Experiment (SGE) of 1922 is a seminal benchmark experiment of quantum physics providing evidence for several fundamental properties of quantum systems. Based on today's knowledge we illustrate the different benchmark results of the SGE for the development of modern quantum physics and chemistry. The SGE provided the first direct experimental evidence for angular momentum quantization in the quantum world and thus also for the existence of directional quantization of all angular momenta in the process of measurement. It measured for the first time a ground state property of an atom, it produced for the first time a `spin-polarized' atomic beam, it almost revealed the electron spin. The SGE was the first fully successful molecular beam experiment with high momentum-resolution by beam measurements in vacuum. This technique provided a new kinematic microscope with which inner atomic or nuclear properties could be investigated. The original SGE is described together with early attempts by Einstein, Ehrenfest, Heisenberg, and others to understand directional quantization in the SGE. Heisenberg's and Einstein's proposals of an improved multi-stage SGE are presented. The first realization of these proposals by Stern, Phipps, Frisch and Segr\`e is described. The set-up suggested by Einstein can be considered an anticipation of a Rabi-apparatus. Recent theoretical work is mentioned in which the directional quantization process and possible interference effects of the two different spin states are investigated. In full agreement with the results of the new quantum theory directional quantization appears as a general and universal feature of quantum measurements. One experimental example for such directional quantization in scattering processes is shown. Last not least, the early history of the `almost' discovery of the electron spin in the SGE is revisited.Comment: 50pp, 17 fig

    Perturbation theory for self-gravitating gauge fields I: The odd-parity sector

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    A gauge and coordinate invariant perturbation theory for self-gravitating non-Abelian gauge fields is developed and used to analyze local uniqueness and linear stability properties of non-Abelian equilibrium configurations. It is shown that all admissible stationary odd-parity excitations of the static and spherically symmetric Einstein-Yang-Mills soliton and black hole solutions have total angular momentum number =1\ell = 1, and are characterized by non-vanishing asymptotic flux integrals. Local uniqueness results with respect to non-Abelian perturbations are also established for the Schwarzschild and the Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions, which, in addition, are shown to be linearly stable under dynamical Einstein-Yang-Mills perturbations. Finally, unstable modes with =1\ell = 1 are also excluded for the static and spherically symmetric non-Abelian solitons and black holes.Comment: 23 pages, revtex, no figure

    Physical interpretation of gauge invariant perturbations of spherically symmetric space-times

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    By calculating the Newman-Penrose Weyl tensor components of a perturbed spherically symmetric space-time with respect to invariantly defined classes of null tetrads, we give a physical interpretation, in terms of gravitational radiation, of odd parity gauge invariant metric perturbations. We point out how these gauge invariants may be used in setting boundary and/or initial conditions in perturbation theory.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in PR

    Covariant Perturbations of Schwarzschild Black Holes

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    We present a new covariant and gauge-invariant perturbation formalism for dealing with spacetimes having spherical symmetry (or some preferred spatial direction) in the background, and apply it to the case of gravitational wave propagation in a Schwarzschild black hole spacetime. The 1+3 covariant approach is extended to a `1+1+2 covariant sheet' formalism by introducing a radial unit vector in addition to the timelike congruence, and decomposing all covariant quantities with respect to this. The background Schwarzschild solution is discussed and a covariant characterisation is given. We give the full first-order system of linearised 1+1+2 covariant equations, and we show how, by introducing (time and spherical) harmonic functions, these may be reduced to a system of first-order ordinary differential equations and algebraic constraints for the 1+1+2 variables which may be solved straightforwardly. We show how both the odd and even parity perturbations may be unified by the discovery of a covariant, frame- and gauge-invariant, transverse-traceless tensor describing gravitational waves, which satisfies a covariant wave equation equivalent to the Regge-Wheeler equation for both even and odd parity perturbations. We show how the Zerilli equation may be derived from this tensor, and derive a similar transverse traceless tensor equivalent to this equation. The so-called `special' quasinormal modes with purely imaginary frequency emerge naturally. The significance of the degrees of freedom in the choice of the two frame vectors is discussed, and we demonstrate that, for a certain frame choice, the underlying dynamics is governed purely by the Regge-Wheeler tensor. The two transverse-traceless Weyl tensors which carry the curvature of gravitational waves are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, Revtex 4. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity. Revised version is significantly streamlined with an important error corrected which simplifies the presentatio

    Variational study of the Holstein polaron

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    The paper deals with the ground and the first excited state of the polaron in the one dimensional Holstein model. Various variational methods are used to investigate both the weak coupling and strong coupling case, as well as the crossover regime between them. Two of the methods, which are presented here for the first time, introduce interesting elements to the understanding of the nature of the polaron. Reliable numerical evidence is found that, in the strong coupling regime, the ground and the first excited state of the self-trapped polaron are well described within the adiabatic limit. The lattice vibration modes associated with the self-trapped polarons are analyzed in detail, and the frequency softening of the vibration mode at the central site of the small polaron is estimated. It is shown that the first excited state of the system in the strong coupling regime corresponds to the excitation of the soft phonon mode within the polaron. In the crossover regime, the ground and the first excited state of the system can be approximated by the anticrossing of the self-trapped and the delocalized polaron state. In this way, the connection between the behavior of the ground and the first excited state is qualitatively explained.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, PRB 65, 14430