10,469 research outputs found

    He Scattering from Compact Clusters and from Diffusion-Limited Aggregates on Surfaces: Observable Signatures of Structure

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    The angular intensity distribution of He beams scattered from compact clusters and from diffusion limited aggregates, epitaxially grown on metal surfaces, is investigated theoretically. The purpose is twofold: to distinguish compact cluster structures from diffusion limited aggregates, and to find observable {\em signatures} that can characterize the compact clusters at the atomic level of detail. To simplify the collision dynamics, the study is carried out in the framework of the sudden approximation, which assumes that momentum changes perpendicular to the surface are large compared with momentum transfer due to surface corrugation. The diffusion limited aggregates on which the scattering calculations were done, were generated by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. It is demonstrated, by focusing on the example of compact Pt Heptamers, that signatures of structure of compact clusters may indeed be extracted from the scattering distribution. These signatures enable both an experimental distinction between diffusion limited aggregates and compact clusters, and a determination of the cluster structure. The characteristics comprising the signatures are, to varying degrees, the Rainbow, Fraunhofer, specular and constructive interference peaks, all seen in the intensity distribution. It is also shown, how the distribution of adsorbate heights above the metal surface can be obtained by an analysis of the specular peak attenuation. The results contribute to establishing He scattering as a powerful tool in the investigation of surface disorder and epitaxial growth on surfaces, alongside with STM.Comment: 41 pages, 16 postscript figures. For more details see http://www.fh.huji.ac.il/~dan

    Splitting between Bright and Dark excitons in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers

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    The optical properties of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers such as the two-dimensional semiconductors MoS2_2 and WSe2_2 are dominated by excitons, Coulomb bound electron-hole pairs. The light emission yield depends on whether the electron-hole transitions are optically allowed (bright) or forbidden (dark). By solving the Bethe Salpeter Equation on top of GWGW wave functions in density functional theory calculations, we determine the sign and amplitude of the splitting between bright and dark exciton states. We evaluate the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on the optical spectra and clearly demonstrate the strong impact of the intra-valley Coulomb exchange term on the dark-bright exciton fine structure splitting.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetization driven metal - insulator transition in strongly disordered Ge:Mn magnetic semiconductors

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    We report on the temperature and field driven metal-insulator transition in disordered Ge:Mn magnetic semiconductors accompanied by magnetic ordering, magnetoresistance reaching thousands of percents and suppression of the extraordinary Hall effect by a magnetic field. Magnetoresistance isotherms are shown to obey a universal scaling law with a single scaling parameter depending on temperature and fabrication. We argue that the strong magnetic disorder leads to localization of charge carriers and is the origin of the unusual properties of Ge:Mn alloys.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Toward a direct and scalable identification of reduced models for categorical processes

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    The applicability of many computational approaches is dwelling on the identification of reduced models defined on a small set of collective variables (colvars). A methodology for scalable probability-preserving identification of reduced models and colvars directly from the data is derived—not relying on the availability of the full relation matrices at any stage of the resulting algorithm, allowing for a robust quantification of reduced model uncertainty and allowing us to impose a priori available physical information. We show two applications of the methodology: (i) to obtain a reduced dynamical model for a polypeptide dynamics in water and (ii) to identify diagnostic rules from a standard breast cancer dataset. For the first example, we show that the obtained reduced dynamical model can reproduce the full statistics of spatial molecular configurations—opening possibilities for a robust dimension and model reduction in molecular dynamics. For the breast cancer data, this methodology identifies a very simple diagnostics rule—free of any tuning parameters and exhibiting the same performance quality as the state of the art machine-learning applications with multiple tuning parameters reported for this problem

    Improving clustering by imposing network information

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    Cluster analysis is one of the most popular data analysis tools in a wide range of applied disciplines. We propose and justify a computationally efficient and straightforward-to-implement way of imposing the available information from networks/graphs (a priori available in many application areas) on a broad family of clustering methods. The introduced approach is illustrated on the problem of a noninvasive unsupervised brain signal classification. This task is faced with several challenging difficulties such as nonstationary noisy signals and a small sample size, combined with a high-dimensional feature space and huge noise-to-signal ratios. Applying this approach results in an exact unsupervised classification of very short signals, opening new possibilities for clustering methods in the area of a noninvasive brain-computer interface

    He Scattering from Random Adsorbates, Disordered Compact Islands and Fractal Submonolayers: Intensity Manifestations of Surface Disorder

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    A theoretical study is made on He scattering from three fundamental classes of disordered ad-layers: (a) Translationally random adsorbates, (b) disordered compact islands and (c) fractal submonolayers. The implications of the results to experimental studies of He scattering from disordered surfaces are discussed, and a combined experimental-theoretical study is made for Ag submonolayers on Pt(111). Some of the main theoretical findings are: (1) Structural aspects of the calculated intensities from translationally random clusters were found to be strongly correlated with those of individual clusters. (2) Low intensity Bragg interference peaks appear even for scattering from very small ad-islands, and contain information on the ad-island local electron structure. (3) For fractal islands, just as for islands with a different structure, the off-specular intensity depends on the parameters of the He/Ag interaction, and does not follow a universal power law as previously proposed in the literature. In the experimental-theoretical study of Ag on Pt(111), we use first experimental He scattering data from low-coverage (single adsorbate) systems to determine an empirical He/Ag-Pt potential of good quality. Then, we carry out He scattering calculations for high coverage and compare with experiments. The conclusions are that the actual experimental phase corresponds to small compact Ag clusters of narrow size distribution, translationally disordered on the surface.Comment: 36 double-spaced pages, 10 figures; accepted by J. Chem. Phys., scheduled to appear March 8. More info available at http://www.fh.huji.ac.il/~dani

    You Can\u27t Stop Me From Loving You

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    Transverse "resistance overshoot" in a Si/SiGe two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall effect regime

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    We investigate the peculiarities of the "overshoot" phenomena in the transverse Hall resistance R_{xy} in Si/SiGe. Near the low magnetic field end of the quantum Hall effect plateaus, when the filling factor \nu approaches an integer i, R_{xy} overshoots the normal plateau value h/ie^2. However, if magnetic field B increases further, R_{xy} decreases to its normal value. It is shown that in the investigated sample n-Si/Si_{0.7}Ge_{0.3}, overshoots exist for almost all \nu. Existence of overshoot in R_{xy} observed in different materials and for different \nu, where splitting of the adjacent Landau bands has different character, hints at the common origin of this effect. Comparison of the experimental curves R_{xy}(\nu) for \nu = 3 and \nu = 5 with and without overshoot showed that this effect exist in the whole interval between plateaus, not only in the region where R_{xy} exceeds the normal plateau value.Comment: 3 pages, 5 EPS figure

    Pregnancy-associated breast cancer - Special features in diagnosis and treatment

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    For obvious psychological reasons it is difficult to associate pregnancy - a life-giving period of our existence with life-threatening malignancies. Symptoms pointing to malignancy are often ignored by both patients and physicians, and this, together with the greater difficulty of diagnostic imaging, probably results in the proven delay in the detection of breast cancers during pregnancy. The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are becoming more and more important, as the fulfillment of the desire to have children is increasingly postponed until a later age associated with a higher risk of carcinoma, and improved cure rates of solid tumors no longer exclude subsequent pregnancies. The following article summarizes the special features of the diagnosis and primary therapy of pregnancy-associated breast cancer with particular consideration of cytostatic therapy
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