31 research outputs found

    Monitoring storage induced changes in the platelet proteome employing label free quantitative mass spectrometry

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    Shelf life of platelet concentrates is limited to 5-7 days due to loss of platelet function during storage, commonly referred to as the platelet storage lesion (PSL). To get more insight into the development of the PSL, we used label free quantitative mass spectrometry to identify changes in the platelet proteome during storage. In total 2501 proteins were accurately quantified in 3 biological replicates on at least 1 of the 7 different time-points analyzed. Significant changes in levels of 21 proteins were observed over time. Gene ontology enrichment analysis of these proteins revealed that the majority of this set was involved in platelet degranulation, secretion and regulated exocytosis. Twelve of these proteins have been shown to reside in α-granules. Upon prolonged storage (13-16 days) elevated levels of α-2-macroglobulin, glycogenin and Ig μ chain C region were identified. Taken together this study identifies novel markers for monitoring of the PSL that may potentially also be used for the detection of "young" and "old" platelets in the circulation

    Investigations of the Mars Upper Atmosphere with ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

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    The Martian mesosphere and thermosphere, the region above about 60 km, is not the primary target of the ExoMars 2016 mission but its Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) can explore it and address many interesting issues, either in-situ during the aerobraking period or remotely during the regular mission. In the aerobraking phase TGO peeks into thermospheric densities and temperatures, in a broad range of latitudes and during a long continuous period. TGO carries two instruments designed for the detection of trace species, NOMAD and ACS, which will use the solar occultation technique. Their regular sounding at the terminator up to very high altitudes in many different molecular bands will represent the first time that an extensive and precise dataset of densities and hopefully temperatures are obtained at those altitudes and local times on Mars. But there are additional capabilities in TGO for studying the upper atmosphere of Mars, and we review them briefly. Our simulations suggest that airglow emissions from the UV to the IR might be observed outside the terminator. If eventually confirmed from orbit, they would supply new information about atmospheric dynamics and variability. However, their optimal exploitation requires a special spacecraft pointing, currently not considered in the regular operations but feasible in our opinion. We discuss the synergy between the TGO instruments, specially the wide spectral range achieved by combining them. We also encourage coordinated operations with other Mars-observing missions capable of supplying simultaneous measurements of its upper atmosphere

    Opto-electronic feedback control of membrane potential for real-time control of action potentials

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    To unlock new research possibilities by acquiring control of action potential (AP) morphologies in excitable cells, we developed an opto-electronic feedback loop-based system integrating cellular electrophysiology, real-time computing, and optogenetic approaches and applied it to monolayers of heart muscle cells. This allowed accurate restoration and preservation of cardiac AP morphologies in the presence of electrical perturbations of different origin in an unsupervised, self-regulatory manner, without any prior knowledge of the disturbance. Moreover, arbitrary AP waveforms could be enforced onto these cells. Collectively, these results set the stage for the refinement and application of opto-electronic control systems to enable in-depth investigation into the regulatory role of membrane potential in health and disease.Electronic Components, Technology and Material