4 research outputs found

    Determinants of Potato Marketed Surplus Among Smallholder Farmers in Sekela District, West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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    For Sekela Woreda smallholder potato producers, potato has significant contribution for consumption at home which increase food security and in generating cash income. Therefore, enhancing potato producersā€™ access to market and linking them to most beneficial outlets is a key issue needed in the study area. This paper was aimed to identify factors affecting marketed surplus potato farmers using survey data collected from randomly selected 130 farmers from six kebeles were randomly and proportionately sampled to collect both secondary and primary sources. Descriptive statistics was used for characterizing farmers and econometrics analysis was used for identifying determinants of marketed surplus. The result of econometric analysis from OLS marketed surplus model revealed that distance to the nearest market, use of improved seed, frequency of extension contact, area of land allocated for potato and yield of potato significantly determined quantity of potato supplied to the market. Based on the finding the government and other stakeholders need to focus on strengthening improved seed access, strengthening rural-urban infrastructure, expanding market access, improving land management practices and yield through strengthening extension service in order to accelerate market chain development. Keywords: Marketed surplus, Potato, Multiple linear regression DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/83-0

    To Review the Impact and Copping Strategies of Climate Change in Developing Countries

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    Rapid change in climate is set to alter the delicate balance that exists between man and nature. The literature to this effect points out that the poorest countries and communities are likely to suffer the most because of their geographic locations, low income and low institutional capacity, as well as their greater reliance on climate-sensitive sectors like agriculture. Even if climate mitigations plans are implemented properly there will be some degree of warming due to inertia of emissions already released. As such, there is a strong consensus about the need of adaptation to changing climatic conditions. Adaptation to climate change is given increasing international attention as the conļ¬dence in climate change projections is getting higher. Developing countries have speciļ¬c needs for adaptation due to high vulnerabilities, and they will in this way carry a great part of the global costs of climate change although the rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are mainly the responsibility of industrialized countries. Adaptation is believed to enhance the resilience against increasing climate variability. In this backdrop, the objective of the present paper is, therefore, to systematically and critically review the existing literature on the impacts of climate change and choice of adaptations across countries and draw insights for suggesting a comprehensive policy framework particularly for developing countries in this regard. The paper ļ¬nds that the role of government and civil society is crucial for enabling efļ¬cient adaptation methods. Development policies and programs having synergy effect with climate change initiatives help adapt with the changing climate better. However, the availability of clean technology in developing countries will play the decisive role in controlling their growth rate of emission. Keywords: Climate change, vulnerability, cooping strategy, impact, developing country DOI: 10.7176/JEES/13-7-01 Publication date:September 30th 202

    The Role of Microfinance Institution for Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia

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    Micro finance institutions are basically set up with the goal of poverty alleviation. These institutions have a very important and effective role in both developed and in developing countries because it is considered the backbone of their economies. This indicates that without the establishment of micro finance institutions, no developing nation can achieve a viable economic growth/development or the reduction of poverty since they lack enough amount of money.Ā  Micro finance institutions can play a role in reduction of poverty and improving the socio-economic condition of the poor since there is a positive contribution of micro finance institution and social development, in which there is better access to health, education and basic services and greater social respect. The contribution of education level and entrepreneurial skills has positive impact to poverty reduction in which there is increase in income, better living conditions and better access to basic needs. This review examines on the role of micro finance institutions for poverty reduction and the challenges on the performance of operating micro finance institution. The review result suggest that major problems that faces the micro finance institution in order to take and operate their business are absence of training for borrowers, weak monitoring and support system, high interest rate, uncomfortable loan repayment schedule, loan size, loan capital shortage, lack of use of technology and cost effective methods, human resource problem, lack of access to credit, insufficient support from government, limited management capacity of microfinance institutions, less attraction on financial sustainability, improper regulations, and limited management capacity of micro finance institutions. Keywords: MFIs, poverty, role of MFIs, problems on performance, poverty reduction DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-5-04 Publication date:March 31st 201