2 research outputs found

    Glopl, a global data base on pollen limitation of plant reproduction

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    Plant reproduction relies on transfer of pollen from anthers to stigmas, and the majority of flowering plants depend on biotic or abiotic agents for this transfer. A key metric for characterizing if pollen receipt is insufficient for reproduction is pollen limitation, which is assessed by pollen supplementation experiments. In a pollen supplementation experiment, fruit or seed production by flowers exposed to natural pollination is compared to that following hand pollination either by pollen supplementation (i.e. manual outcross pollen addition without bagging) or manual outcrossing of bagged flowers, which excludes natural pollination. The GloPL database brings together data from 2969 unique pollen supplementation experiments reported in 927 publications published from 1981 to 2015, allowing assessment of the strength and variability of pollen limitation in 1265 wild plant species across all biomes and geographic regions globally. The GloPL database will be updated and curated with the aim of enabling the continued study of pollen limitation in natural ecosystems and highlighting significant gaps in our understanding of pollen limitation.<p>Correction in: Scientific Data, vol. 6, article number: 2. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-018-0006-1</p

    Data on the effects of heterospecific pollen receipt

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    Data from analyses presented in Arceo-Gomez and Ashman 2016 "Invasion status and phylogenetic relatedness predict cost of聽heterospecific pollen receipt: implications for native biodiversity decline", published in Journal of Ecology. The data was collected from published literature on the effects of heterospecific pollen receipt and was used in meta-analyse