937 research outputs found

    Ion Exchange Experiments – Water Softening and Deionization

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    The purpose of the project was to create ion exchange experiments to be used by junior chemical engineering students in Chemical Engineering Laboratory (4200:360). The lab activities are to build upon each other and closely resemble what is done in industry. A lab manual was created delineating each activity and its corresponding background, instructions, schematic, and assignment. Using the tools for designing an ion exchange system, taught throughout the experiments, the students will present a design proposal. The ion exchange activities are based on labs currently being completed at other universities, as well as designed to illustrate the chemical engineering concepts behind ion exchange. Water softeners are one of the most common ion exchangers available on the market. They are also most often used for ion exchange labs because of their simplicity in nature. During the design of the activities, I strove to incorporate all the aspects of designing an ion exchanger. By incorporating all aspects of designing an ion exchanger I was able to determine step by step how to go from an idea to having all the information needed to create an industrial sized ion exchanger

    Skin in the Game: Providing Redress for American Sports\u27 Appropriation of Native American Iconography

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    To date, legal efforts to eradicate the use of Native American iconography in American sports have focused on the concept of Indian nicknames as disparaging terms and Indian mascots as harmful images. But subjective claims of harm are hard to prove and are often thwarted by First Amendment protections because judges remain reluctant to regulate expressive and commercial freedom of speech based on offense. And while a 2014 ruling by the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board cancelling six of the Washington Redskins’ trademark registrations was a landmark moment for name-change advocates, the decision could be overturned on appeal. This paper outlines a different approach in exploring the legal validity of American Indian sports nicknames and mascots by examining trademark, copyright, and right of publicity laws that govern the appropriation of personal and brand identity. While the commercial use of one\u27s identity is protected under right of publicity laws, this legal principle is rarely evoked in legal petitions brought by activists, resolutions encouraged by legislators, or by the many scholars who agree on the harmful effects of cultural misappropriation. Based on my case study of the Chicago Blackhawks, an NHL team using the moniker of a legendary Indian chief, I offer a proposal that uses existing right of publicity law to challenge the unfettered appropriation of Native American indicia of identity

    Fourth-order dispersion mediated modulation instability in dispersion oscillating fibers

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    We investigate the role played by fourth-order dispersion on the modulation instability process in dispersion oscillating fibers. It not only leads to the appearance of instability sidebands in the normal dispersion regime (as in uniform fibers), but also to a new class of large detuned instability peaks that we ascribe to the variation of dispersion. All these theoretical predictions are experimentally confirmed. (C) 2013 Optical Society of Americ

    Robust Encryption, Extended

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    Robustness is a notion often tacitly assumed while working with encrypted data. Roughly speaking, it states that a ciphertext cannot be decrypted under different keys. Initially formalized in a public-key context, it has been further extended to key-encapsulation mechanisms, and more recently to pseudorandom functions, message authentication codes and authenticated encryption. In this work, we motivate the importance of establishing similar guarantees for functional encryption schemes, even under adversarially generated keys. Our main security notion is intended to capture the scenario where a ciphertext obtained under a master key (corresponding to Authority 1) is decrypted by functional keys issued under a different master key (Authority 2). Furthermore, we show there exist simple functional encryption schemes where robustness under adversarial key-generation is not achieved. As a secondary and independent result, we formalize robustness for digital signatures – a signature should not verify under multiple keys – and point out that certain signature schemes are not robust when the keys are adversarially generated. We present simple, generic transforms that turn a scheme into a robust one, while maintaining the original scheme’s security. For the case of public-key functional encryption, we look into ciphertext anonymity and provide a transform achieving it

    Hemorrhagic valsalva retinopathy in a pregnant woman: Rétinopathie hémorragique de valsalva chez une femme enceinte

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    Valsalva retinopathy is caused by a sudden increase in intra-thoracic or abdominal pressure, following forced expiration, with mouth and nose closed (Valsalva maneuver). Increased venous pressure may result in rupture of the superficial retinal capillaries, causing haemorrhagic detachment of the retinal inner limit membrane and, eventually, vitreous haemorrhage. The associated visual loss can be profound if hemorrhage occurs in the premacular region. We report a case of Valsalva retinopathy in a pregnant woman at 24 weeks of amenorrhea. A 36 years old patient, who consulted for brutal visual acuity decrease of the left eye, evolving since 24 hours, following the exercises of gymnastics. The refraction has showed a decrease of visual acuity in the left eye to the point the patient can”see the hand moving”, while the visual acuity remained normal in the right eye. La rétinopathie de Valsalva est causée par une augmentation soudaine de la pression intra-thoracique ou abdominale, suite à une expiration forcée, avec la bouche et le nez fermés (manoeuvre de Valsalva). Cette augmentation de la pression veineuse peut entraîner une rupture des capillaires superficiels de la rétine, entraînant un décollement hémorragique de la membrane interne de la rétine et, éventuellement, une hémorragie du vitré. La perte visuelle associée peut être profonde si une hémorragie survient dans la région prémaculaire. Nous rapportons un cas de rétinopathie de Valsalva chez une parturiente de 36 ans à 24 semaines d’amenorhée, ayant consulté pour une diminution brutale de l’acuité visuelle de l’oeil gauche, évoluant depuis 24 heures après les exercices de gymnastique. La réfraction a démontré une diminution de l’acuité visuelle dans l’oeil gauche pour permettre à la main de bouger », alors que l’acuité visuelle est restée normale dans l’oeil droit

    Echographie des noeuds lymphatiques, des vaisseaux sanguins, du thymus, et de la rate chez les ruminants domestiques

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    L’échographie est un examen complémentaire très répandu en médecine des carnivores mais encore peu utilisé par les vétérinaires ruraux en dehors des suivis de reproduction. Les vaisseaux sanguins, les noeuds lymphatiques, la rate et le thymus sont des organes pour lesquels il est difficile d’établir un diagnostic en cas d’affection ; soit parce qu’ils ne sont pas accessibles à l’examen clinique, soit parce que la palpation seule ne permet pas d’identifier les différentes pathologies possibles. Cette étude renseigne l’anatomie de ces organes accessibles par échographie ainsi que leur apparence échographique physiologique. Elle présente aussi des cas cliniques d’animaux hospitalisés à l’ENVT ayant eu une atteinte de ces organes afin d’établir une banque non exhaustive d’images pathologique