139 research outputs found
Periodic Pattern in the Residual-Velocity Field of OB Associations
An analysis of the residual-velocity field of OB associations within 3 kpc of
the Sun has revealed periodic variations in the radial residual velocities
along the Galactic radius vector with a typical scale length of
lambda=2.0(+/-0.2) kpc and a mean amplitude of fR=7(+/-1) km/s. The fact that
the radial residual velocities of almost all OB-associations in rich
stellar-gas complexes are directed toward the Galactic center suggests that the
solar neighborhood under consideration is within the corotation radius. The
azimuthal-velocity field exhibits a distinct periodic pattern in the region
0<l<180 degrees, where the mean azimuthal-velocity amplitude is ft=6(+/-2)
km/s. There is no periodic pattern of the azimuthal-velocity field in the
region 180<l<360 degrees. The locations of the Cygnus arm, as well as the
Perseus arm, inferred from an analysis of the radial- and azimuthal-velocity
fields coincide. The periodic patterns of the residual-velocity fields of
Cepheids and OB associations share many common features.Comment: 21 page
The organisation of using videolaparoscopy in military field hospital in conditions of anti-terroristic operations in Easter Ukraine
Ministry of Defense, Kiyv, Military-Medical Clinical Centre of south region, Odessa, Military-Medical Clinical Centre of south region of Ukraine, Odessa, Odessa national medical university, Odessa, Military-Medical Clinical Center of South region, Odessa, Ukraine, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și
al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaBackground: Improvement of the medical support for injured in the region of anti-terroristic operation by using endovideo surgical
techniques in the hospitals of the 2-3nd Echelon.
Methods and materials: In June 2014 mobile military hospital was set up for providing qualified surgical help to warriors in the region
of eastern Ukraine. 1460operations (62 laparoscopic) were carried out during first 9 months.
Results: We use data of 23 patients suffered under abdomen and pelvis injuries: 18 had missile and gunshot wounds, 5 had closed
traumas. Acute diseases of the abdomen cavity were diagnosed 39 patients. The penetrative character of shoot wound was excluded
by 6 patients using the diagnostic laparoscopy. Out of 5 patients with closed traumas of abdomen, injuries of internal organs were
identified in 2 cases, operations were finished laparoscopically. Suffering from urgent diseases of the abdomen cavity organs, 10
patients underwent the laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis; 2 persons - the laparoscopic diverticulectomy for Meckel’s
diverticulitis; in 3 cases the ovarian apoplexy and haemoperitoneum were detected during the laparoscopy, the laparoscopic resection
of ovarium was performed; 1 patient underwent laparoscopy for pancreonecrosis, 20 laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute calculous
cholecystitis; one laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cancer of the pancreas, obstructive jaundice; 2 patients had laparoscopic suturing
of perforative ulcers in duodenum.
Conclusion: Well-founded approaches of treatment and diagnosis of shoot wounds of abdomen and pelvis by using the video
laparoscopic equipment in the field conditions (first time in the Ukrainian history) were performed. Application of the endovideo surgical
technics allowed avoiding 20 useless laparotomies
Band spectra of rectangular graph superlattices
We consider rectangular graph superlattices of sides l1, l2 with the
wavefunction coupling at the junctions either of the delta type, when they are
continuous and the sum of their derivatives is proportional to the common value
at the junction with a coupling constant alpha, or the "delta-prime-S" type
with the roles of functions and derivatives reversed; the latter corresponds to
the situations where the junctions are realized by complicated geometric
scatterers. We show that the band spectra have a hidden fractal structure with
respect to the ratio theta := l1/l2. If the latter is an irrational badly
approximable by rationals, delta lattices have no gaps in the weak-coupling
case. We show that there is a quantization for the asymptotic critical values
of alpha at which new gap series open, and explain it in terms of
number-theoretic properties of theta. We also show how the irregularity is
manifested in terms of Fermi-surface dependence on energy, and possible
localization properties under influence of an external electric field.
KEYWORDS: Schroedinger operators, graphs, band spectra, fractals,
quasiperiodic systems, number-theoretic properties, contact interactions, delta
coupling, delta-prime coupling.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe
Galactic Rotation Parameters from Data on Open Star Clusters
Currently available data on the field of velocities Vr, Vl, Vb for open star
clusters are used to perform a kinematic analysis of various samples that
differ by heliocentric distance, age, and membership in individual structures
(the Orion, Carina--Sagittarius, and Perseus arms). Based on 375 clusters
located within 5 kpc of the Sun with ages up to 1 Gyr, we have determined the
Galactic rotation parameters
Wo =-26.0+-0.3 km/s/kpc,
W'o = 4.18+-0.17 km/s/kpc^2,
W''o=-0.45+-0.06 km/s/kpc^3, the system contraction parameter K = -2.4+-0.1
km/s/kpc, and the parameters of the kinematic center Ro =7.4+-0.3 kpc and lo =
0+-1 degrees. The Galactocentric distance Ro in the model used has been found
to depend significantly on the sample age. Thus, for example, it is 9.5+-0.7
kpc and 5.6+-0.3 kpc for the samples of young (50 Myr)
clusters, respectively. Our study of the kinematics of young open star clusters
in various spiral arms has shown that the kinematic parameters are similar to
the parameters obtained from the entire sample for the Carina-Sagittarius and
Perseus arms and differ significantly from them for the Orion arm. The
contraction effect is shown to be typical of star clusters with various ages.
It is most pronounced for clusters with a mean age of 100 Myr, with the
contraction velocity being Kr = -4.3+-1.0 km/s.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
Развитие электрохимических методов измерения скорости коррозии металлов научной школы профессора Л.И. Антропова
Розглянуто розвиток наукових основ електрохімічних методів визначення швидкості корозії металів, робота над якими започаткована під керівництвом видатного електрохіміка Л.І. Антропова та продовжується послідовниками його школи. Опрацьовано аспекти точності визначення швидкості корозії методом поляризаційного опору (Rp). Показано, що використання двохелектродної схеми істотно знижує похибку вимірювань Rp. Уточнені співвідношення для коефіцієнта пропорційності між Rp і швидкістю корозії з урахуванням структури подвійного електрохімічного шару та впливу специфічної адсорбції іонів, які перевірено експериментально. Виведено аналітичну залежність для визначення швидкості корозії за наявності великих поляризаційних ємностей. Розглянуто метод нелінійної подвійної поляризації для визначення кінетичних параметрів корозії за аналітичною формулою в системі з дифузійним або пасиваційним контролем, який не потребує застосування емпіричних коефіцієнтів. Описано новий неруйнівний метод на основі поляризаційного опору з використанням неполяризованих електродів. Показано приклади практичного застосування цього методу в дослідженнях корозійної стійкості зварного з’єднання. За дослідженнями характеру зміни поляризаційного опору в часі в сульфатній кислоті за наявності амінокислот і похідних гуанідину виведено кількісні співвідношення, які визначають зростання фазових плівок на поверхні металів залежно від часу експозиції та концентрації інгібітору.The development of scientific bases of electrochemical methods for the determination of the corrosion rate, which were originated under the guidance of outstanding electrochemists L.I. Antropov and continued by his followers’ school, was investigated. Accuracy aspects of the corrosion rate determination by polarization resistance (Rp) method were discussed. It was shown that application of the two-electrode cell significantly decreases Rp determination error. The relations for the proportionality constant between R p and corrosion rate accounting the electrochemical double layer structure and the influence of specific ion adsorption were improved and experimentally tested. Analytical dependence for corrosion rate determination in the presence of large polarization capacities was derived. A method of non-linear double polarization for the kinetic parameters of corrosion determination was discussed using analytical equation in systems with diffusion or passivation control without application of empirical coefficients. New non-destructive methods based on polarization resistance with application of non-polarizable electrodes were described. The examples of the practical application of this method in corrosion research of welded connection were shown. Quantitative relations for films growth on the metal surface at different exposure time and acid concentration were derived from time dependences of polarization resistance in sulfuric acid in the presence of aminoacids and guanidine derivatives.Рассмотрено развитие научных основ электрохимических методов определения скорости коррозии, работа над которыми была начата под руководством выдающегося электрохимика Л.И. Антропова и продолжается последователями его школы. Рассмотрены аспекты точности определения скорости коррозии методом поляризационного сопротивления (Rp). Показано, что использование двухэлектродной схемы существенно снижает погрешность измерений Rp. Уточнены соотношения для коэффициента пропорциональности между Rp и скоростью коррозии с учетом структуры двойного электрического слоя и влияния специфической адсорбции ионов, которые проверены экспериментально. Выведена аналитическая зависимость для определения скорости коррозии при наличии больших поляризационных емкостей. Представлен метод нелинейной двойной поляризации для определения кинетических параметров коррозии в системе с диффузионным или пассивационным контролем по аналитической формуле, который не требует использования эмпирических коэффициентов. Описан новый неразрушающий метод на основе поляризационного сопротивления с использованием неполяризуемых электродов. Показаны примеры практического применения этого метода в исследованиях коррозионной стойкости сварного шва. По результатам исследований характера изменения поляризационного сопротивления во времени в серной кислоте в присутствии аминокислот и производных гуанидина выведены количественные соотношения, которые определяют рост фазовых пленок на поверхности металла в зависимости от времени экспозиции и концентрации ингибитора
Antibiotic Dosing in Chronic Kidney Disease
Infectious process is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with chronic kidney disease. Prescription of antibacterial drugs should take into account the pharmacokinetic parameters of the medicine and the individual characteristics of the patient. Adequate antibiotic dosing is crucial for positive treatment outcome and minimisation of side effects. The aim of the study was to analyse scientific literature on factors affecting the dosing of antibacterials in patients with chronic kidney disease. Since most antibacterial medicines are eliminated by the kidneys, a decrease in glomerular filtration rate or kidney function should be followed by the dose adjustment in order to prevent the medicine accumulation and reduce the risk of side effects. Antibiotic dosing in such patients should be accompanied by kidney function assessment and be adjusted to ensure effective and safe treatment, as well as prevention of bacterial resistance. The review provides data on the dosing of some antibiotic groups (beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones) at different creatinine clearance rates. Extrarenal excretion of medicines does not usually require the dose adjustment in patients with chronic kidney disease
Application of videolaparoscopy in a field military hospital
В мобильном госпитале в полевых условиях у 62 пациентов выполнены видеоэндоскопические операции по поводу различных повреждений и заболеваний органов брюшной полости. Это позволило у 20 пострадавших избежать выполнения напрасной лапаротомии. У 11 из них устранены повреждения, в том числе у 3 — при сочетанных ранениях груди и живота, у 6 — изолированном ранении живота. Диагностическая лапароскопия выполнена у 5 пострадавших при закрытой травме живота и сомнительных результатах лапароцентеза, у 6 — при непроникающих огнестрельных ранениях. При массовом поступлении раненых возможности лечебной лапароскопии ограничены.In a mobile hospital whilw a field conditions videoendoscopic operations for various damages of abdominal organs and diseases were performed in 62 patients. This have permitted to avoid performance of ineffective laparotomy in 20 injured persons. In 11 of them the injuries were repaired, including in 3 — while thoraco—abdominal woundings present, and in 6 — in isolated abdominal wounding. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed in 5injured persons, suffering closed abdominal trauma and doubtful results of laparocentesis, and in 6 — in nonpenetrating gun—shot woundings. In a mass admittance of the wounded patients the treatment laparoscopy possibilities are restricted
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